Saturday, June 30, 2007
review of die hard 4.0
Live free of course. hehe
i didnt really find it awesome at first(before seeing it) - i mean die hard isnt my fave
plus! i still wanted to watch oceans 13 instead.
but i tell you, this movie is a must see!
forgive me if it isnt but to my opinion, it was really cool.
the whole explosions and stuff.
the chaotic story line, the content and the way it illustrate computer intelligence.
what really captivated me isnt the story line - it is always cliche by fact
but the mind blowing scenes are the action part of it.
plus!it really shows how IT actually seems to be both a threat and savior to us mankind.
computer intelligence is something to be forewarned and be proud about.
also, the most awesome explosion scene was when the WHITE HOUSE exploded.
the graphics really rocks!
plus! not all computer geeks are NERDS.. hhee : JUSTIN LONG (find him cute lah)
well whatever, im still late in watching ocean's 13!
and next in line will be Transformers and (blush) Harry Potter =))
oohh and yeahs, hais - Fantastic 4.. but i havent seen the part 1
not watching it until i get a hold of watching the part 1.
well conclusion : CHEERS TO DIE HARD 4.0 - coolsome =))
die hard 4.0
like mad lah i dont even know what is that about - going with mum
we are going to have a once-in-a-blue moon get together quality time.
well ive nothing to say else...
nothing at all, kinda tired tho.
gtg now. going to cook for mummy. =))
Thursday, June 28, 2007
hmmms - wishes - poem - vampire
i wish i could have telekineses
i wish i could live like the creature of the night
i wish i could live in the century where it is very grand
i wish i could be in love
i wish i could never grow old
i wish i could die and live again
i wish i could see into my future more accurately
i wish i could foretell things without having to silence about it
i wish i have magical abilities
i wish i could have premonitions that arent all about my lovelife
and now as i re-read this, i realise that i have wished for so much
plus! i forgot to wish to be rich... well, to be really really really rich. haha
ok ok. im gona stop.
the night comes and I feel devoured by it
it succumbs me in the most shocking way
i cannot come by without it
i cannot leave my fate to the scorching sun
that sun which eats me up
which tear me inside out
i would prefer the moonlight
yes, dark, but cool and safe
i would never leave what i am now
eternal may it be
but i can see my visions coming clear
more clearly...
many a times i dreamt of death
of which i do long to see
i did see it once but something pulled me back out
my soul remains where my body dies
the blood in my veins, powerful...
the sight i once deemed be my doom is clear
the eyes that used to have aids now need none
and so im here standing and watching
the look in their eyes i find so alluring
i think it's time to be on prowl
the smell of blood lingers by
im trying to fight it by im so defeated
so here now in the night i live
happy or not, ive been made...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
i wanna share with ya all my fave verses
from the book of Matthews - and from many other books too
but i like this one and the likes
"Blessed are
mainly because i cant stand today...
i have lost faith in science when i was given today's problem
like freaking irritating
and then i have to meet my godmum...
she wanna go churching.
so im meeting her at novena with jan
like awks... really, really irritating lah
i think i woke up at the wrong side of the bed man!
it isnt my day today.
and great, im suppose to go to church when im wearing a close-to-mini skirt.
like shit lah..
the wish
how do i start
i know nothing of it
i cant seem to form words
words that make wishes happen
wishes that take breath away
that makes it so natural to make
i cannot foresee if wishes are granted
i cannot accept it if things just lay wasted
and then you came
i was filled with surprise
i think it's you...
you're the wish i didnt know of
as the wind brushes past my face
and all the rhythm of my songs gone
i cant wish for anything more but just be happy
long as it is my wish lasted only moments
but i appreciate it cos i knew what happiness really was...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

it's the 60% part of my module grade.
and i freaking missed it! arrgh
so waking up at 0645h still dont help.
im sucha girl!
the damn bus is late, so what can i do?
voodoo it to come early?? like wtf
i really dont mind paying for shuttle bus that is exclusive for late people!
like i know of a lot?
i mean i'll have a petition for it.
but it wont be a good idea.
like i'll still be late for the late bus
ohh im becoming like jan!
he's spread over the disease to me.
Monday, June 25, 2007
yay! finally a pet to be responsible of.
gosh. anyway, i hope that i will be a good "mother".
deep down in me, i think i kinda regretted...
but oh cmon! he darn cute.
i didnt know he was a male at first.
then so at the first time that i held it, i called it Darling.
so that's how it got its name.. darling!
it was suppose to be official tmr! but uggh...
i cannot resist bringing him home.
my sister is so happy!
i am happy!
my mum is so happy!
my dad, well, he is so-so!
then i went like, "Rabbit's paws are good luck"
yeah hey!
i love love love love darling buck!
many things are such irritants when i cannot comprehend them and im ended confused.
i need more of it in reality to let me see reason.
im a good dream interpretor if need be, but sometimes i cannot accept it as they are if they happen to me.
as i awake after each dream.
i realize that i dont really want to comprehend them.
sometimes, a part of me cant see reason as to why i am made like i am.
i can see and understand things without any consultations.
when something comes to question, i dont know how i get my knowledge about my knowledge.
i hope that i can get those questions answered sometimes.
i dont know why.
dreams are just a dimension away from reality.
remember that.

reyna's life recently: SICKLY
poor me really. i missed two (or is it three days) of school last week.
not really sure.
then im trying to cope with my (new found) disinterest on my school's curriculum durations!
i feel that im not having enough quality time for myself.
plus! i have to work on weekends to support me further on my huge expenditure.
my vacation crippled my finance. so i have to at least work 2-3 weekends to cover em.
i need motivation - it's like sooo tiring for me.
plus! there is no way i can confess to my mum that my money is gone!!!
but luckily, my allowance had reached his life cycle! yay
it's all gonna be gone =)
for a very good reason. hehe
feature time.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
There’s is a fire within us…
That only needs a touch to bring forth flame.
Passion ignites when I hear you whisper my name.
My body shivers…
Oh… Not from cold…
But from sweet anticipation of desire that never seems to grow old
I lay my head upon your chest...
Kiss your skin softly
I breathe in the many scents of you
It intoxicates me like wine…
Making my senses whole
Or maybe it is the way of your hands…
Making me melt…
Yet every nerve is tingling with the need of you.
My heart starts pounding from pleasure
As your fingers run over my treasures
Gently sliding the key in as you begin to turn
Gently stroking my body oh my GOD is all I could whisper…
Our passion increases…
Our souls ignited…
You lower down and kiss me passionately
And I know I am in heaven
For I saw the flames burning in your eyes…
Saturday, June 23, 2007
the queen
when a witch imprisoned her lover
the kingdom lay wasted and bare
open to attacks and invasions
but she was immune to those
she just lay waiting
in her solitude of grief, she was patient...
then comes the time when he came back
they ruled together with love and happiness
the kingdom prospered,
the dark clouds that loomed over before was gone when he's back
the queen was very much content
but in the midst of it all
there were changes in her king
she can feel it, smell it, see it
no matter how similar he seemed to be
the queen was the only one who can see through him
she cannot be mistaken...
she was not wrong but she was not right
her king was her king only a little changed.
she wasnt contented anymore
she wanted to know more,
or so she thought...
so she set out to find him
she set out to feel if it's him
then she realise that all her happiness had been him
all the time she met him, her love blinded her
it was her king all along,
it was her king whom she thought was the king of her dreams
she was complacent
she was a captive of her own love...
the queen was vexed so she made her own kingdom
where she is away from her king
the king summoned her once, but she resisted..
all through, this king and queen fought hard against themselves.
now both longs for nothing else but to be apart the other.
and now that it is granted, the queen pinned for the king
but she was proud not to call on him
she wouldnt and she will never.
she found strength that elevate her away from serving her king
so the king and queen are no more
she has put her head to other things
other kingdom questions the separation
they cant come out with the truth, they cant come out with a lie
and so all stopped their questions
all led their lives normal
the queen is living by her own convictions
under no one else's rule...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Sick and Tired |
Daily Inspiration |
Dr. John H. Sklare, Ed.D |
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 |
From all of the messages that I’ve received over the years, one thing I have learned is that there are a lot of people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. I hear a constant flow of agonizing rhetoric coming from people who are seriously unhappy with the state of their lives and feel absolutely stuck in their current situation. It may be that you have creditors relentlessly hounding you and pounding at your door. It may be that your body isn’t in the physical shape you would like it to be. It may be that your job doesn’t hold your interest or challenge you anymore. Or it may be that the relationship you presently have with your significant other just isn’t satisfying any longer. Whether the situation you are currently dissatisfied with is personal, professional or economic, I have a question for you today: Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If the answer is YES, then I suggest you make today THE day that you take action! The truth is that the remedy for changing your current situation begins with desire. Once you have the desire to change, you then need to turn that desire into action because this is what will change your present situation and alter your future. The truth is that we can all BE better and DO better. But it really starts with an act of will. Far too many people get so emotionally wrapped up in being sick and tired that they lose sight of their innate human ability to adapt and make changes. Feeling lost and believing that you have nowhere to go is a poisonous thought that will keep you trapped in the past and unhappy forever. I suggest you make today the day you break free from that trap and start taking action to create change. Soon, feeling sick and tired will become a distant memory! Wishing You Great Health, Dr. John H. Sklare |
i was about to study when i read this mail - so coincidental
im in such a mood being so sick and tired of being SICK AND TIRED!
and then this email came up. like aww...
but anyway, read up guys. this is really something that you can kinda read for self-help and motivation =))
to those who suffers emotional infliction, i was there before no matter how i may seem not.
we all have these things once in a while even to the less likely people who still smile and pretend that nothing is wrong..
that isnt denial, that is a try to getting over it. but to those, please differentiate between getting over it and denial - they are two different things dear
so anyways, i just want to say that whatever the ordeal or shit that you are going through,
GOD is always there to render help and offer a hand(metaphorically speaking of course), it's a matter if you take it or not.
then there's this crap about free-thinking - nothing against that entirely but gosh
if you dont believe in anything then you cant believe in nothing.
you have to have at least a basic pillar of which you lean on and of which you call home.
HOME isnt a home without LOVE, and LOVE is not there if not for the teaching of GOD.
fine, let's not get too religious here but the only times that my life really got better is when i seeked him...
"seek ye first the kingdom of GOD, and his righteousness. and all these things shall be added unto you.." i dunno what verse is this - forgotten. ehhee. (c'mon, ya'll know i aint that religious!)
but i always love this hymm.
so in whatever, find HIM.
he just waiting.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
lucky by now, it has subsided. hopefully it will stay this way
i had head, face and neck massages already and yet it hasnt helped!
this fatigue is getting on to me - i knew i should have rested after that ladies' night! uggh
anyway, it's too late for regrets, besides i dont really wallow in regrets whatsoever.
it isnt gonna help at all.
oh yeahs! ive finally done cleaning my room! - thanks to mum and sister
ooohhh i feel sooo loved.
nothing much to say, just been at home - with all of em wishing me well
thanks to those who did, i shall be up and about very soon.
okays so ciao for now!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
physically, emotionally and mentally.
so what do i need? A GETAWAY TRIP.
where's my anak ayam!? :(
i need that trip but your away... hais hais
when are you ready to confirm yam?
im cleaning my room and i halfway got disturbed
by some people asking for massage!!
oh i wanna boast something : I HAPPEN TO HAVE GREAT HANDS
- they can massage you to sleep
- can make both girls and guys go oohhh ahhhh
- they are soft
- they are sexy in red nail polish
- i only have three nails polished and they are chipped! (reminder: mentally sick)
im such a good friend arent i? even tho i dun really do housework, i help massage people =))
oh yeah, im tooo busy even for my alone time =((
- way behind filming
- havent been hanging with my ladies
- cleaning of my dear room (my only housework) ; still delayed
- studies for UTs this week and next
- err i know there's freaking more but i kinda forgotten (someone remind me!!)
qualifications :
- must know ME
- must be very open to crazy adventures
- must be tough
- must be good at remembering
- must entertain me
(uggh i miss my old secretaries =(( )
Ohs CHERIE IS IN MY SCHOOL -err but she's always mia now - sooo NO!
Kaiwen - he's in TP - uuggghhh... how how?? (he's also my astrology consultant) =))
who ar the others - sorry if i forgot dears...
but thanks for the ex secretaries... loves
PAY - thousand times of F-U-N
=)) c'mon
FINE!!! real deal
- club and exclusive party invites
- more friends extension
- simply getting loved by me =)) err not THAT way lah. eww
but i know ya'll still love me =))
so do i.. awww..
this is to him,
it's over now, im not in love with you
as i used to be like weeks, months and years before.
you held me captive in your sweet charms;
but i assume im done and im breaking free dear.
you still hold that in me but not anymore
never anymore...
maybe i shall know one day if we are still as
we were suppose to be.
you wont need me, i wont need you.
tho im bare now that we are so apart - even metaphorically speaking
Sunday, June 17, 2007
feature - jan
now i soo wanna feature a very nice comment dear janny posted... like soo awww...
here's the super long testimonial i owe you, since i practically got nothing done today...
at first i have to admit i didn't like jean that much, she has that aura of confidence which can be mistaken for arrogance.
then there's that irritating voice, smile and laugher... gah. i can't beleive i fell for them(in a friend kinda way la).
then i fell for the fact that you could confide in her the way she confides in you, without having to worry about the gossip and shit, and that she'll be real with you.
i love her straightforwardness, because that's how i am also. i guess my charms got to you too huh? HAHA.
hey, it is *MY* testimonial, im allowed to be thick skinned kan?
well, until next time.
loves, janny
(extracted from MY PROFILE)
thanks jan - ur sucha best guy fren.. rmbr! our trip to phil!!!
ahhhh!! BORA- the ship should be nice huh? hahaha. i cant wait.
so save up for 6 months!!! and we shall have hell of fun! yay
soo okay, ciaos
anniversary : june 15
so now, lemme fill ya with the updates.
but before you read on, there are things that i want to tell ya all first.
not knowing if it was a dream or reality
of which i have to keep telling myself that it is real
and i wasnt dreaming
after that night, i came up with an advise:
being drunk and not knowing anything is a choice
and those who dont have a strong will to keep at least half sober,
ur in danger, esp fer girls.
people who are feeling down and who are too emotional about certain thing
will have trouble putting their guard up.
i can say this cos ive experience this.
1. club info - went with laura babe. whheeeees.
ok. I was REJECTED from O-bar and dbl-O, i was underage!!! i AM 19- for goodness sake and i felt soo underage. cos since like i-dunno-when-they-changed date, only aged 2o+ and above are allowed entry! gosh.
seriously, i was dejected. uugghhh! the last time i went dbl-O i was like allowed entry lah!
so anyway, we went to cheekys instead. yeps
they didnt even check my id or maybe they've seen me there before or whatever.
been long since ive been there and the crowds have changed.
i didnt see so many whites there anymore. ("i prefer blacks", says laura. hees)
for me, i prefer spanish/ italilians - hees.
so anyway at Cheekys, there were butches there and then THE WORST EYE CONTACT EVER was when this butch was like having this eye contact with me - like ugghh, im straight!!!
so i was just there drinking and drinking and drinking! danced only when hana came.
tho it's a sad thing that she has to go off early, she has sch the next day.
the songs there aint soo good, except for those a lil catchy rnb. love em
(i just have to say! the dj's cute - hees)
but i dun care, wasnt even into dancing there anyways,
and i dont think i danced tt much that night lah.
11.30pm, 13th june 2007 - I WAS ALREADY SEMI-DRUNK
i should feel so after drinking 10 glasses of whiskey coke and 1 vodka.
then at mos, i drank 1 can of beer - gosh. IMAGINE i was lucky i was with good company and i still have my guard (semi) up.
but all i just wanted was to sleep. i remember fighting to that.
then so after cheeky's we went to mos.
it was freaking packed! it was retro night - so rnb was at smooth.
hmms then so we were at the main arena first. twas not the best really - but twas FUN
but at this time, i see people as if i was dreaming. like as if they werent real. lol
this feeling sucks to let ya'll know.
so like anyway, i think we all went to the second floor.
(oh i forgot to add, Zach and Laura's bro - shit i forgot his name!!! haha - met us before entering mos)
so like went to pure; gosh!!! i love the round sofas, lucky laura was holding me - i think id jump on em and just sleep.
i wanted nothing but to just sleep at that point.. uuggh!
okay, then we went to retro room and we stayed there for quite awhile- they bought more drinks
at this point i know i have to get myself together, cos laura babe is freaking high
then guess who we saw? KUMA - shim's soo pretty, she's really a pretty tranny
we're like the only one she took with at that period. hehe ( yeah i love myself )
so later on, drank more - ugghhh the beer bellly!!!! ima have to abstain from drinkin!!!
yawwns. hmmms wat else - oh yeah.
went to smooth, the first time going in there, i felt like WTF! it's freaking full.
then the second time was worst, the damn bouncer was holding up people at the entry.
but i manage to squeeze in through till right at the door - hehe
mainly smiled at the boys so i got away with it (i soo love myself, conceited me - uggh)
then there were this two ladies at the entry too. so total there were me&laura, then the 2 of em
the bouncer is refusing entry!! goddamit!
i soo wanted to laugh really - one of em was like flirting with the bouncer- uggh so not cool
waiting for nuts, i asked the dude, why the hell is he holding up people.
then he gave the excuse that there were too many people in the room already... like duh.
everyone's looking for the rnb anyway. ahah
but then like after a few minutes of reasoning with him, he let me and laura enter! yay.
then the boys behind us also got in haha.
then ms laura wanted to dance with dudes. i was like tryna keep her to myself - sheesh
and i was successful, and also, i found a great place just near the bar.
there were more ladies at that side - and no butch! (ntg against em but at that point i was phobic)
so like me and laura were dancing away - the boys got soo closed then - so i stopped.
i turned and gave em the eye and good that they keep off - so not cool
(look but no touching man! - ya'll should know tt)
lol i shook it like i just dont care - make em go nuts - lol im sadistic
err fine, jean.. shut up! like so what. anyway, been long since i danced like that. hehe
but at least i was with laura - am more demure when im dancing with my guy frens. haha
okay so i saw him, then i turned away. i ignored him! so totally.
of all places he just have to keep walking up and down the place i was with laura.
so anyway, whenever i saw him, i turn away. when he saw me, he turn away. we're soo childish
then i dunno if it was soo meant to be or a freaking coincident, uggh.
so i was dancing rite, then my hands hit someone
then i looked up - uggh so happen to be him, i was like OOPPS. and he was like OOPS.
then he turned away, i turned away- minded my own business after tt
hahaha - i know i know. im retarded. i wanna see him but i still turn away.
what can i say? being ex lovers just spoiled it all. uggh
so anyways, we joined with laura's bro and zach outside mos, so i saw jas too( he was the bouncer outside)
then they were complaining that they didnt geta enter. then i told em, come with us.
they will definitely get to enter. ahaha.
so like we entered smooth again, danced fer awhile and then went out again.
and then outside, i had to act as laura's bro's girlfren, cos there was this gal laura was telling me about. err when i saw (yes, i just rmbred laura's bro's name : carl) hahaha.
so when i saw his ex gal that he wanted to make jealous, i was like..
"dude, you can like do sooo much better! like for real lah."
uuggh. anyways, i didnt really acted as his gal, more like stand beside him and that's all. ahaha
but anyways, awww he still love her... like ssoooo swwweeetttt. hahhaa
okay, so then we head home - tts all.
story done! and for shitty reason, pics cannot be uploading - bloggers fault
but i will upload is sooon...
p.s. sorry for the very late updates - was really busy lah. been resting and out.
now, im sick! ugghhh. so after this, i sooo want to sleep till tmr morn when im up fer sch!!!
yay school! at least i have things to do now.. rather than go out and spend money
i spent like $250 plus liddat since last friday. uggh
not counting last tuesday!! uugggh i hate myself sometimes. i need to save
so like me and jan are planning to stay there for a week, at my grands place for a week and then we separate to our own individual family - we are sooo gona get a car and fake license there! hahaha =))
anyways, ciaos for now, wanna slp.
good nights.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
updates later
okay, came home and turned in by 6am.
and now, it's 11amplus and im awake, mainly due to the freaking renovations upstairs.
i felt like going up there and killing em man! arrgh.
or is it just who i saw at MOS, and how it went like - ugghh
okay, chill jean.
so before i forget what to update ya, lemme come up with the content page.
1. clubbing info - laura babe, you're the best. thanks for the fun, twas my last ladies night for now :(
+O-bar & dbl-O
+ cheeky monkeys
- significant time : 1130 (i rmbr this cos i type it in my hp. lol) why?
- and there's the worst eye contacts i can have. ugghhh
- the retro night ; not entirely the best but twas fun
- smooth ; rnb - freaking hell packed! (more info)
- pure ; round sofas
- retro room ; semi-drunken state subsiding
- smooth again ; entrance traffic and then i saw what i saw!
- went out
- smooth again
- home
(err some i really dont remember lah.)
2. **** i realised something - what i tried is sooooooo freaking wow. i survived it! *****
so anyway, i promise to update later or yeahs.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Mary Jean!
- In a pinch, the skin from a shark can be used as Mary Jean.
- Over 46,000 pieces of Mary Jean float on every square mile of ocean.
- South Australia was the first place to allow Mary Jean to stand for parliament.
- If the annual Australian Mary Jean crop was laid end to end, it would stretch around the world seven times!
- Some hotels in Las Vegas have Mary Jean floating in their swimming pools!
- Fish travel in schools, but whales travel in Mary Jean.
- There are 336 dimples on Mary Jean.
- If you drop Mary Jean from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first.
- Mary Jean is actually a mammal, not a fish.
- Astronauts get taller when they are in Mary Jean!
do you know...?
Did you know...?
Kissing is healthy
Bananas are good for period pain
Its good to cry
Chicken soup actually makes you feel better
94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers
Lying is actually unhealthy
Only apply mascara to your top lashes
Its actually tru e, boys DO insult u when they like you!
Its impossible to apply mascara with your mouth closed!
89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move
Chocolate will make you feel better! =
Most boys think its cute when you say the wrong thing.
A good friend never judges.
A good foundation will hide hickeys!..not that u have any
Boys arent worth your tears
We ALL love suprises!!
just something i found through my emails. cool huh. hehe
anyway, going to to school for filming meeting. shux lah. im damn tired.
feature of Mira
her name's Mira - she resides in Qatar now, her dad got transfered there for work
she was my sec 1 and 2 girlfriend. and yes, she's cool enough to be featured here - lol

hehe. i think she really just had the itch to go in the MALES. hahha. watcha think?
i think she's naughty.
tst tst tst. naughty, naughty mira. hehe
P.S. im loving F-E-A-T-U-R-I-N-G ppl.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
as ive promised, ima update about those things ive listed =))
but before i start, ima realise that ive forgotten to say that FINALLY!
ive seen pirates of the caribbean, at world's end! with nisha... ehehe.
capt jack sparrow is ubber hawt.
ehehe - sorry naz, sorry as - i cant wait for you all lah.
as was waiting for me to sms him, but then i was waiting too, too bad lah :P
so Pirates rule! and as to those who knows, there will be another one i presume!
i mean like it's obvious that there will be another movie after this! cant wait.
i think the tittle should go ; Pirates Of the Caribbean Aqua De Vida - hehe.
but it's damn hilarious man - esp the part when the indian pirate lord sounded like a gay mouse!
his vooiice was sooo freaking uncalled for. lol
so like everyone burst out laughing - lol
and i have a say to those you said it was not nice, hehe
OKAY.. so the updates
went for drinking session as i have posted in the previous entries.
cousin azmi and i were the initial people - guess where we drank?
i have never drunk in that kind of place before and i found that it isnt so bad -
cos everyone there were also drinking
where? at the old mac location, the new coffeeshop.
hahaahhaha. to those who knows me since duno when, i never drunk at coffeeshops and BEER.
well, except for once with cousin azmi and daryl - they were the ones drinking anw so yeahs.
so we had 3 or is it 4 bottles? i forgot. haha.
at first we were joined by barison and arwin - two otherguy frens
then their nights were cut off cos they were gonna have to meet their friends.
then cousin and i went home by around 3am or something?
had to do some reading fer him and all until i cant stand it, i was freaking woozy.
turned in like 5plus i think? haha
so then cousin woke me up at 830am plus.
then i went to bathe after he left - going for filming meeting
i was like a zombie walking around lah. tooo sleepy!
so anyways, cos of these cos of that, the meeting didnt happen.
poor alex was the only one there, and he called me saying no need to come, cos no one was there
gosh gosh
jan was sick.
ash was at relative's funeral.
i was only too lucky that it didnt happen.
i will be too tired to think, i think i'll die there.
so yeahs.
anyways, clubbing is soo empty for me
i still aint feeling the mood to club.
maybe this friday then - jas' birthday. hehe
then this wednesday, im still thinking if i should go or not.
whatever lah.
ciaos for now - having relatives at home
so later ima update ya abt ;
- drinking session
- late night in
- early morning rising
- why im not in school today wen there was suppose to be meeting
great i feel more woozy.
Monday, June 11, 2007
List according to your preference these following animals -
- COW represent CAREER
- TIGER represent PRIDE
- SHEEP represent LOVE
- HORSE represents FAMILY
- PIG represents MONEY
Describe each animals
- DOG implies your personality
- CAT implies your partner's personality
- RAT implies your view on your enemies
- COFFEE implies how you interpret sex
- SEA implies how your life is like and is gonna be like
Think of someone whom you know and you can associate with this colours
- YELLOW - a person whom you wont forget
- ORANGE - a person you consider your true friend
- RED - a person you really love
- WHITE - your twin soul
- GREEN - a person you will always remember for the rest of your life
now spread the word!
Your Fortune Is |
and so i think i know what it means.
due to this line, it motions me to something that seems to be an answer to my notion.
and so it seem that this is it - ima have to release this thing im feeling
tonight, im going for drinking session - with cousin azmi
just want to get heated up. dunno lah. haha
this is a Tibetan Personality Quiz
just follow accordingly and dont read the answers beforehand.
List according to your preference these following animals
Describe each animals
Think of someone whom you know and you can associate with this colours
*someone called! caller's a friend and i found out something- i cant accept it! C-A-N-T
so then we were talking about other things, when we en route to THAT topic.
and then cos of that topic i cant sleep and so i decided to blog it!
i cant really say it here now, maybe not at this site. maybe at my private blog.
ONLY sisters and closer ones can view it - sorry public
i am utterly appalled and i cannot consider any valid reasons as to why it should happen.
and of all, why must it be that type? i am speechless - or limited with words. and only a 5-letter-word coming outa my mouth!
over and over again. it's that bad!
so i sought to try to have a clearer and much clean thought about it,
but the caller has detailed things that i cannot comprehend as to why it can even be possible!
im just sad to say that it is happening and i feel compelled to do something about it
i have loads of ideas coming up this active mind, but im fearful. haha
it's crazy really. that hahas i put are all those nervous laugh.
that's it! i really do have to do something about it!!! arrghhh
what the fuck is happening lah.
it dont use to be like this as it is now! not sooo low and not sooo bad a scenario!!
and now, chatting with Khalid -
he says : second-hand product when it's back to you (editted sequence)
i dont know. i dont know.
i have to wait till the morn comes, talk with nurul abt this, and P-L-A-N
*name is not disclose for private matters
Sunday, June 10, 2007
my day with beer
it was fING busy today! and that irritant had to make my day worst!
weird attractions' dying down in me. or so i think...
but i dont think it is up fer him! haha
gosh. there's just something in the ways he touches my hands.
then i went to see gu-gu!
nurul was there earlier - i was kinda late.
bought 3-in-1 and i dont geddit, she find it spicy! twas not even tt hot
anyway, he wasnt there when i came and he wasnt there wen nurul came.
so i was like, "im expecting him to not be there, yet i do hope he is"
but then i did get to see him.
dani found out i was at blk4 with nurul, so they came.
only for him to get ready and go riding.
the feeling i felt was like someone slapped me so hard and yet i didnt have the chance to slap them back - that's how i felt like
he came and took his phone saying,
"sorry ladies, i have to go."
and when i asked "why so fast?"
all he had to say was "im late" and i didnt open up my mouth to speak further.
it's not the matter that i saw him and i felt weird,
it's the matter that he had to come and only for my eyes to feast on him for a while.
it isnt satisfying you know.
and also, it was like "a climax cut off" haha. (tts wat nurul and i came up with)
okay so i had a short mandarin lesson with gu-gu! haha
he taught me hippo, beautiful lady/miss, 1million, 10million, and so on.
haha i do enjoy talking to him.
anyway, when we were walking to the mrt, along the long carpark.
we were talking about boys when suddenly WOOF WOOF WOOF came to our hearing range.
later on we ran like mad cos we saw a fucking big dog!!! - chasing a cat
and we thought it was us it was barking and after at! stupid shit
me and nurul only recovered from it until the end of the long carpark - arrrghhh
duh! we laughed about it and so forth, cursed at the dog and whatever we can think off
THEN, the imagination ran wild - what if it were us it was chasing?? gosh
then nurul made us WASTE at least 100m of walk!
she felt like seeing her ex bf who she was just on the phone with!
so i was like, fine, lets go see him.
then we walked like a few metres from the MRT station when he cant be reached!
there goes "a climax cut off" haha
it was retarded today and as always with me and my frens.
still dizzy from the can of beer i drank - i hate beers, this is OFFICIAL
ima hit the sack now, ciaos
Saturday, June 9, 2007
updates on shot and feature
it wasnt just the place, the ambience, the people, the no. of takes i took and the look ppl gave
- it was self satisfaction that runs down my spine which signals my very first huge step in this project
i feel a certain weight load off my chest - the most important part of this project is over. period.
im oh so happy that today went well, from the morning i was having good ol' laughs with my mum and until im about to retire to bed now, i still feel soo good.
thank GOD.
i feel tired but in a way there is still that bit energy left.
so anyway, let us get on with the shoot update.
so met jonathan at the south bridge exit at cityhall and i was late. but the rest were much later!
so it was me and jonathan who went to Charcoal first.
i spoke to the manager and then i ordered drinks.
later on i found out that whatever we order during the shoot, is paid for - thanks RP - muahs
so there were the refreshments for the graduates and so when they came, i have to have some small warm ups with em.
hahaha. they were a hilarious and i should add, wonderful, group.
i am quite fond of having the privileges to actually be at midst with good students who excel in their studies and are now doing good with their post graduation life.
i am quite happy that rp's graduate are not those who are the leftovers in this society where competence is very high.
i am so happy that graduates such as these 5 have embarked on their own will to improve and better themselves academically and of course in their careers :))
i took 5 takes due to laughing, forgetting of lines and of course bad takes. haha.
but overall, it was a nice experience - too bad jan and alex wasnt around. lol
further more, it is way better than that espn interview i had at sentosa! haha - i didnt even get to see the takes myself :( (nvm jean... relax)
okay, i think ima go ahead and rest.
wanna rest.
working tmr and another moments of the strange attraction
wait! before i go, i wanna feature here a friend who is very innovative with what he does.
haha. he's my current RP mate and my former primary school classmate.
take a look at this and guess what he is doing... -
OHP: cool? haha
Jean : haha, you seem as if you just died and landed on the floor
Jean: hahaha
OHP: no lah...
OHP: sun tanning at home... hahahahha
Jean: lol, i tot wat. k send me that pic i feature you at my blog
OHP: cool
lol, this is one of the reasons why i am crazy - cos i have crazy friends! hahaha
ohkies, ppl.
hee :))
kill time
i finally found what i wanna wear for the shoot.
the rest of my clothing dont seem to be around when im in need of them!
but anyway, i have found the best for this shoot.
DECENT AND COMFORTABLE - not that my other clothes are not decent. lol
oh yeah, previous entry wasnt complete..
so after work, i went to gugu (kukong) 's house. so to say, to his place.
but he wasnt there as i have expected as he should be at work anyway.
nurul was supposed to come along with me being her the one to come up with this idea.
then last minute she canceled on me due to her granny's short-hand info. stupid
anyway, didnt matter if i go alone or with someone anyway, if he is there, i wont talk to him too.
and even if he's there or not, i seldom talk to him too - rarely to better put it
well, gugu - a new name i decided to call grand uncle, kukong, uncle, buddha - gugu
twas supposed to be G.u - then he said gugu better. lol then fine.. gugu it is...
gosh! i just realise something - it's his family that still kinda bound me
but it dont matter lah, so what if we're over anyway, it doesnt mean im over with his relatives or whoever rite.
that's why i still come over anyway, besides, i see gugu like an elderly family of mine
at least it kills my missing of my grand parents overseas.
if there's another thing that i should thank him it would be that, he gave me an extended family, even with his mum and gugu...
i think ive killed enough time with this entry.
ima have to go now.
update ya after the shoot of the film.
*i still have to rehearse my lines!!
Friday, June 8, 2007
update on 8th june 07 hehe
went to work -
happenings at work ;
1. slacked the whole day
2. played cards with the fellow staff - tai tee. (lol)
3. hidayah came to the cafe, we had some small gathering issues brought up - hmmms
4. strange attractions. period.
5. saw cousin azmi!!! haha. missed my cuz man!
well yeah, the cafe didnt have much customers. for a weekend it is empty.
but i guess there are loads at night tho. it's always the case.
anyway, there is strong feeling about something that i am choosing to ignore
- i just cant seem to acknowledge it no matter how strong it seems to give off to me.
it dont really matter, it would be passe in time to come anyway. i guess...
anyways, the gathering shit is just gonna be in the past now. i putting it behind me aites.
do whatever, say whatever, i wont be bothered. done
so this monday or tuesday or BOTH, ima ton with cuz azmi and the boys - who are coming!
ahhaa. well, i guess ima have to be the pimp again - lol
long time never see azmi man, he changed his attire a lot - more cool
i like seeing guys on polo tees and just the plain ol' formal polo.
guys, you would all look hawt in it - in my eyes tho... hehe
you guys, show ur sophisticated nature through what you wear and how you treat us ladies =))
ohkies, i think ive talked too much now.
im sleepy! haha.
ohhs, and i have an early day tmr - i have a shoot!!
anyways, it will be at Charcoal - hehe

i love the place - i wonder how am i gonna pull it off!
anyways, Charcoal @ cityhall - 2pm-5pm
but i have to be there by 12pm! - preparations
im yawning like mad.
the coolness of the room and the comfort of the bed is getting to me.
my sisters... maybe, im not feeling that you guys are putting into priority these rare times that we can even have these gatherings - with or without those boys (they are also part of me - that only nurul seems to be able to accept)
and not to forget, she did have someone there as her ex bf and also her ex admirer...
nvm lah... one day maybe when you all decided to put me at least into your list of priority again, just as i have always done, then i'll see ya all again... good day...
well, enough about this.
i woke up already pissed and this just have to add.
im pissed cos of that stupid drilling on the wall by my stupid neighbours.
fucking pissed la.
imagine : i was sleeping - woke up to that sound - then when i cant take it anymore, i got up to bathe, and guess what? the noise stopped at and then it "FOLLOWED" me to the toilet.
conclusion : noise follows me - that's it. i found out about it. lol
yeahs, im awake early.
im still sleepy actually, didnt have enough sleep last night - bitch ass.
and thanks to the drills.
fucking annoying.
and i just realised something - i seem to be too vulgar for mornings.
*slaps mouth!*
okay anyway, im going to work today - need the cash.
well at least i wont need to spend it all on the gathering - cancelled
-i guess maybe ima just spend that day with those bastards - ok enough!
i tell you, at the rate im going, ima have to disown people just cos of this man...
no i aint disowning the sisters. im just having emotional-nerve-wrecking-angry days.
anyway, i dont think they'd even bother now would they.
okay, gtg get my breakfast.
good morning ppl.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
fuk shit
ive been thinking - it's like everyone has been too busy with all this.
im gonna cancel the damn pit.
i dunno if im thinking straight but i hate to keep thinking that im the only one bothered with getting together.
i mean, yes, i can see they are into all this, but the prob is that, im not feeling it enough.
everything's not going accordingly.
it's like cos of something, there are those who feel weird ard ppl and then those who just plainly dont even try to compromise.
and then again maybe im being paranoid - maybe cos im the type who will go all out fer my supposedly C-L-O-S-E frens - THE CLIQUE
maybe im asking too much that two of my CLIQUES come together - maybe it's too much.
okay, then fine.
i guess this is what i have been feeling - i'll shut up about gatherings
for heaven's sakes people, am i the only real person who must help myself?
i dont know if what im seeing is the sign that says, "maybe frens really come and go"
i dont know what to think and i cant and wont be bothered anymore.
also, i wont be holding anymore gatherings just to let those know.
anyways, maybe it's just my fault that the pit is only available on that certain day.
and also, maybe it is my fault that you all just have to make plans tt you think you cant cancel on.
and then maybe it is my fault that im just being the type who asks fer too much...
maybe i shud put it in that maybe it's my fault that im asking for is too much such as to just put this gathering as the priority.
i dont know what's happening to you all - you'll used to put all this things first.
maybe time has really changed.
plus also maybe i can say that im just a paranoid bitch not feeling your interest in the gathering anymore, tt you all have to think deep before saying yes... hmms - okay fine i am then...
maybe when you all have started to hold all these yourselves only then i will come.
or if you all cant be bothered then fine - i can always do with one-to-one meetings you know..
oh and nurul, thanks for bothering at least even tho u'll be schooling before coming in ur UNIFORM. at least you really do make the time.
and thanks for cancelling your plans with your new frens this sat - i can see your real interest in this gathering and (i just apologize that it is pushed to tuesday.)
cos i aint feeling it with the other sisters... hais
anyways my bitches, see ya all one day.
good luck with whatever and enjoy well with your new frens.
had my late dinner.
sat in front of the com and chatted.
got end up with a new project in due thanks(i hope) to jan.
project? - choreography (TP jc peeps)
sisters interested, do help out! haha.
im still unsure - i didnt give a verbal signal i'll take em on but shit lah.
i guess ima have to help out and i hope the grp's alryte.
the basic importance - i hope they can really dance and they can pick up fast!
anyway, i wanna sleep soon.
im just listening to the remix over and over again.
and im not really feeling it.
maybe cos im not absorbing now. lol
it's night damn it!
p.s. i really hope the gathering is gona go great.
hais - and this is how much i miss the sisters...
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
gathering updates
1. It will be held on Tuesday 12th June 2007 instead
2. The location is at East Coast Beach Park Bbq pit 21
3. Pit is already shared between me and jaja - paid already.
4. Food and Drinks are the only one left to be shared among us.
for the location,
it is at the mac area there but you turn right from the mac exit.
further enquiry on the location you can call me or jaja - so yeahs.
food and drinks will be evenly shared among the peeps.
the guys who wanna bring booze just do so - those who wanna drink, go ahead.
ohkie then... ciaos
p.s. this is the lyrics for the previous featured song by Taufik Batisah. - from the previous entry
Usah Lepaskan
Terlukis di bibir mu
Tak pernah ku lihat senyum mu
Pudar kah sudah cinta yang ku beri
Berwarna warni segala
Yang dijanjikan ia
Usah biarku bersendirian
Usah biar hati mu di tawan
Usah biar diri ku di sini
Seorang menunggu tanpa teman
Usah lepas genggaman tangan mu
Usah biar semua berlalu
Usah terlupa perasaan hati
Pertama kali kita bertemu
Usah lepaskan
Tak mudah ku melupa segala yang berlalu
Ku ingin selalu bersama mu
Repeat Chorus
Ku tak peduli apa sebabnya
Engkau dan dia harus bersama
Mendungnya langit bila berkata
Kita patutnya masih bercinta
Usah lepaskan
Usah lepaskan
Usah lepaskan
Yang terindah
Terlukis di bibir mu
Tak pernah ku lihat senyum mu
today hees
1. i realized that i aint a bitch abt dumping the current ex.
2. met up with the sisters at changi airport - pre-planned for the upcoming gathering
3. i hv been thinking more often of my bitch
4. i called him without any pure hesitation
5. filming is eating my brain up (met the grp on monday)
2. chatted with mami and found out he's there
3. went to work
4. ate like a pig
5. called him again just to ease the urge in me
i can think of many reasons why i shouldnt come to him like i use to always do.
i have so many reasons why i have to run to him
i have so many reasons why i just have to stop myself.
and mind you, this is not a poem.
i have been thinking about him more often as i have this few weeks.
let say i have been having him in my subconscious mind and im pretty much aware of it.
this is ultra weird but i guess im just so used to having weird stuff abt me and him.
okay enough about him. i get irritated myself talking about him.
it's like an itch that i cant get off myself scratching.
my holidays so far is full of mixed or i prefer it to be unknown emotions.
now, it is wednesday and the time is 3.02 am - and im still awake!
anyway, i have this weird attraction on this guy.
and i would rather commit suicide than tell anyone about it - i cant even accept it in my mind.
Updates about the Gathering :
Date : Monday, 10th June 2007
Venue: East Coast Beach Park
Theme: Casual Gathering (Camping)
Cash Contribution: $10 per person
- first degree peeps have been informed!
- 2nd degree friends will be informed very soon...
sisters, do try to be able to ton.
jaja and ling have no excuse to not be able to ton.
with exception of ling's work, then maybe if she really cannot get leave on tuesday, then she can dont ton.
further news - call me or just see the confirm detail latest by Saturday.
Filming Groupies
Shoot Venue : Charcoal @ The Treasury (City Hall)
Time: 12nn-5pm
Jonathan and Alex - do submit the equipment loan form done ASAP.
get to me at for further clarifications.
I know this song has been out quite awhile back, but i wanna feature it here.
I dont know why i have a sudden attachment to this song. hais.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
i have been doing the
Saturday, June 2, 2007
break up and other stories
i know i know, im being a bitch. but i really cant help it.
i just have to do it. i seriously cannot end up liking him more than a friend.
so why did i went on with him in the first place? cos i gave myself a chance to
see if can like him or not!
so it ended up as a big NO.
he's a total friend ONLY.
but i guess i just lost a friend again.
well, it dont matter... guys are like that.
if they dump you, they'll want you to still stay as frens,
but if u dump them, they'll just fuck off your life.
people tend to meet and grow old together,
but i didnt feel it was you and me,
it's not you, it's not me, it's fated,
that i break with you now.
then school ended with cognitive process and problem solving module.
and then i realized that i checked out some guy... (cos of sahidah lah! haha)
OMG. but what can i say, i did like his shirt.
enough about that, okay, so i got a date on saturday(supposedly) but then
he cant make it the last minute.
so he still does owe.
well, ive been chatting a lot with him lately and i dare say that he has impressed me.
to an certain extent of propriety. hehe
and so i realize that i do like being impressed and kept interested.
i didnt know how to explain myself until just now,
when there was this guy who seem so eager to get to know me, but he isnt even putting
enough effort to do so. err both guys i am talking about now are different ppl.
well, i guess im just not ur typical kinda gurl.
i saw pride and prejudice - i fell in love with the character of Mr Darcy.
and then it got reminded me of Hugh Jackman... i thought Matthew Macfadyen is Hugh Jackman at first!!
haha gosh. im in love with gentlemen and strong characters that can captivate me.
so someone please captivate me - guys only... lol
two characters that can make me really fall
- mr darcy's quiet, haughty and proud ways
- romeo's persisting charms and romantic bad ass ways.
arrrgh. i wonder if there's anyone who i will find like this.
i should live a life in theater. haha
i hate watching movies, i get soo into the character that i forgot it's mere movies.
for characteristics in movies does not truly exist.
not even mr darcy's and romeo's nature, for they are flawless lovers.
to my eyes that is. (munira, i bet u understand what im tryna say.)
what i need is romance back into my life
por favor,
me deseo amar otra vez
mi corazon necessita amor.
and then again i think, i guess im the only one not letting it back into my life.
i mean, im just being hard on love over and over again.
whenever it's there i take it for granted.
when it isnt there, i just want it soo bad.
-human nature-
i gtg. im sleepy =*() ...
nites nites