the only apparent mood i was in was either im too happy or im too quiet - if u call that moods...
i only remember laughing madly or shutting up entirely.
shen should know! haha i wasnt in the mood for anything.
yesterday in class was hilarious tho, i was team up with the couple (vans and yihao), sahidah and nisha. we made quite a lot of noise talking about which ghost should represent which.
apparently i got the breast ghost - hantu tetek.
it's quite the contrary tho, i have big and juicy ass, not breast. im only a B-cup and they call me hantu tetek? retardation.
so nisha as usual get the calling pontianak, sahidah was the chinese vampire, yihao is the pocong and vanessa is toyol - i know... i dont kno what i was doing really
the mood of happiness or basically just outburst of laughter irritated even myself.
i wonder how Shen stand these moods im getting. it's retarded.
anyhoo, i had some talk with him.
apparently, boys out there who have been trying to figure me out can go to Shen to ask any queries - he's working double shift digging in me deeper =))
apparently, he wants to know 'this girl i ....' i shall leave the dots a mystery
okayy. absolute as it may seem, i am feeling rather emotional.
i think, yes, that's the word, emotional.
over what? nothing. it's the damn period
moody before the period, normal during the period and anger outburst after the period.
OMG shen is so going to suffer...
shen and i are somewhere in the line of friends and more...
we are still on that path. we are having fun and i guess id know if we'll ever really happen.
if im still feeling as if we are not, it would be up to him to make me feel as such.
so far we are really good on communicating what we feel and how we see things.
i admire people who are independent - at least those who are somewhere there.. - cos for nuts, im not independent really. that's a good thing about being a girl
anyhoo, yesterday when shen sent me to the bus interchange, we saw his classmates.
i so wanted to run and hide. haha i mean i dont think it should be fair to us being found out when we are still "on the way"
i have nothing against our closer friends knowing about us and all.
my readers basically wont know who the hell im talking about anymore. only some here...
RP readers should just keep a close watch if you're really that psychotic to know.
but please dont link me to some strange retard. haha
okayy. today was quite fun too.

- we have two days to inform the whole world about it.
how and what to do? this is the most retarded communication topic that is brought up ever. haha
my team did fine. not the best but it dont really matter, we conveyed and stood our grounds rather well =))
was with shen most of the time. i didnt see jan today tho =((
cos he left me in the morning and we didnt meet for lunch - went with Shen.
i know, it's like Shen, Shen, Shen... what can i do?
well, ive been spending and talking to him most of the time.
apparently he's gathering information about me and my character. i told him to make a book out of it. haha
okayy. after school today, met him again and went to his hostel and hung out with this friends. uggh his dorm totally is GUYS DORM - it's awful!
only one of the guys' BED AREA is clean!
okay whatever it was. we spend like 45 mins being together and ended up getting late for both our other commitments!
and and i gave him BUTTERFLY KISSES.

i like those kisses a lot and uggh however, whenever i think of that, i remember giving it to daryl. stop stop stop. brainwash
but however, Shen didn't get the REAL butterfly kiss i always give my bfs..
recalling: i dont think i gave one to ivan tho...
okayy whatever... it dont matter..
so today went for emcee meeting. yay! =))
we are going to be handed out events to host. it really is cool.
however, it so totally make me sooo packed this holiday.
3 weeks = 21 days
class chalet - at least 2 day 1 night
weblog camp - 3 days
2-4 days of workshops - journalism & emcee-ing
so far, that's 11 days gone and more to come...
class chalet - at least 2 day 1 night
weblog camp - 3 days
2-4 days of workshops - journalism & emcee-ing
so far, that's 11 days gone and more to come...
today at emcee meeting it got me thinking of doing a podcast.
anyone has any ideas to do on? something that you think i can pull off?
dont ask me to do comedy. it'll will suck. =D
emcee meeting was like too fast and too long...
fast cos i was 10mins late. missed the introduction part. uggh wasted.
also, it was a bad first second
then it was long because i was suppose to meet Yan - has been waiting for like 45mins or so
gosh. so he fetched me and we went to seafood place at tampines.
been long since i been there.
well, my bums hurt due to the travel there on the motor, it has been like months and months that i ride it.
miss going riding with my dear ling. haiz...
and of course i do miss my good ol' biker friends.. =((
okay anyhooo... i have to go.
im lacking sleep... but school is fun as usual.
however before i end my day today.
i want to do an advance greeting -
anyone has any ideas to do on? something that you think i can pull off?
dont ask me to do comedy. it'll will suck. =D
emcee meeting was like too fast and too long...
fast cos i was 10mins late. missed the introduction part. uggh wasted.
also, it was a bad first second
then it was long because i was suppose to meet Yan - has been waiting for like 45mins or so
gosh. so he fetched me and we went to seafood place at tampines.
been long since i been there.
well, my bums hurt due to the travel there on the motor, it has been like months and months that i ride it.
miss going riding with my dear ling. haiz...
and of course i do miss my good ol' biker friends.. =((
okay anyhooo... i have to go.
im lacking sleep... but school is fun as usual.
however before i end my day today.
i want to do an advance greeting -
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