so i woke up at almost 5pm.
as ive promised, ima update about those things ive listed =))
but before i start, ima realise that ive forgotten to say that FINALLY!
ive seen pirates of the caribbean, at world's end! with nisha... ehehe.
capt jack sparrow is ubber hawt.
ehehe - sorry naz, sorry as - i cant wait for you all lah.
as was waiting for me to sms him, but then i was waiting too, too bad lah :P
so Pirates rule! and as to those who knows, there will be another one i presume!
i mean like it's obvious that there will be another movie after this! cant wait.
i think the tittle should go ; Pirates Of the Caribbean Aqua De Vida - hehe.
but it's damn hilarious man - esp the part when the indian pirate lord sounded like a gay mouse!
his vooiice was sooo freaking uncalled for. lol
so like everyone burst out laughing - lol
and i have a say to those you said it was not nice, hehe
OKAY.. so the updates
went for drinking session as i have posted in the previous entries.
cousin azmi and i were the initial people - guess where we drank?
i have never drunk in that kind of place before and i found that it isnt so bad -
cos everyone there were also drinking
where? at the old mac location, the new coffeeshop.
hahaahhaha. to those who knows me since duno when, i never drunk at coffeeshops and BEER.
well, except for once with cousin azmi and daryl - they were the ones drinking anw so yeahs.
so we had 3 or is it 4 bottles? i forgot. haha.
at first we were joined by barison and arwin - two otherguy frens
then their nights were cut off cos they were gonna have to meet their friends.
then cousin and i went home by around 3am or something?
had to do some reading fer him and all until i cant stand it, i was freaking woozy.
turned in like 5plus i think? haha
so then cousin woke me up at 830am plus.
then i went to bathe after he left - going for filming meeting
i was like a zombie walking around lah. tooo sleepy!
so anyways, cos of these cos of that, the meeting didnt happen.
poor alex was the only one there, and he called me saying no need to come, cos no one was there
gosh gosh
jan was sick.
ash was at relative's funeral.
i was only too lucky that it didnt happen.
i will be too tired to think, i think i'll die there.
so yeahs.
anyways, clubbing is soo empty for me
i still aint feeling the mood to club.
maybe this friday then - jas' birthday. hehe
then this wednesday, im still thinking if i should go or not.
whatever lah.
ciaos for now - having relatives at home
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