ignored it for awhile and then someone called.
she told me to tell my mother that the masseuse will be coming at 1pm.
then i realized it was my aunt so i drag myself off the bed.
such a sleepy pig i am!
so i went to the mum's room, saw Haizak (the malay spelling for the most argued name since ever - Isaac)
he was such an angel and every time i come to him, he smiles.
my presence i felt is very distinguished to him.
he didn't only smile once or twice. he smiled A LOT of times.
my exhaustion left me instantly.
it was like a boost in the system that i can only feel in that weird special way.
my brother... my dearest youngest sibling.
so seeing my lively manner, mum asked me to send off my sister.
i was goofy just now. then came the aftermath of the night.
now im too tired to even psycho myself to get off the bed.
all im able to do is to type away, listen to songs and plainly just pig around.
i must say, my room of this late has been one like a pig sty.
very very much awful to the eyes. i cannot stand it anymore.
i will have to just do the cleaning after bathing.
which goes to say that i official stink of booze, cigarettes and whichever
unwanted smell there was in the club all clinging onto my skin.
to think about it, i am showing signs of barfing...
im horrible sometimes! call myself a young lady. uggh
i think im worst than the boyfriend. hehe
anyway, last night was fun but as a whole, not very much what i expected.
*sobs* i was utterly disappointed how the night went along.
but to come to think about it, the night itself was testing my resistance.
of which i must admit here that i was so tempted.
then again, there is someone who's holding me back =)
desperate idiots who wants pussy so bad would just come around and touch you.
not even keeping to their zone of comfort.
it's a club yes, but i still believe that when the girl is not inviting anyone to her,
those dudes should keep away. dont ya'll agree?
i was tipsy but not enough to let down my guard.
then it wore off cos i feel that Laura needed me to stay sober.
she was gone - totally
in here i wont say what happened.
she was so high i dont even think she remembered what she did.
i am not into judging people, let alone my friends.
on another hand, i learnt what it means by why boyfriends dont let their girlfriends
visit those nightlife areas. unless of course the girlfriend is me...
haha okay. self praises is not allowed here for now.
i feel that i am very proud of myself, of which something i have already informed the boyfriend. lol
i hope that if he even visit the club, no matter with his brother or whoever, he keeps to himself.
look, see but no touching. that's the rule of boundary at the minimal for boyfriends.
you can trust girls but never the guys.
it sound very sexist but i must say that guys are just guys and very much human.
im not saying that all girls are good and prissy but im applying it to the majority of the wrong doers- guys. lol
gosh im sexist. no guys dont take it the wrong way.
im just saying that guys are capable of a lot of things.
especially when it comes to places where loose pussy are available.
why say this? because women has been the source of conflict in the world of man.
look at what happened to the great city of Troy.
The great emperor of rome, Julius Caesar.
the great general of rome, Anthony.
it has all been this way ever since Adam and Eve's time.
most conflict are resulted by women.
we, women are meant to be kept and treasure by one only.
being a person who cannot pass off as a saint, i admit to own wrongdoings myself.
because i wanted to test my power over certain dudes, i guess i didn't even realize that
the attention im getting are from guys who themselves are 'happily attached'
i have bad experience of being the third party before.
and i vowed never to fall under that again.
i am turning over a new leaf. actually i have been for the past months.
only now it's maximize cos someone said to me that i have him to hold on for.
and that no matter if we work out or not, only at that time we'll know.
and to you, i thank you.
well then lets get back to the updates for last night.
nothing special really.
i saw people who i know..
at CM - cheeky monkey - i saw someone who told me not to say i saw her there cos her bf doesnt know. lol hehe naughty girl...
at MOS i saw the long lost best guy sister, Jasvender...
he was still looking BIG as ever. bouncying and all.
so nice to see him after like months and months.
After some nice semi sober time at MOS we went to Gotham penthouse.
the source of Laura's 'downfall'... lol
then this i have to tell boyfriend later when we have longer time to talk.
AT GOTHAM : there were Whites and Hispanic dudes doing some performance.
and they were stripping up. showing hints of Man G-strings.
hot hot hot... noting to self : look but dont touch. hahaha
this is the way Gotham treat their ladies in the house.
it was fun all through till the ending time. twas irritatingly and horribly hilarious.
Laura was blabbering nonsense.
Jas was shaking his head.
Laura's boyfriend came down to pick her up. sounds kinda pissed...
wish them all the best...
on the phone, he told me to send her to his place and so i did.
the cabfare was major bomb! but it was expected.
good thang i have my cards. if not id have to seduce the driver to let me go. lol
okay just kidding... uggh id rather seduce the boyfriend.
so in the midst of all the hype and the disgusting ways of clubbing.
the camwhore in me reigns strong!
so here are pictures!!!! hehe
and one video at GOTHAM. lol
On the way to Clarke Q - cab
ATTICA drinks - Cosmopolitan - i swear it did something to my system.
then now see what happened abt the tequila. haha.this is on purpose okay.
not lesbian when im tipsy.
this is what frustration and alcohol to do me.. horrible picture ever.
last but not least. the most retarded picture ever.
it's kinda obscene and if boyfriend complains, im taking it down..
&he says i look like a stripper
and so the night ended.
i hope it will be better next week.
and i hope the boyfriend can go too =))
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