

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Valentine's Day

Jeanath on VDAY mood? Trust me the shirt color coding is not predetermined. It was pure chance :)

So anyway, earlier at work while I visit my favorite cubicle, I typed a decent length of a post only to have lost it due to blogpress' (iPhone blogger app) inability to autosave entries.

That was also thanks to my now three-year valentine champion, Shenath Thomas Dias who happened to also found the time to idle in the locker room and decided to give me a call just as I was about to end my post and publish it.


Nevetheless, it doesn't matter. The words are not retrievable but my aim of posting is still the same - about valentine's day.

This annual celebration of the heart is the day everyone seem conditioned to spend more money on cute stuff to please their other halfs, and supposedly the day in which they should shower their love on the special someone in their life.

I have celebrated and made fuss on making sure valentine's day run smooth and all but as I come to age, the day never fail to make me see how shallow everyone can be.

It's just ONE DAY.

And it shouldn't dictate why you must choose this day to show your undying love for someone.

Show it now, today, tomorrow. Not necessarily on VDAY!

Some couples however, planned to be different and avoid the norms :)

Shenath and I came to an agreement that we shall work on this day, and because it is double pay due to the collision with CNY day 1.

It was a tiring day buy nevetheless it was productive :)

Our Valentine Day make up session will come soon. Well, it's not really a vday make up session but oh well, might as well find nice way to put it.

The make up session details will be posted in future posts as the time comes :)

Meanwhile all I can say is that it will be great fun :)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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