

Monday, May 6, 2013

Please don't judge, it tells a lot about you!

Today, I boarded the bus to see a pleasant-looking driver with a friendly smile and a warm disposition. A few stops later, he accidentally scraped the front of the bus on the curb, and the bus jerked and halt suddenly. It was shocking, yes, but not really that bad as he managed to apply the break in time.

An old Malay uncle said loudly "Haiya this bus driver has a problem, I think he's sleepy or something. Followed by an Indian man saying, "Ya ya, this driver is something wrong". Then you know what's the worst thing that happened, the old uncle continued, and went on saying.. "this driver MUST be from China one... they all drive like that."

I was like, WTF, really? Then there were exchange of agreement between him and the Indian man, and it sorta continued for a bit more.

The Indian man alighted, and he yelled out "WAIT!" just because he's going down. The driver just merely put up his hand to signal "don't worry, I know you're going down." There were people who made noise saying, "that man was too much, make the whole damn thing so big"

At least I was not the only one outraged.

I honestly wonder, why is there such discrimination or generalization? It's horrid how many are talking against the PRCs that way.

WTF, really.

Anyway, the irony of it was the driver was a Chinese SINGAPOREAN. I know because he's a good, careful driver (who today made a blunder, which didn't result in anyone getting hurt) I've always seen him drive the same bus service for almost a decade.

How maddening really.

People, dont judge or generalize, it really just talks a lot about how shallow and narrow minded you are.

Each of us were created unique from others. Tell me, why is it that even identical twins who are so physically similar can be thousand miles different from each other? Because God created us to be different, to be unique one from another.

And tell me, why is it that we go through series of changes in our lives? Because we are not meant to be a stagnant pool of water. That very reason means that we are 'like this' when the wind blows south, and 'like that' when the wind blows north. You get what I mean?

We are never going to be unchanging. There can be events (or days) that we are not the same as we are yesterday or hell, even just a moment ago. But that moment define us, that moment gives an opportunity for people to pass the test of accepting us for who we really are.

Today, I learnt that the old uncle and that Indian man reacted in their own ways because they refuse to get out of their mindset of being so damn shallow.

I hope I will never follow such frame of thoughts that way.

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