

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Video - FW:Thinking by Jonathan Strickland

Found this on How Stuff Works, under the segment Fw:Thinking where Jonathan Strickland talked about the future. It's been estimated that every person on Earth will have at least 6 devices connected to the internet.

So where are we now?

We have our smartphones, tablets, laptops and computer devices, game consoles, smart TVs, as well as hi-tech cameras that are able to connect to the internet.

That's already about 6 devices connected to the internet. However, we are not seeing this huge numbers per person at the moment. At most, every household would have had 6 devices.

Studies show that "by 2020, there will be 50 billion devices connected to the Internet." 

The video above depicts a tour of how intelligent a living room of the future will be in deducting what's the best environment to adjust to accordingly to your mood, and how rough your day had been.

It's truly amazing and incredible. But I can't help but feel rather afraid of this massive advancement. Although it's going to be pretty interesting, I can't shake off the heavy feeling that everything will be so reliant on the internet.

Even though I'm working in an Online Media firm, i still somehow feel that everything is moving too fast. 

What about you? How do you feel about it?

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