

Friday, December 20, 2013

15 Learning Points of 2013

It seems only yesterday that I was reflecting on how my 2012 went, and now I've to do it again for 2013. It's too soon, I must say. I could still remember the wonderful feeling of watching the fireworks as I welcome 2013 with my family and girlfriends.

This year, the word Family, etched stronger in my heart and mind. I do my best to accommodate and work on my relationships with each and everyone of my family members.

It's a wonderful year, in short. I guess that's why it sped by so quickly.

As Christmas is around the corner, I find myself thinking about my plans for next year but trying my best to not fast forward too soon. I want to bask in whatever that's left of 2013, and reflect.

For the purpose of my own remembrance, below are some highlights of my year 2013.

1) Realized that I am in love with 2 different kind of guys, or at least I am in love with the good i see in both of them. I guess I find myself hoping that they be merge into one for my benefit. Alas, God doesn't work that way. A friend made a good point in questioning me on how do I uncover a prince among frogs when I never bothered getting into the pond and kiss them one by one.

2) I realized the importance of relationships - at home, outside, at work and in my Church communities. I learned the need to set aside time for people i dub that matters to me.

3) Despite number 2, the most important relationship ever is that with God and with myself. I cannot see the importance of relationship with others when I fail to see the greatness of my relationship with God.

4) I learned that my addictions result from some aspect of my life that I am not fully reconciled with.

5) I begin to understand beauty of preparation. In whatever I want to achieve, I can't always take advantage of my flare, this year proved that giving time to preparation in my life and job is essential. To the point that it should never be compromised.

6) I increase in knowledge, in skill, in understanding, in wisdom and the ability to sense what others are feeling. This cause to being attune to my surrounding should be due to my focus on my faith... in God.

7) Knowledge is never power when it isn't making you a better person. It is never power when it isn't used to make the life of others better. Service is key, and I feel happy to serve. But I need to safeguard the need to be of constant service, lest it becomes a dependency, that if I feel that I'm not needed, I may fall into depression.

8) Weakness is not a shameful thing. It's important to embrace them. I always need to be aware of them so that when the devil points against it, God knows that part of me is already a work-in-progress.

9) There's a change in communication style. I realize that in every possible scenario, you can never get anyone assist you well when you do not know how to communicate exactly what you want.

10) People's treatment of me is the reflection of how I treat others, and people's love for me in the reflection of how I love others. When my heart is pure and doesn't expect, I am able to see everyone for who they really are. And no matter how evil they seem, they'll always be able to be saved - maybe not by me but definitely by God.

11) Finger pointing and appearing blameless is nasty. When something goes wrong, no matter how little my part in it, I still caused it to happened. Simple. No one is blameless, it's how we do whatever we can to make amend and change.

12) I enjoy solitary travels. I am able to go anywhere and everywhere I want. In a group, I will always find the time to go on my own somewhere.

13) I must remember to bring my iBanking token. Many times this year I felt so penniless because I lost my iBanking token or I never activated the new one and so forth. I only found out last week that I could send SMS to my HP to receive the code. How stupid.

14) In the case from 12 and 13, i must not book one-way tickets to Philippines. This year in March, i got held up for 1 extra week due to tickets being unavailable and not bringing my new iBanking token.

15) I see the big need to keep real to myself and keep to my goals. Being a people pleaser will get me nowhere. I cannot please everyone.

Those are just some of my many learnings this year. More posts to come from me from now on :)

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