Sunday, July 29, 2007
issues closed.
i realize that it only takes a bigger ego, to not succumb to someone who's making the whole entire issue difficult.
it's like when everything seem to just shut itself up, someone just seems itchy to pry it open again and then is itching me the wrong way.
be so hard and childish about it then. you want it that way, so be it.
in the end, when you need someone to talk about something that you know im the only one you can turn to, maybe then you'd realize how much i really mean to you.
but sometimes it's just sad knowing it at the last minute.
eventually, everything ends this way and i realize as well that im writing in for the sake of nothing.
if you read this or not, you will still take it the wrong way, talk about it the wrong way, breathe about it the wrong way and even smell it the wrong way.
take your pick.
im fine with anything, cos i know im not in the losing end.
anyway, i so totally seem to be having difficulties getting rest.
and then i realize that it was because im doing it the wrong way. hehe
then i found out the right way to sleep. cooly
yawns. just thinking about it is so making me feel sleepy.
okay i got to go.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
these few days
so far so good.
so thursday i didn't go to school.
need a damn break from seeing that stupid facilitator.
he marked me C and D these two weeks.
so i realize i need to be positive and move away from seeing his face at least for the last week.
after this, i cant skip his module already.
my aim now - to get A to pull my predicted grade up.
i love computing but i totally hate it when he's covering maths.
okay, leave that irritating topic about some facilitator.
=)) thursday night i met the ABC members.
then we all watched movie - Alone
thai movie about twins and all.
fucking thriller - okay, scary.
for sucha long time, thursday was the first time for so long that i went mad screaming.
and it wasn't just from the movie, it was cos sandy shocked me.
[irritating moment]
i was finding them when i reached at PS.
so cody called me.
fucking shit he keep saying, "relax, relax. dont panic"
when i wasn't even panicking.
when i wanted to talk, he keep saying that. irritate the hell out of me only.
plus, i cant seem to find them. the say the main road - THERE'S TWO.
haha. wtf lor.
so to continue.
anyway, i was stuck in between madness.
madness 1 - sandy. (she's the most scared one she'll end up scaring you)
madness 2- cody. (you can't scream properly. he keep laughing)
vanessa and yihao minding their own business.
at least they can hide among each other - they are together.
so end up, i will 'hide on' sandy, then end up moving to cody.
she scream like shit lah!
as if she scream, the ghost wont come out liddat.
she was covering her ears - remind me of hidayah.
haha. then later on cody covered his eyes - hajar
i was as always covering my mouth.
see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
(correct or not ah?) hmms
a bit retarded can!
there's one part, i dropped something.
then i whispered to cody "umm i dropped something"
then he say "okay okay dont panic,i have light"
i was like thinking - okay there's something wrong with him.
i cant stand him saying "relax dont panic"
it makes me more panicky. lol
cody, yihao and me wanted to join my friends to party after the movie.
but then yihao want to send vanessa.
cody was dry already.
i was thinking of school tomorrow.
so all of us went home.
then yesterday,
i got stuck at causeway point.
i went to use the ladies, so i was en route to other places as the only toilet was not in use.
damn lah - i swear im not going there in the early morning anymore.
everything was shut! imagine the panic i felt. uggh.
all because of cody and sandy.
both late, then have to wait for them. lol
not that i want to - we have to. haha
vanessa wanted to wait for him so okay lor, wait then.
[it just hit me]
i spoke so much singlish these days
and now, saturday.
im so going to sleep like mad.
okay, bye.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
as my day went.
met nurul as i said, jan came along too.
ate at long john's.
first went t tampines mall branch,
twas damn packed so i decided that we head to century's
both of them were like complaining, complaining, complaining.
sorry guys, i just want to eat long john's k? hehe
well after forcing jan to eat up his share of fats, *sniggers*
we head down to sunplaza park and to the middle of 'the other world'.
jan was quite scared initially, then came amazement and then the comfortable positions.
all through the year, it has been my place with nurul.
it has been our 'little secret'. hehe
so anyway, after the day out, here i am at home.
tired and cramped. not going to school tomorrow!
hate qian these few weeks, i have to take a break this week.
plus this damn cramp is killing me.
my parents and sis are out! can u imagine that?
they went for a movie and they didn't even ask me!
i bet they are watching harry potter now! shithead luh.
so gonna watch it - very soon!!!!
anyway, i am eyeing the last book of course.
this is it, the next buy of this last installment will be something i would want to be excited about and yet, i dread it.
all through the end of half blood prince, i dread this last book.
i so so dread it because the next year and so, there aint anything to be hyped about and to look forward too.
i hope JK rowling continue tales about harry or harry's descendant or something.
hais. but i wouldnt be the same.
(every) good thing comes to an end.
note to all those fans who has bought the book, pls! i beg of you, do not reveal to me the ending.
anw, got to go, need to do RJ.
cos my team was a little bit messed up.
did UNSATISFACTORY work for science.
love the subject but then i realise somethings.
it's already proven and experienced by me today.
all four of us, lucky sandy wasnt, are in the same team, the outcome?
so here i am just recovering from the 'nervous breakdown'
CODY watching what im typing like a retarded fool. LOL
"fuck ah you" - what a vulgar respond
okay whatever, organic compound is soo hard for today.
talk about being prepared(I BROUGHT A CHEM BOOK WITH A DAMN NOTE!!!)
the final outcome, still 'SWEATY'
anyway, let me share with you the most retarded video cody and and his sec school buddy has done.
(was half wishing it was him who was flung. haha)
well okay, i got to go for now.
still love science though...
oh yeah, im meeting nurul for a movie.
yeay, meeting my deary.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
switch the slides
imagine, preparing your presentation and only having other people present it!
when they have no idea howsoever to present it.
twas the facilitators idea for the five teams to switch their presentation slides.
the content wasn't marked, but the most important thing if the understanding of the whole slides and problem today.
fun but a little bit way out of point.
twas a total waste - tho i love my slides. haha=))
okay on a much lighter note, as always, class seems to be fun.
though, cutest couple(CC) looks a bit strained today. wish them the best
anyway, in the living room now.
watching Rounin.
and just finished listening to mum's nagging.
thought she wont stop - thank GOD she did.
gosh gosh. i got to go off now!
current music addiction: LOVE TODAY - Mika
Monday, July 23, 2007
to present it to the 'board of mda(Media Development Authority)'.
we had to choose which one from the two topic.
eventually it seemed as if it was all about sex... lol
only one team did on violence.
my team's topic : SAFE SEX
message to convey : STOP ABORTION
and then again, it was super hilarious.
[hilarious moments]
guys: jean, why do the diaphragm need to be fitted?
me: well, women's vaginal comes in many different shapes and sizes, so therefore,
diaphragm needs to be fitted correctly. *face burning*
-everyone laughs madly- both with me and at the guy
to present it to the 'board of mda(Media Development Authority)'.
we had to choose which one from the two topic we wanted.
eventually it seemed as if it was all about sex... lol
only one team did on violence.
my team's topic : SAFE SEX
message to convey : STOP ABORTION
no matter the so-called 'seriousness' of it, it turned out hilarious.
then again, twas really fun!
[hilarious moment]
guys: jean, why do the diaphragm need to be fitted?
me: well, women's vaginal comes in many different shapes and sizes, so therefore,
diaphragm needs to be fitted correctly. *face burning*
-everyone laughs madly- both with me and at the guy
today, my team managed to get 'approved' by 'mda' although graphics and fonts needs to be changed.
i am quite happy with the outcome of today tho.
[jean commends her team] =))
and here's some of the slides we presented...(just click to view larger image)
but i do love the 'commercial' that sahidah's team came up with.
twas really cool. haha
theirs covered on underage sex in singapore.
but they didnt really got approved. but no matter, it rock. =))
[today's most corrupted moment]
cody's team was laughing madly.
went over to take a look too.
then i saw the most disgusting pictures searched that they were on.
cody cody. i didnt know you were into micro - i repeat - micro penis!
*shakes head* tsk tsk tsk
went to lunch with the cutest couple in class, van and yihao, janny and of course, mr micro penis lover
omg, he's so going to kill me! *crosses finger* hope he dont read this.
but then again, i dont mind. haha!
went to kopitiam to eat...
ate chicken briyani, cody wanted the same, in the end, he got a total different one cos i happen to order the last briyani... lol
[irritating moment]
cody sent out this very 'touching' friendship message.
Today is the international day for people with special needs.
Please SEND an encouraging Message to a retarded friend, just as i've done.
I don't care if you lick windows, interact with farM aniMals, sniff tires or occasionally SHIT on yourself.
You HAng in there, sunSHIne.
You're special
then so everyone had msn sending fiesta of this retarded message.
yihao almost flooded mine - end up blocking him for a while. lol
anyway, controversial in media much.
went to someone's blog.
and people, twas unnerving.
so let me have my say to you my dear.
knowing me through and through,
i hope you know what i am going to say and do,
i respect what you feel, but please respect mine too.
in a way, i see the fault isn't in me anyway.
judgmental and conceited this seem to sound, it's your problem if you cant handle this.
i am definitely sick and tired - yes. again i repeat, sick and tired.
it almost seem as if you were the one being force for such irregular bonding moment.
it's like, it's always have been 'see how', 'see first'.
and when it's almost finalized, that's when you pull away thus causing sudden re-scheduling e.g. Saturday.
so you complain and raise about your assignments.
look see, nurul has them too - at least she say it straight and she cancels her plan, when she know she can, knowing that changes are in fact obvious in our current lifestyle and thus the outcome of being not able to meet all the time makes it all the more important to at least see bonding moments important.
jaja wasnt able to make it too, but at least she gives the straight answer, SHE COMPLETELY CANNOT MAKE IT.
and not 'see how', 'see first' answers.
also, since when did i actually say that you dont put in effort?
did i criticize on that? if you're feeling guilty, your problem.
we have new life, new social circle, new events and twist in our teenage hood.
which is more to the reason as to why there should be a sense of importance within us.
knowing the fact that changes and time causes people to fall out,
all the more that we should try to be there still within each other's call.
you want to know how i feel now?
i feel as if we have to FORCE it on each of us to make that ONE SPECIAL time.
honestly speaking, i would cancel on my current plan to make it up to anyone of you guys.
now could you do that? say say say, but doing so is little more challenging.
this wednesday, i canceled my plan to go out with nurul.
so if you think that you want to join us, we'll be meeting at small mcdonald's at 6pm.
if you see this a rebuke, my advise?
expand your horizon and your perspective.
or maybe recall all the times that i cared for you.
if that don't help, then im sorry that i made a mistake in giving you all the help and attention that more than just a friend would.
but then again, dont make me feel sorry.
because i know your more than that.
controversy over.
having some squabbles at BDQ...
minor but still something to watch out for.
whatever the case, i cant be bothered with squabbles.
im more to being practical.
anyway, my impulse purchase has since started!
you could have been there when janny lost control of me.
see something nice, buy.
left the shop.
go to another, see something, buy again.
then the last one, a red bangle.
no matter how small my 'contracted' hand seemed to be,
it could not fit!
so wanted it.
tomorrow, UT3 - maths and computing.
worst case scenario.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
prostitutes, fate, december boys
Prostitutes are getting bigger in numbers.
and they work the day 'shift' now.
more surprisingly and bolder than ever, they do so in the open.
approaching men they set eye on.
however, nothing is being done to expel this damned act.
i say, something should be done about them.
the store owners in the red-light districts are actually quite happy as they attract more customers.
talk about 'clean' business - even hawker centers in the geylang regions are not all 'sanitized' of them.
i have nothing personal against them, but imagine singapore being known as the brothel of asia by our western counterparts.
imagine them going back to their countries saying 'hey dudes, i just screwed sluts from singapore' - yeah, when they are not majority singaporeans.
whatever the issue, i still say that they should be kept under those 'districts' that they are supposed to be.
i dont want to go back in The Philippines for a holiday and my cousins and relatives being after me, just to chastised me, about the country im living.
very soon, i think i have to flee singapore and end up living in a convent if the prostitutes go way out of their boundaries.
however, i do understand the issues that they want to earn money.
also, i have heard of women who does this just to make ends meet - they are sadly to say, singaporeans.
then i heard from a friend about this filipino lady, who was here for almost a year cos she was brought here by force to work for this company - i have heard nothing about her since.
whatever pity or compassion we can show them, i still say that the law should do something about this.
anyway, on a happier note.
i read in the paper too of this happy story about a couple getting married yesterday, through their weaknesses.
so this guy who was addict and found himself unable to walk after taking a jump of 15 floors, landing on a car below, then was in a halfway house.
when he was on the tv claiming that he was lucky or something that he didnt die.
this woman who wanted to commit suicide by the means of sleeping pills, spat them out and realised that she should actually cherished her life.
it is really something.
both their path met when she decided to find him at the halfway house.
and so it was love at first sight.
awww. now they are happily married *sniffs*
God bless em.
Well it was the first time i actually manage to read the entire paper today.
*smiles proudly* it took me like years to finally touch a newspaper let alone read it. haha
anyway, tomorrow is monday and i am so dreading to come to school.
im damn tired.
so i should probably just turn in now.
oh yeah, harry potter is out!
anyway, i think mira and natalya should love this and should probably heard that daniel radcliffe is on December Boys.

[december boys - then what the hell is that girl doing there!]
[funny moment today]
was on the way to work, my cell vibrated.
a message from mum ; sang(what she calls me) i forgot to tell you. do you know that your tito boby knows a prince? why not you call him and get to him and marry that prince.
[FUNNY?] - this is ludicrous.
i know my mum loves to hit me with sudden jokes.
but then about my uncle knowing a prince isn't. he's in bahraine now and it has been years since they've known each other. but please mother, no fixed marriage for me.
IMAGINE? me a princess of some old prince? barfs
i think i'd just be put in dungeon for being too demanding of my future husband.
*roll eyes madly*
loving this pics tho...

Saturday, July 21, 2007
came home, slept and woke up.
cleaned my darling's hutch and then off to bed again.
and now on my bed typing this while lying on my side.
[funny moment]
darling (unknown to me) was in my room when i came in and slept like a pig.
the moment i woke up, he ran out of my room straight, hopping madly.
i bet he's thinking, "omg, i was stuck in her damn room in the dark. happy to be out! yipee!"
checked my friendster comments and i found this!
for the part of #4, i know he's so gonna screw it! *sniggers*
well, i hope to comply to the list but knowing me and janny, we'll end up screwing the damn plan. *slaps*
came home, slept and woke up.
cleaned my darling's hutch and then off to bed again.
and now on my bed typing this while lying on my side.
checked my friendster comments and i found this!

Posted 21/07/2007 05:41
next week's to-do list:
1. the yi hao thingy
2. bugis for camera charger
3. haig road for that thing we owe your friend
4. avoid the canteen
5. come early by bus to school everyday
6. lunch with nisha and jo(i know it spoils #4, but whatever I miss her)
7. jogging/cycling trip
for part of #4, i know he's so gonna screw it! *sniggers*
well, i hope to comply to the list but knowing me and janny, we'll end up screwing the damn plan. *slaps*
-pop up-
[funny moment]
darling (unknown to me) was in my room when i came in and slept like a pig.
the moment i woke up, he ran out of my room straight, hopping madly.
i bet he's thinking, "omg, i was stuck in her damn room in the dark. happy to be out! yipee!"
-pop up exit-
i cannot believe that i happened to help out at clinique as a flyer distributer.
just to kill time!
me and my bitch was like so tired.
she has done flyers before - i have never! and i dont think i will again.
[altho, the guys are the ones who took the most - hehe]
the fun part - major -
1. i can wash eyes (hot hot hot!!!)
- u can imagine how much i enjoyed looking at hot dudes. hehe... but twas only for fun, to take off my mind from what im doing. there was this guy(uggh forgot to tell jaja)who kept passing to and fro and looking, he's sucha waste.
why? cos for someone so cute, he did the most retarded thing - he just looked, walking back and forth with this other guy friend. uggh... barfs -
2. i saw marcus! (freaking gave him like 1/2 of my flyers and 1/2 of jaja's.)
- u can see how fast we finished the damn thing. within like an hour and a half, we were almost done!!! lol
3. i gave out quite fast, cos i happen to give sweet smiles with it *ermz ermz*
- *matter-of-factly* i serious felt how tiring it feels giving them flyers for my first time.
it was really tiring. i did it only for 2hrs, i felt as if i worked all my life! that's damn sad.
5. got to spend time with my bitch
- been long!! twas quite fated she did work with me instead of roxy bitch. she will kill me,
cos today, they gave us a G2000 cream-colored sleeveless tanktop.
major hates - groans madly -
1. sore
2. tired
3. cramps
okay, im going.
wanna fING sleep.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Happiness Wk2;T1

Defined as;
1. State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
2. Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being
This topic shall cover,
1. What makes people happy?
2. What does happiness do for us?
3. How do we make ourselves happy?
4. Happiness qoutes and poems
5. Problems and Experience on Happiness
So what does make people happy?
As a matter of fact, i found a website that states 5 keys to happiness, taking a poll of which of the 5 is actually the highest polled key to happiness.
Here are the keys to happiness with the percentage of the poll taken at [source]
1. Mental Attitude 59%
2. Love 23%
3. Achievements 8%
4. Creativity 5%
5. Money 5%
It elaborates a lot about happiness there and i am quite impressed at how they summed it up.
However, in my topic, we shall not really just dwell in the key to happiness.
I feel that these 5 keys are too huge and i need to break it down to how we normal teens see happiness.
First of all to us teens, what are...
Mental Attitude: A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
Love: Usually mistaken for infatuation, but love is actually "A strong positive emotion of regard and affection"
Achievement: The action of accomplishing something
Creativity: The ability to create
Money: tell me who dont know money?
Examples of these keys to happiness are...
positivity, healthy-mind, resilience, optimism [mental attitude]
affection, family love, friendship, relationship, sex, hugs, kisses, marriage [love]
popularity, idolized, academic success, work success [achievement]
inventions, creations, expressions [creativity]
cash, 'plastics', atms, cards [money]
Is this what makes people happy?
Yes and No. It would be dependent on the individuals' need.
If achieving your need is what makes people happy, then why is achievement the third in the key of happiness?
After thinking it over, i realize that 'hey, if making ourselves happy is what we get from what we needed, then achievement is to be the first answer.'
Then again, i am contradicted by another information saying that,
" If you judge your situation as bad for you, that's unhappiness. If you judge a situation as good for you, that's happiness. " [source]
If judging is what motivates happiness, therefore happiness is within the mind as it is the mind that judges objects, people and things.
So if you are being unhappy, find something that you can be happy about, to at least lessen the negative impact of unhappiness within your mind, body and spirit =)
So to make people happy, psychology is important with the aid of emotional happiness such as love for example.
If for key5 to key2 is a failure, key1 needs to be boosted to overlap the negativity that those failures bring.
With the fact that everyone such as yourself, can actually find true happiness by the means of using the strength of your psychology.
What does it do for us after we have acquired a fresh psychological belief on making happiness?
Categorized to six groups that i would explain, of which you can see the [source] and read more on it. However, this source only provide the different category that happiness affect us.
1. Outlook in life
- being happier actually causes our outlook to be more bright and ultimately positive
2. Health
- believed to be linked to happiness with the outcome of longevity [source]
3. Marriage
- happiness draw to us good karma and aura just giving us a higher chance of finding the right spouse and less prone to divorces
4. work
- productive outcomes from doing work.
- alert minded of the happy mind makes one vigilant enough to be fresh at mind and fast to respond mentally
6. Events
- events in life such as having good lucks are attracted to us
So would you like all this aspect of yours wants/needs be fulfilled? BE HAPPY.
How then do we make ourselves happy?
Use your psychology.
The strength of our psychology is too vast to form its limitations. Human brain power is still very much a great wonder, it should be the first world wonder.
However, if we are truly overcome with sadness, i do suggest that you get through it the way that you can e.g. cry it all out, blow off steam
Be positive in what makes you sad and then after you have released your emotional damage, start by rebooting your psychology.
This is when you can truly catch up and be more secure and mentally responsive to what has occurred.
ONE MORE NICE THING to make ourselves happy.
it is something that i will try... CHOCOLATES!!! [source]
Before i end, there are some quotes of happiness and poems to show you.
"Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." – Nathaniel Hawthorne
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
– Earl Nightingale
The warmth of the sun,
The touch of your hand,
The waves against my feet,
This is true happiness.
My father’s smile,
My mother’s laughter,
My brother’s love,
This is true happiness.
Making you laugh,
Making you smile,
Making you see that there’s more to me,
This is true happiness.
Doing this,
Feeling, emoting,
This is true happiness.
Dancing, but not only dancing,
Giving it my whole, my being,
Becoming the dance,
This is true happiness.
Seeing your face when you realize
That I’m always me, with or without you.
Me realizing that I don’t need you.
This is true happiness.
Gabriell Davis
the last but not least of course...
My views on happiness. Why did i say that there are problems and experiences that contradicts full happiness?
That is a bitter truth.
I mean how many among are really happy? How many among us have worn out our psychology in trying to be happy?
There are countless possible people who can vouch for what i say now.
I am one of them and i dont see that happiness caused by psychology, is a little bit fake.
But why it tops the key to happiness is because we know that if we were more resistant to this or that, we can actually be more happy. [this or that are something that i assume negative]
Mental Attitude is something that all of us are capable of, but this is what we do not really use to maximize our happiness.
Instead, we see that it it a key to happiness after we have been very sad and in the verge of being six feet away from edge, think whether to do it or not.
I admit to fake happiness.
No one knows it but me and HIM. Why i do this is not because i really feel the need to be a self-hypocrite, but because i need to try to be happy even though i know that i am too far away from it.
Also, when it comes to events of break-ups, divorce, death - you cannot be HAPPY.
Unless of course, that is your needs - achieving it is therefore, happiness.
A very sadistic and violent way of wanting to be happy.
Please try not to resort to that unless you are under attack and obviously in need of defense
Whatever kind of happiness that we wish to accomplish, we should always need to remember that...
"Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run."
– David Leonhardt
what a fugged day
i am totally fugged today.
this is the first time - i repeat - the first time that i got totally shot at, for almost everything that is in the powerpoint conclusion!
today's problem was to find solution that would cater to the needs of everyone to ensure that road safety is established with the massive population of republicans coming to woodlands as their main point of destination, that would therefore cause congestion.
as with comparison to the others, our motion was to cancel of the first break out,
whereby tosay that we can do without the first break and really just touch on an intensive group discussion and make it more productive.
and with this conclusive statement, we were set on fire with their alibi saying that the first break out is to cater to the group on discussing the problem that has been the source of a
major dispute.
i sensed a total and deliberate dislike among the class audience and the lack of open-mindedness.
we were not stating to cancel off the PBL system, keep the damn system, but change the timing of the different years to a much more obvious difference.
30mins allowance time is still not effective - congestion is still there.
whatever is done, like what the other team's motion of building underground walkway and overhead bridge of 560m in distance, will not be plausible and it will have a lot of problems in the long run.
but who am i kidding, i think everyone decided that today is the day that my team got shot at.
and i was never in a team - i repeat - never in a team which got taken out at. uggh
it was totally fug. but in all sense, i learned to stand ground.
just that, yihao almost lost it. he was so pissed at the faci i can see smoke emitting from him.
well, who could be blamed but the counter productivity being with your peeps can do.
hehe, vanessa, yihao and sandy happened to be in the same team - cody was not though
if he so happened to be, i think we would never get anything done! haha.
okay after class, i went for the cypher interview.
i would not really pray to get in and be a member but i would pray not to be declined either.
talk about being indecisive, im totally being an insatiable idiot.
i know no one would beg to differ with my statement - im a pure retard sometimes
i even drive myself nuts.
to add to my 'oh-so-wonderful' day, i called to confirm hidayah's availability for tomorrow's redemption booth job.
SHE DITCHED ME - for her project meeting
everyone's being a totally bitch adding to my fugged day.
hehe but then Jen dear is coming! yeay
to hidayah, you're still a bitch, but thanks for letting Jen know k =) ur still a bitch
anyway, it's a work-a-weekend for me - i enjoy it. i have time to kill
PLUS, i get extra cash just by killing time.
but i got to do this [CREDITS: Yihao (for introducing this job)]
today i was sitting down and reminiscing about my past,
i have truly let go of everything but i still do think of him,
our happy moments, i smile brightly;
but our torments, i hate and shun.
there is no point in even thinking of a future,
because i would not want to be your slave.
you're love is not love, it's slavery...
now that i have broken free, i would never ever come back.
i am totally fugged today.
this is the first time - i repeat - the first time that i got totally shot at, for almost everything that is in the powerpoint conclusion!
today's problem was to find solution that would cater to the needs of everyone to ensure that road safety is established with the massive population of republicans coming to woodlands as their main point of destination, that would therefore cause congestion.
as with comparison to the others, our motion was to cancel of the first break out,
whereby tosay that we can do without the first break and really just touch on an intensive group discussion and make it more productive.
and with this conclusive statement, we were set on fire with their alibi saying that the first break out is to cater to the group on discussing the problem that has been the source of a
major dispute.
i sensed a total and deliberate dislike among the class audience and the lack of open-mindedness.
we were not stating to cancel off the PBL system, keep the damn system, but change the timing of the different years to a much more obvious difference.
30mins allowance time is still not effective - congestion is still there.
whatever is done, like what the other team's motion of building underground walkway and overhead bridge of 560m in distance.
Also, a team motioned that
Thursday, July 19, 2007
i had maths and computing; Maths for today - which explains why the boredom overwhelmed.
the team was alright, nisha and sahidah, always as productive - kind of rub to my guilt though
but in all sense i could not really be bothered what lousy grade the facilitator would give me.
last week, he gave me a C - just because i wasnt talking.
oh what the hell. i mean beats the whole point right, if your talking, you get shit.
then again if you're not, you also get shit. and guess what, they call themselves EDUCATORS?
i dont comprehend their insatiable nature. nothing is good but something is bad.
moving on from their lousy judgement, i left early as i have just said.
1. to meet hidayah
2. and go to my place for early dinner - or late lunch =))
it has been long since i saw her and she saw me.
ive known her thoroughly for 5 years and running now.
i am very glad that she is still around amidst all the changes that life brings.
yes we talk on and off, but i can say that she will be one of those people who will still be with me even at my final breath. =))
well, that would count the other three girlfriends. missing you all dears
[hilarious moments] hidayah offered me chewing gums with those scent of strawberry.
she said 'bimbotically' - "They smell like those scented erasers, twas why i like eating erasers last time" - then she gave that 'omg i cant believe i said that' face.
I was utterly shocked and i told her, i dont care, im blogging about this.
and so this is it. she might come after me soon. *crosses fingers*
so at my place, my mum had the food ready and then after hidayah and her has chatted,
we had our meals - the roasted chicken was in danger at hidayah's hands.
she ate them up all the last time there was such an occasion at my place. =))
after eating, we created her blog - i did the editting while she bosses me around
okay okay, she did not. so go see hidayah on blogspot
we were talking about a lot of things, from random things like xiaxue to our normal topics
like what about xiaxue? it was actually what im told that...
so what *janny* has witnessed "she was with her friends and people kept looking and whispering things about her" - poor thing or the side effect of publicity?
whatever the game or issues, i felt that what i feel is not at all necessary.
plus, im not bothered. i just find that it's a funny(fine. in a sadistic way)that she happens
to come to my school.
Okay, moving forward...
as we talk of everything and everyone,
i realized that the main things that we tend to derive from what we go through now is happiness.
how happiness really becomes the key part in life...
how it comes to contact with what we are and what we can possibly be.
knowing that life should not be complete unless it is filled with happiness, i come to think that it holds a very major part in what we do.
doing what we think could make us happy and smile with genuine satisfaction deems to be harder than what we think.
yet, doing what makes us happy still seems to be just seconds away from reality.
hidayah said something that i feel so concern about,
comprehend this sentences and i bet that you will feel similarly.
in whatever sense, i think that i do too.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ana's Birthday;Comment anxiety.
"happy birthday ana, happy birthday ana, happy birthday to ana, happy birthday to you"
She is 8 years old now! =))
I did not attend school today as i feel that i have to be responsible enough to help out as my mum is heavily pregnant.
Although, i am very much impressed at how she can still lead the whole 'cooking' event.
Well, the party food is very very much enjoyable.
My whole diet regime for the day is total wrecked. It is over!!
But i am not giving in - i have to start it.
Today Ling darls came over for the dinner event, and guess what she said after she felt my tummy - " HOW TO WEAR BIKINI NOW?? " - that's when it hit me!
KRABI THAILAND is so not going to be a good place to show off my grown flabs! =(
oh oh oh! yeahs!! well i have discussed the trip with my mum, but she said "I DONT KNOW"
so why the hell am i so happy? cos she didnt say a firm "NO"!
which mean that i have a very high chance of going...
well, i cant pretty talk much as i am very tired from today.
I had a long day... preparing, running around and of course, being just plain helpful for whatever there is need be aided.
however, i have pictures for you all...

we were supposed to be in the same pose, and then come out she is "ghosting" away!

well anyway, i have to turn in now.
but anyway, this is my soo 'unpainted', 'unfresh' face ever.
tho, i kinda prefer it - just being plain. how about that?
=)) well i know that whatever, you all still love me right, RIGHT!
anyway, before i truly turn in, i want to inform you all about the next topic -
Jan said to do on Virginity, Someone say to do on Pimping, Intuition says to do feature my friends - from the ones still closest to the ones still hanging on.
Then again, i think i want to do something on WHAT MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY? - to let you try to be happy if you arent. =))
Oh yeah, i love helping people =))
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real" |
You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love. You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart. Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!) Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get |
Your Personality Profile |
You are sexy, powerful, and bold. You're full of passion and energy... Sometimes this passion has a dark side. You feel most alive when you're seducing someone. You never fail to get someone's attention. Quick minded, you're also quick to lose your temper! |
Your Personality Is |
You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented. Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules. You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader. You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you. A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do. You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up. In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly. At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions. With others, you tend to be polite and formal. As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself. On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them! |
Your Kissing Purity Score: 46% Pure |
You're not one to kiss and tell... But word is, you kiss pretty well. |
The True You |
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed. With respect to money, you spend as little as possible. You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort. You are tend to think about others' feelings a lot, perhaps because you are so eager to be liked. When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match. |
You Are a Red Wine Woman |
You're not a big drinker, and when you do drink, you go for the best. You probably know a good deal about wines, and you know how to order a great bottle. When you drink too much, you tend to flirt - but only in a subtle, understated way. You prefer to date a man who's worldly and wise. He's got to be as sophisticated as you are. |
You Are a Passionate Kisser |
You are the most likely type to kiss a sexy stranger Your kissing style is unpredictable and free spirited You could kiss anyone at a drop of a hat It's all about where your passion leads you |
What Your Hands Say About You |
You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills. Flexible and broad minded, you can fit in to any situation. There's no telling where your life will take you. Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible. Your emotions tend to be well thought out. You're willing to wait out a bad situation, and you're never too quick to act. |
You Are Medium Maintenance |
You aren't as hard to deal with as some girls But you aren't the most laid back chick either You're easy to deal with 90% of the time, but watch out for that 10%! If the guy you are with has good intentions, then calm down a little But if he's really screwing up, don't waste your breath - move on :-) |
Your Ex Is Paranoid |
Whether your ex was accusing you of cheating or your friends of being evil... Your ex definitely saw things that weren't there! People with paranoid personality disorder bear grudges, are always suspicious, and confide in no one. Sound at all familiar? |
Your Love Life Secrets Are |
Looking back on your life, you will only have one true love. You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't? It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off. In fights, you are able to walk away and calm down. You are able to weather the storm. Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go. |
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Picky |
You have no problem attracting guys - and even dating a little It's just around second or third date time where you start to see faults If a guy isn't near perfect, you're not into him. It's good to have standards - but yours rule almost everyone out. |
You're an Passionate Kisser |
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble |
OMG im deprived of kissing. hahaha. i noticed i took like a couple or two of kissing tests. lol
well, whatever... i think i almost forgot how to!!! hehe but i dont think so.. uggh
Monday, July 16, 2007
guys guys - rejected - not your time yet
i cannot feel anymore insecure... its like i feel that everything is not reality,
everything i live for and i do with my all just lay wasted.
and now i cannot even find motivation in come to school for.
my love life is dead - well, apparently by choice - and i think that it would stay this way.
i need rejuvenation.. i need spa, i need treatment - yes, treatment!
how about M.E.P.S treatment - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual treatment.
like totally im starting to be a morning zombie!
i mean i totally like school, the knowledge it gives and everything else.
but im tired. i just so tired.
IM KIDDING. period!
okay enough of my damn nonsense.
so i took the bus 169 to yishun with jan.
well jan was contemplating to go tuition his cousin.
so like he totally just didnt and yeay - i didnt go home alone.
nisha and jo wanna be home early - so they took bus 168.
anyway, me and jan took 39 from yishun bus inter.
we practically jaywalked - i dont even know you cant do that at the bus park
i mean fine, it was monkey see monkey do - i saw this group of people walking through the bus park.
so anyway, jan started to criticise some girl who was so displaying public affection.
like he was so against it! hahaha
then there goes the criticizing, the name calling whatever, in short, he was just being a bitch =D
"jean, she's fucking ugly and the guy is hot, they shouldnt be together"
"OMG JEAN, DO SOMETHING" this are all the things he said.. some i forgot.
so during the ride, there happens to board two filipino guys. who i find - fine jan - are hot.
this jan took my hand and almost used it to tap the guy who happen to sit in front of him.
i was like HELP!!! but then i told him, i find the other one hotter. =))
so then he wanted to get up and force intro me to him. i was like almost screaming.
then we talked via typing words on microsoft words - idiotic - totally uncalled for.
mainly cos we did not have any other language to use with them around, plus! the F-language so didnt work. twas retarded
then it was time for us to go down, jan was 'pissed' that i didnt take the opportunity knowing that the guy was eyeing me too.
WTF lah - i repeat it here jan - I DONT WANT GUYS WHO HAVE SEX - lol
well, at least YET. and i dont like 'loose' guys. hehehe
i dont want to have HIV, STD, whatsoever. hahahaha
so twas been like that since we reached my area, he was still telling me that i will marry an ugly oaf cos i so called 'rejected' a HOT opportunity. =((
fine... but it was like im going off the bus what. u cant expect me to like board it again just to flirt with him. plus, u cant expect him to rush down!!! uggh id so freak out... despo lor. lol
so whatever lah. today, instead of hunting for guys, i kept to myself...
mr x, die lah... i think id be an old maid...
and KECIK - there are no more GUYS... only a guy, potential at the least... havent spotted yet lor. hais =D hehe...
but then again.. you know me and i know you... hehe.
okay i feel dizzy.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Note for New Feature.
whatever it is - photo, story, video, articles... go nuts.
if you have good ideas, do let me know by email at missjean (ii) or just tag me =))
In the meantime, i am still exploring subject of interest - whatever!
Ciaos now...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
from the "old" news to the latest...
1. THERE'S A BITCH in the class
2. **Mr X - thank you for at being at the least REAL to me.
3. Missing my darlings like totally - when can be meet up again? =(
4. Credits goes to Roz for being my movie buddy! =)) so what's the next movie?
5. Dilemma between Staying and Going
6. Story about the ex? - more like a gossip. uhh..
**not his real name. like duh...
1. About the bitch.
I do not revel in discriminating people,talking lowly about them nor even having 'supporters' against them.
I like being forward through my actions and then my words because i do not judge their deed at a point of days.
I scrutinize them and then so when my actions soured like almost 'forever' and they are still being like that - they better wear armor when i starting shooting at them
But i do this all for the sake of being a good person.
Why not shoot when they are the one who loaded the gun of mistakes?
Some keep quiet and eventually shoot themselves instead of pouring those 'bullets' on the culprits.
WHY? because they are too gutless to go on and do so...
Anyway, i really have enough of these nonsense in the class. I have enough of know-it-all about me, judging, hating and also being so psychotic about me.
Enough is enough! The next semester, you cant see me anymore anyway so just hold you tongue. One way or another you're at the losing end.
I happen to find out things about you - even from those people whom you thought are with you.
Maybe yes, you turned some of them against me.
But i guess those who dislikes you are the ones who has seen through you.
Your fake smiles and your fake innocence - whatever.
but then again, people do make mistakes - i know i did. so may GOD bless you ...
2. Mr X - what's his story
Well, i couldnt thank this person enough in being the one who saw my divergence due to the previous "event" that happened in class. Apparently, it was him to told me of that bitch's doings. And so his identity should be kept secret =)
Thanks mr x.
3. B.D.Q
YES all of you have been posting yet it isnt enough.
We are the ones who knew each other inside out, with clothes or not. hehe
So please dont waste this lasting quintet relationship that we have.
I know none of us have forgotten whatever, but we need to tighten up again.
Anyway, i have the news! hehe
oh cmon, without me there's no quintet k. hehe
well, im missing you guys. so do be ready for a party... MY PARTY.
(remember what we did to Roxy a.k.a Hidayah?) Her birthday was wacked..
or should i say WET? hehe
so i decided i aint doing it anywhere near the sea, the pool, puddle, whatever... :P
Im his pimp! hell yeah. Just that i havent done my job and place him in the girls area.
like how can i... almost all the girls i know ARE ATTACHED. i repeat, ATTACHED.
so how the hell am i suppose to do so unless when we all party in the club. hehe
but the issue? he doesnt like picking girls up from those places. hahahha
the good thing? he isnt in a rush to meet ladies. COOL so im just laying back relaxing, waiting...
so during the wait. instead of being pimp and pimpster - it's MOVIE BUDDY.
cooly... anyway, bro Roz... thanks. ur like the closest thing to a bodyguard to me =)
5. Staying or Going.
KRABI, THAILAND - where the trip promises rejuvenation and a nice beach...
28th August - 30th August : SAME DUE PERIOD MY MUM IS IN =(
that's why im contemplating. the week of thinking is almost due!
dilemmas are sinful. we should not have them at all.
AND PLUS. IT'S AN EXPENSES PAID TRIP. so wanna grab the deal. =(
send ME A SIGN - to go or not to go.. hais
6. Gossiping the EX?
Yes, after such a long time, a friend decided to call me and told me about it.
I pity the ex and i just hope the best for him. But my pity has limitations.
I am glad he is getting a taste of his own medicine.
He knows now how it feels like when his girls wanna give him love and he pushes them away.
I thank that girl for being able to think about the consequences.
If she happens to really be expecting, it is a sad case that Daryl has no say whether to keep it or not.
I felt a stab at first. I could not imagine that the person i once cared for so much has landed himself in this pit.
His life is still whacked, he still cant find proper happiness.
It is evil of me to laugh about him to Jas. Then on second thought, i do sympathize.
He asks GOD for salvation, im told. But how can he be salvaged when he has hurt and took for granted a lot of girls.
Farah was one of them, Kristin was one of them, and at that certain point of our relationship, i was one of them...
I guess he cannot ask GOD to forgive him when he himself has not embraced his mistakes to the girls he caused so much hurt to.
I pity him yet i dont want to pity him. I have to think that he deserve this.
My anger was extinguished but it's aftermath is underrated.. or so it seems as of now
OMG i forgot to add in - to the BROTHERS and Cousin
i am so sorry if i havent been in touch with you all.
you were always there for me whenever i call on you. All are busy with your own things.
But i know that you will still remember me.
Salihin, Venga, Kumares, Puma... my walking 'towers'.
i remembered having people look at the girls with fear just cause you guys are walking beside us. haha that was nuts.
Prem, Ryan, Daniel... the jokers of all time
I rememebered laughing at all your damn jokes and whatever
Azmi kuz... you are the best cousin ever =)
you are all deeply appreciated.
UPDATES - missjean(ii)

*proceed to miss jean (ii) - the link is there on the left - go on, click on it.
anyway, normal posts will start very soon right here at miss jean (i).
take care and enjoy.
Friday, July 13, 2007
EX FLAMES; Let it burn ...
i was thinking of how to start it, then again i realize that writing should come from
experience and it is full of emotions when it is spontaneous.
so here i go...
i dedicate this post to :
i cannot promise that this post will help, but at least i hope that it can get you thinking.
People ask me if i still love my ex flame, who happens to be my very real first love.
Sometimes, i feel that i do still but then there are times that i dont. WHY?
I did not understand why i felt as such until it comes to mind that i am not as in love with him as i used to be.
There was a time when i can straight away say that i do love him still.
There was a time that he is all i think about and i admit that he is the only content of my heart.
However, that time is already in oblivion.
We decided to call our relationship off on April 2006 after officially going on for 4 months and unofficially being together for almost a year, after "almostly" being together for 2 1/2 years. (Yes, long long long emotional ties...)
My story with him is what i call the bittersweet side of my life.
So, after the official break, we still went on till i completely left him on November 2006.
Along those moments, i was dating other guys, he was with other girls too.
It was really horribly fun. I learnt a lot and i hurt a lot...
I swallowed my pain and i learnt to be strong.
If it wasnt for him, every strength that i have now is non-existence.
Because of him, i resisted that one person i used to love so much - him.
WHY i left him? It was the last nerve he pulled. It was the last bite i can give him.
He did not have faith in me, he was too childish, he was complacent due to my love for him, he LOVED his friends more than he did our relationship.
I knew he loved me, i felt it through his touch, the way he looked, the way he calls on me and the way he kisses me.
He has something lacking in him, A MANHOOD - he do not stand on his own principles, he did not have his own back, his own mind and his own needs and wants.
Honestly i say it here that i am happy.
WHY? Because no matter how much i loved him, i did not have sex with him. It would be much harder to let go if he took my first blood.
The good side of him is that, he was there when i needed him. He was there when i need someone to cry on, he was there to hold me and to take me away from other storms.
Even though he claims he is not there, he is.
Even though he claims he does not need to put me first, he does.
Even though he seem to be able to see me cry, he cant.
Even though it seems that he would choose anyone over me, he stays.
Even though as if he will turn and leave when i anger him, he dont.
Even though he seem as if he dont love me, he does.
And even though it seems as if he dont need me, he does...
Im a sucker for those...
So, now even though everyone still says that we both will end up being together again.
Though everyone says that i wont resist him, especially that one friend who was the cause of the end of our relationship, I SHOWED EVERYONE that i can resist him.
All the time that i chanced upon the place he is, be with the people he is with, go to the place he goes and go to his grand uncle's place, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I STILL WANT TO BE WITH YOU DARYL.
Get a life and stop thinking that i still bother to be your future.
Be wise enough to know when to feel that i am trying my luck to get you back.
I admit i ALMOST tried to. But i could not, i was too overwhelmed by those horrid things that you are now.
so to you all, let me move on and stop pressing on me stories that you think can get to me and force me to be emotional.
That was my ex flames problem.
People who are not updated in those department makes assume on things.
I know there are those of you who are still in that phase of "getting over the past".
No one is trying to tell you to be in a hurry. IF THEY ARE, be assertive enough to get over them at your own phase with the GOAL that you are LETTING GO - and please let them know about it.
You need not set yourself a time to get over them, because to my perspective, getting over someone just happens and when it does, you will know it.
Nothing special really. This are the things that i have gained knowledge of.
Some of us tend to think that others can help us get through this.
Most of us should be familiar with the phrase "It's all in the mind..."
But then again, most of us are familiar with the saying "It's easier said than done!"
So whatever you do, both of them are true according to your own beliefs.
No one can force it on you and no one should.
As friends, all of us should do is just be there for them.
No matter how annoyed you are about having to hear the same subject over and over again, some just uses this technique to getting over that ex flame.
- When you are ready to let things go (no one knows except you!)
but if you as hopeless and you dont know when, then have some alone time to reflect and focus.
- When there is nothing else to be done about your situation but to move on.
of course you have to ask second opinion about this... sometimes, those pillars have been there long enough to know about your situation. just tell them to be neutral.
- When you have reached the point when you are worn out and beaten up to pieces by the very person you have loved
psychological studies finds that people who have been abused by their love ones finds it hard to run and leave - please break free and stop being one of those people
- When they cannot appreciate anything about you, anymore..
talk it out with them. if it dont work, please leave
this is why i found it hard to let go at that time. here i am now, assertive and mature enough to say that I HAVE STOP BEING IN love with him.
- you are so used to the past
- you love them tooo much
this is the most cliche
- you lost our virginity to them
this is it, i know of a lot of girls who find it hard to let go cos they lost their V to that boy
i took this from - but i kind of find it useless, but maybe it can work on some of you. so im not spoiling that opportunity.
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
Step Five
Step Six
Step Seven
Things You'll Need
Step One
Step Two
Step Three
Step Four
please read at this site.