

Thursday, July 19, 2007


today i left early from the all-so-boring class.
i had maths and computing; Maths for today - which explains why the boredom overwhelmed.
the team was alright, nisha and sahidah, always as productive - kind of rub to my guilt though
but in all sense i could not really be bothered what lousy grade the facilitator would give me.
last week, he gave me a C - just because i wasnt talking.
oh what the hell. i mean beats the whole point right, if your talking, you get shit.
then again if you're not, you also get shit. and guess what, they call themselves EDUCATORS?
i dont comprehend their insatiable nature. nothing is good but something is bad.

moving on from their lousy judgement, i left early as i have just said.
1. to meet hidayah
2. and go to my place for early dinner - or late lunch =))

it has been long since i saw her and she saw me.
ive known her thoroughly for 5 years and running now.
i am very glad that she is still around amidst all the changes that life brings.
yes we talk on and off, but i can say that she will be one of those people who will still be with me even at my final breath. =))
well, that would count the other three girlfriends. missing you all dears

[hilarious moments] hidayah offered me chewing gums with those scent of strawberry.
she said 'bimbotically' - "They smell like those scented erasers, twas why i like eating erasers last time" - then she gave that 'omg i cant believe i said that' face.
I was utterly shocked and i told her, i dont care, im blogging about this.
and so this is it. she might come after me soon. *crosses fingers*

so at my place, my mum had the food ready and then after hidayah and her has chatted,
we had our meals - the roasted chicken was in danger at hidayah's hands.
she ate them up all the last time there was such an occasion at my place. =))
after eating, we created her blog - i did the editting while she bosses me around
okay okay, she did not. so go see hidayah on blogspot
we were talking about a lot of things, from random things like xiaxue to our normal topics
like what about xiaxue? it was actually what im told that...


featured at the 7 Top Most Disgusting Bloggers goes to my school! [Informer]
so what *janny* has witnessed "she was with her friends and people kept looking and whispering things about her" - poor thing or the side effect of publicity?
whatever the game or issues, i felt that what i feel is not at all necessary.
plus, im not bothered. i just find that it's a funny(fine. in a sadistic way)that she happens
to come to my school.
Okay, moving forward...

as we talk of everything and everyone,
i realized that the main things that we tend to derive from what we go through now is happiness.
how happiness really becomes the key part in life...
how it comes to contact with what we are and what we can possibly be.
knowing that life should not be complete unless it is filled with happiness, i come to think that it holds a very major part in what we do.
doing what we think could make us happy and smile with genuine satisfaction deems to be harder than what we think.
yet, doing what makes us happy still seems to be just seconds away from reality.
hidayah said something that i feel so concern about,
comprehend this sentences and i bet that you will feel similarly.
in whatever sense, i think that i do too.

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