

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Everyday is a NEW day.

So yesterday, it wasn't eventually such a great day, due to a sudden stumble in the love dept.
But i guess thinking positive creates the magnet for positive events to occur in my life.
I have a strong belief in the power of the mind, as well as karmic balance of individuals.

I also believe in aura and the philosophical nature of life.
That's why sometimes, quote-of-the-day phrases can inspire me.
It can get to me and create a form of drive, for real.
I try to find the gees and mechanism of these quotes, and how they are formed, made popular and actually create a form of significance to me, and many others.

I'm not really posting this to talk about quotes of the day, or of philosophical matters etc.
I just wanted to share with you all that you should welcome these aspects in your life, these positive thoughts, aura etc, if you seek comfort and a new form of peace within (:

First step: Breathe in, breathe out.
Next: Think that you want the good outcome from the day
Next: Think positive
Next (most important): Practice positivity.
Last: Thank the higher power, God, nature, etc.

Finally, i want to share with you that if you have been feeling that change is in the air.
Be it in economy, politics, environmental, health, and your personal life.
There is an astrological reason for this really.
Believe it or not, i think astrology is a study that shouldn't be taken lightly nor with the regard that it is nonsensical.
Sure those psychic fakes, those daily horoscope that say you will be the luckiest person today or the otherwise, can be disregard in credibility, but i'm saying the real studies of planetary movements and the astronomical aspect of astrology.

Oh and to come back to my point, the reason that amazes me is this:

"Saturn and Uranus will be exactly opposite each other again on September 15, forming what is known as an 'opposition' in astrology -- two planets positioned 180 degrees apart. This is the third of five such oppositions that started on November 4, 2008, and it will continue until July 26, 2010. These oppositions always come in a cycle, and happen approximately every 45 years. The last time these two planets formed oppositions was 1965 to 1967, and before that from 1918 to 1920. The Saturn-Uranus opposition that sent us on a roller coaster ride last fall and earlier this year returns for an encore to evoke more major shifts, both in your personal life and globally. Think back to November 2008 and February 2009 - what was happening in your life back then?"

Think of these changes:


1. US appointed its very first African American President.

2. Japanese ruling party failing to get votes and support after many years of being in power.
3. Health peace changes: discovery of bird flu and then swine flu, and the potential threat of having these two virus combined.
4. On the lighter note, Facebook clinched majority usage in Singapore from Friendster within these timings, dun you think? :D yey for facebook.

of course there are more, even within your inner self, your family, your loved one, everyone.
there is this call for change that seems very appalling, yet needed.
and to think, there's a particular force that ensures this.

think on this.

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