Defined as;
1. State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
2. Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being
This topic shall cover,
1. What makes people happy?
2. What does happiness do for us?
3. How do we make ourselves happy?
4. Happiness qoutes and poems
5. Problems and Experience on Happiness
So what does make people happy?
As a matter of fact, i found a website that states 5 keys to happiness, taking a poll of which of the 5 is actually the highest polled key to happiness.
Here are the keys to happiness with the percentage of the poll taken at [source]
1. Mental Attitude 59%
2. Love 23%
3. Achievements 8%
4. Creativity 5%
5. Money 5%
It elaborates a lot about happiness there and i am quite impressed at how they summed it up.
However, in my topic, we shall not really just dwell in the key to happiness.
I feel that these 5 keys are too huge and i need to break it down to how we normal teens see happiness.
First of all to us teens, what are...
Mental Attitude: A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways
Love: Usually mistaken for infatuation, but love is actually "A strong positive emotion of regard and affection"
Achievement: The action of accomplishing something
Creativity: The ability to create
Money: tell me who dont know money?
Examples of these keys to happiness are...
positivity, healthy-mind, resilience, optimism [mental attitude]
affection, family love, friendship, relationship, sex, hugs, kisses, marriage [love]
popularity, idolized, academic success, work success [achievement]
inventions, creations, expressions [creativity]
cash, 'plastics', atms, cards [money]
Is this what makes people happy?
Yes and No. It would be dependent on the individuals' need.
If achieving your need is what makes people happy, then why is achievement the third in the key of happiness?
After thinking it over, i realize that 'hey, if making ourselves happy is what we get from what we needed, then achievement is to be the first answer.'
Then again, i am contradicted by another information saying that,
" If you judge your situation as bad for you, that's unhappiness. If you judge a situation as good for you, that's happiness. " [source]
If judging is what motivates happiness, therefore happiness is within the mind as it is the mind that judges objects, people and things.
So if you are being unhappy, find something that you can be happy about, to at least lessen the negative impact of unhappiness within your mind, body and spirit =)
So to make people happy, psychology is important with the aid of emotional happiness such as love for example.
If for key5 to key2 is a failure, key1 needs to be boosted to overlap the negativity that those failures bring.
With the fact that everyone such as yourself, can actually find true happiness by the means of using the strength of your psychology.
What does it do for us after we have acquired a fresh psychological belief on making happiness?
Categorized to six groups that i would explain, of which you can see the [source] and read more on it. However, this source only provide the different category that happiness affect us.
1. Outlook in life
- being happier actually causes our outlook to be more bright and ultimately positive
2. Health
- believed to be linked to happiness with the outcome of longevity [source]
3. Marriage
- happiness draw to us good karma and aura just giving us a higher chance of finding the right spouse and less prone to divorces
4. work
- productive outcomes from doing work.
- alert minded of the happy mind makes one vigilant enough to be fresh at mind and fast to respond mentally
6. Events
- events in life such as having good lucks are attracted to us
So would you like all this aspect of yours wants/needs be fulfilled? BE HAPPY.
How then do we make ourselves happy?
Use your psychology.
The strength of our psychology is too vast to form its limitations. Human brain power is still very much a great wonder, it should be the first world wonder.
However, if we are truly overcome with sadness, i do suggest that you get through it the way that you can e.g. cry it all out, blow off steam
Be positive in what makes you sad and then after you have released your emotional damage, start by rebooting your psychology.
This is when you can truly catch up and be more secure and mentally responsive to what has occurred.
ONE MORE NICE THING to make ourselves happy.
it is something that i will try... CHOCOLATES!!! [source]
Before i end, there are some quotes of happiness and poems to show you.
"Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." – Nathaniel Hawthorne
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
– Mahatma Gandhi
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
– Earl Nightingale
The warmth of the sun,
The touch of your hand,
The waves against my feet,
This is true happiness.
My father’s smile,
My mother’s laughter,
My brother’s love,
This is true happiness.
Making you laugh,
Making you smile,
Making you see that there’s more to me,
This is true happiness.
Doing this,
Feeling, emoting,
This is true happiness.
Dancing, but not only dancing,
Giving it my whole, my being,
Becoming the dance,
This is true happiness.
Seeing your face when you realize
That I’m always me, with or without you.
Me realizing that I don’t need you.
This is true happiness.
Gabriell Davis
the last but not least of course...
My views on happiness. Why did i say that there are problems and experiences that contradicts full happiness?
That is a bitter truth.
I mean how many among are really happy? How many among us have worn out our psychology in trying to be happy?
There are countless possible people who can vouch for what i say now.
I am one of them and i dont see that happiness caused by psychology, is a little bit fake.
But why it tops the key to happiness is because we know that if we were more resistant to this or that, we can actually be more happy. [this or that are something that i assume negative]
Mental Attitude is something that all of us are capable of, but this is what we do not really use to maximize our happiness.
Instead, we see that it it a key to happiness after we have been very sad and in the verge of being six feet away from edge, think whether to do it or not.
I admit to fake happiness.
No one knows it but me and HIM. Why i do this is not because i really feel the need to be a self-hypocrite, but because i need to try to be happy even though i know that i am too far away from it.
Also, when it comes to events of break-ups, divorce, death - you cannot be HAPPY.
Unless of course, that is your needs - achieving it is therefore, happiness.
A very sadistic and violent way of wanting to be happy.
Please try not to resort to that unless you are under attack and obviously in need of defense
Whatever kind of happiness that we wish to accomplish, we should always need to remember that...
"Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run."
– David Leonhardt
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