

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Video - FW:Thinking by Jonathan Strickland

Found this on How Stuff Works, under the segment Fw:Thinking where Jonathan Strickland talked about the future. It's been estimated that every person on Earth will have at least 6 devices connected to the internet.

So where are we now?

We have our smartphones, tablets, laptops and computer devices, game consoles, smart TVs, as well as hi-tech cameras that are able to connect to the internet.

That's already about 6 devices connected to the internet. However, we are not seeing this huge numbers per person at the moment. At most, every household would have had 6 devices.

Studies show that "by 2020, there will be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet." 

The video above depicts a tour of how intelligent a living room of the future will be in deducting what's the best environment to adjust to accordingly to your mood, and how rough your day had been.

It's truly amazing and incredible. But I can't help but feel rather afraid of this massive advancement. Although it's going to be pretty interesting, I can't shake off the heavy feeling that everything will be so reliant on the internet.

Even though I'm working in an Online Media firm, i still somehow feel that everything is moving too fast. 

What about you? How do you feel about it?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Work: Creativity is hard work

A big hello to those of you reads my blog.

It's been quite a while since my last quality post, and I must admit, I am ashamed how mixed up my posts have been. This is clearly not the type of blog you can learn anything about but myself. And the fact that I'm not a million dollar celebrity means that you're reading this either because you're bored, you've got nothing better to do, or simply put, you're a stalker. (Haha)

I have decided to 'tag' my posts' subject according to what I will be sharing about, so you can easily choose to skip to better reads.

Tonight, I want to talk about work.

Briefly, let me tell you about my current job, and what it entails. I will then proceed to talk about the subject on creativity.

I've been with ihub Media since 18 June 2012, and in exactly a month from now, I will be celebrating my first year. I am happy how far I've reached in my three years of entering the work life. Recall your younger years as a worker, how far have you gone as to where you were before?

Some may have just moved on to a new job, some who are still slaving away under employers who don't deserve them. There are some who are lost in their vocation and are unsure which industry they belong to. Many may be discerning how they are in the working world, and there seem to be a restlessness stirring in them. A small minority may be truly in love with their job the same way they were since they first set foot in it.

Whichever you may be from what I've just stated, you are definitely not alone There are many of you who feels similar to what I've mentioned above. What about me? I like my job. Currently, I am looking at how I'm growing with this company. It has taught me a lot about the world of Facebook.

Work Background

ihub Media, my employer, is Asia's leading social media agency. We specialize in the 4 platforms of Facebook (Pages, Apps, Community and Marketplace Advertisement), Google Display Network advertisements, as well as various Digital Services such as CMS websites creation, and SEO implementation. We have a Pan Asia presence across various countries - Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and recently we are penetrating Vietnam.

The people there have been wonderful, and are truly knowledgeable in their fields. I am blessed to be with ihub, and truly thankful for the many opportunities that I've been given. I have inspiring, respectable and truly amazing bosses to look up to, and the plus point? They don't micromanage.

I'm working as an Account Executive for apps management now - managing Facebook applications for clients under our patronage. During the 4 months probation, I was already being given tasks that allowed me to maximize my potential. Months into my employment I feel I've reached a certain point where I am itching to do something more. I am starting to think that a certain decision to be limited to a team may have been a wrong call, but hey, I am still growing and learning. Online media is constantly revolving and its pace is incredibly fast. There's always something to know, something to learn and many opportunities to discover.

I am currently dedicated to the full support of 2 wonderful sales ladies in my team. I develop ideas for applications on Facebook for clients in the various industries that the ladies handle, most commonly, beauty, travel and entertainment. I advise them on what work and what wont for clients' campaign for applications. With the help of the tech team, i also ensure they know the technical feasibility of the application mechanics that clients demands for.

Based on these aspects of my job scope, it's pretty obvious that creativity is very heavily involved. When I create proposals for application, I think up of how I can link our current apps library to the brand I'm proposing for. It's fun to do this, instead of sending clients generic applications. Of course, it varies, depending on the state of the pitch.

About creativity

As per my post's title, creativity is hard work. Although it can come naturally to me, most of the time, I need time to form up the linkage between a brand and an application, while ensuring to keep to client's almost non-existent budget set aside for application. It's all about keep the cost down, ensuring an optimized timeline, and managing thousands of demands, and of course, the need to keep clients happy. It takes creativity and a certain attitude, and full support from our management to actually achieve the bending of the impossible triangle.

About creative (minded) people

Creative (minded) people are hard to work with really. They have both extroverted and introverted personalities that you can never point out exactly how they're going to react to things. They can be so abnormal one second, and the next they're acting like your average joe. There are different fields creative minded people enter, and it's usually those that gives them challenges. The moment this person has mastered the duty or the job, it's highly probable that they will need something new to spice up their work life. It's usually important for these people to be in a fast paced environment that allows them to feel the adrenaline rush they need to get them going. But it is a must to ensure that these creative people are given a lot of air pockets for breathers. They cannot, and I repeat, cannot be expected to be a work horse, and not have a source of inspiration they can actually take sips from. Though creative people can be mules, able to work hard on projects, they will need time to recharge otherwise their creative juices will quickly evaporate. And poof! That same person you admire for cooking up loads of awesome and brain-whacking ideas just vanishes to thin air, because they've hit a dry spell. These people need to commune with their thoughts and their entire being in order to produce award winning solutions.

It will also be a huge mistake to micromanage this people. Think of the saying "Plants need space to grow". Space is what you really need to give them, although, it's not the vacuum type of space you need to give them. You need to give them something to work on, brainstorm and you need to woo their minds, to spark some flames and ignite their minds, eventually allowing the creativity juices to start flowing.

Creativity is not chanced upon, it's in-built in people who were granted such minds to create, innovate and execute solutions that can benefit everyone. It's hard-wired on such people and usually, they have certain traits that is evident. And funny enough, creative people are usually dubbed as 'weird'.

To conclude, here's an infograph to show you a mind-map of a Creative Genius Mindset. Let's see if these traits actually make you think creative people are weird. Looks pretty normal to me... maybe it's you who are the rigid ones that are weird.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Between the lines, too much.

Dear White,

Honestly, I can't take it anymore.
The fact that I'm deciphering too much in between the lines is taking its toll on my mental capacity.
I'm officially confused. Congratulations.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Please don't judge, it tells a lot about you!

Today, I boarded the bus to see a pleasant-looking driver with a friendly smile and a warm disposition. A few stops later, he accidentally scraped the front of the bus on the curb, and the bus jerked and halt suddenly. It was shocking, yes, but not really that bad as he managed to apply the break in time.

An old Malay uncle said loudly "Haiya this bus driver has a problem, I think he's sleepy or something. Followed by an Indian man saying, "Ya ya, this driver is something wrong". Then you know what's the worst thing that happened, the old uncle continued, and went on saying.. "this driver MUST be from China one... they all drive like that."

I was like, WTF, really? Then there were exchange of agreement between him and the Indian man, and it sorta continued for a bit more.

The Indian man alighted, and he yelled out "WAIT!" just because he's going down. The driver just merely put up his hand to signal "don't worry, I know you're going down." There were people who made noise saying, "that man was too much, make the whole damn thing so big"

At least I was not the only one outraged.

I honestly wonder, why is there such discrimination or generalization? It's horrid how many are talking against the PRCs that way.

WTF, really.

Anyway, the irony of it was the driver was a Chinese SINGAPOREAN. I know because he's a good, careful driver (who today made a blunder, which didn't result in anyone getting hurt) I've always seen him drive the same bus service for almost a decade.

How maddening really.

People, dont judge or generalize, it really just talks a lot about how shallow and narrow minded you are.

Each of us were created unique from others. Tell me, why is it that even identical twins who are so physically similar can be thousand miles different from each other? Because God created us to be different, to be unique one from another.

And tell me, why is it that we go through series of changes in our lives? Because we are not meant to be a stagnant pool of water. That very reason means that we are 'like this' when the wind blows south, and 'like that' when the wind blows north. You get what I mean?

We are never going to be unchanging. There can be events (or days) that we are not the same as we are yesterday or hell, even just a moment ago. But that moment define us, that moment gives an opportunity for people to pass the test of accepting us for who we really are.

Today, I learnt that the old uncle and that Indian man reacted in their own ways because they refuse to get out of their mindset of being so damn shallow.

I hope I will never follow such frame of thoughts that way.