there have been quite a lot that happened within these past few days that i didnt fill in.
okay, im soree for the missing-in-action stuff, but im back!
so far, since my last entry, ive dyed my hair, from streaks of blonde to burgundy.
now my hair need more nourishment!! im sure it does.
anyways, my money's near gone!
but yes i did spend it on myself, my mum and more things.
ive been spending it on food really.
and it's not cos of the quantity of food that's why i spend but more to the venue of it.
i really learn to treat myself. there was that day that me and the sisters got together.
and we had lunch at pasta mania. i love the beef lasagña there. i mean nothing beats jack's place or swensen's but for pastamania to have a beef lasagña to be worth its price, is really quite remarkable.
anyways, im a sucker for cushion seats now. i insisted to chill at starbucks ONLY if there was cushion seats.
LIKE DAMN! can starbucks have more sofas or cushion seats?? gosh.
oh ya, talking about starbucks, there was this cute guy who works at starbucks vivo.
really, i find him cute. haha... but nah, i aint interested.
okay, work was fine. really fine. i at least ceased hating one chef.
but the other chef, the fat bastard, really just dont get the damn idea that the way he looks at me freaks me out.
i mean cant he just stop looking as if he never saw a GIRL!
but anyways, i still dont eat what he cooks. so too bad for me. even my cousin didnt eat what he cooked.
just by looking at it, you would really lose your appetite.
okay, enough about that. see, i dont like dissing people.
im not proud that i hate him in any sense but too bad.
today, hajar, hidayah and i went to school for some dance business.
well, nothing that hits your mind straight.
it's more to ironing creases found on shirts.
it was tough but we decided that on account of saving dance club, MY DANCE CLUB, i just have to come forth and just stop the bitchified attitude that i show Ain, my successor, for running my club to the ground.
i was really too disappointed that i refuse to aid them now that they seek my help.
i mean why now when everything is almost settled.
that the teachers have decided to close it down.
i gave the girls and Ain a piece of my mind and so did the other two.
we love having this talks. i love it personally because i get to tell them what i hated and what i loved.
of course, you wont know exactly how it is but long story short.
past = good dance reputation
present = dance club closing (no more studio privilleges, no more outside school performance)
** all because they find it stressful to join the prenenial SYF.
damn it, didnt they know that IT IS a damn big deal. SYF is a big deal.
i developed fatigue due to the intensity of the dance expectations that i have to achieve as a dance President.
and i love hajar and hidayah for their full-pledge support during those times that dancing was being sucha huge burden.
okay, after the talk, which ened quite well, having them quite sure that they want to do SYF now, the three of us, went for lunch.
we went to Long John's and then hajar have t0 leave to meet Salihin.
i dont get the secrecy in that but whatever, i knew from hidayah that she was meeting him.
so hidayah and i had our time.
it has been quite a very long time since we had a one-t0-one moment together.
we talked and talked some more.
there were loads of topic about school, poly, boyfriends, dance club, ex love flames, flings and etc.
the most intense for me was the issue about my ex bf, daryl.
there were some questions that i answered and some stories i painstakingly told her about.
it didnt actually pain me to talk about him but i find it quite funny..
but anyway, im sure he's happy now and i wish him good luck.
aww im sucha caring creature, aint i.
AND THEN came about her ex too...
yeash we talked about the guy that we ALMOST quarrelled about.
haha.... right ? hidayah. and to think that he actually thought we'll just throw away our friendship just cos he thought im soooo into him.
anyways, hidayah darls, i think you know that he isnt really MY EX too.
hah! eat that okay! lol
okay, im ending here.
so here from me soon.
oh yeah. more PICS!!