What: A 4-day retreat that gives participants a good avenue towards reconciliation. A place where they can be welcomed in the community, to feel God's love not just in the direct relationship with Him (vertical spiritual relationship) but also to promote the relationship with Him through His Body, the church with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (horizontal spiritual relationship). This is where one door opens to many more within it.
When: It happens 4 times a year, and it will take place again from 30th June to 2nd July 2011.
Where: Holy Trinity Church @ Tampines, Singapore
Who: For all Roman Catholics who are 18 years old and above. If you are a baptized Catholic*, we hope that you are at least 3 years in the faith*.
* It is necessary so as to not put the non-Catholics, though are Christians, questioning and being unfamiliar with our ways, might not fully understand the context of our subjects. Remember that there are many other programs that are open to all denominations and even, all other religions.
Why: Because God has chosen, and He is calling you to a renewal.
How: See us at our booth in church every weekends during the mass timings :)
Ok I'm excited for this upcoming PRE. It will be beautiful once again! This will be my second PRE serving under the committee as one of the spiritual coordinator, and in publicity team as well. I have felt how this PRE made an impact in my life. It was and will always be beautiful to me and many others who attended this.
This July, I will be chairman for a spiritual event. Pray for me and wish me the best, so as to give the right type of spiritual event for the past participants of the PRE Family :)
Thanks in advance, readers. Mwahs
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Catching up and being a sister
On Monday - 23rd May 2011 @ Pastamania, Tampines

Been awhile since I met with this aspect of my Diamond.
She's all grown up and away from me, with a good loving boyfriend and making her own decisions.
{Lol, I sound like some mother}
But I guess I do because I care a lot for my sisters. I consider her a sister because she's one of them who saw me.. For me.
Amidst the strengths, she saw my weaknesses. Amidst the weaknesses, she admires my strengths. Amidst the crazy, wild child a phase of my life I was, she saw me holy and spiritual. And amidst whatever horrid things I can do, she knows I have a clean heart.
So it's vital that she must be one included in the list of 'protected' (family) member because of her love for me.
No matter how long we have parted, we both understood that through it all, were still there. And so to prove I am there for me, I am going to help her :)
I'm going to be around when she needs me because her life shouldn't be empty of a person that actually understands her, knows her for herself, doesn't agree to her all the time and one who ensures that she sees two part in any aspects of her life.
It goes the same to my best friend and sisters; they know who they are ;)
And of course it goes the same for my sister, my mother's daughter.

The best way I can at least try, or we can try as sisters to our younger sister is to be ourselves.
To show the right thing, the way things go in life as we have seen, and most important of all, to ensure that they see us as a role model not just for our school achievements, good habits, strengths and goodness, but we must emphasize spirituality.
It's not easy with my sister, but I know I have a huge influence on her.
With much love, I wish to lead my 'sheeps' to the right path.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone

Been awhile since I met with this aspect of my Diamond.
She's all grown up and away from me, with a good loving boyfriend and making her own decisions.
{Lol, I sound like some mother}
But I guess I do because I care a lot for my sisters. I consider her a sister because she's one of them who saw me.. For me.
Amidst the strengths, she saw my weaknesses. Amidst the weaknesses, she admires my strengths. Amidst the crazy, wild child a phase of my life I was, she saw me holy and spiritual. And amidst whatever horrid things I can do, she knows I have a clean heart.
So it's vital that she must be one included in the list of 'protected' (family) member because of her love for me.
No matter how long we have parted, we both understood that through it all, were still there. And so to prove I am there for me, I am going to help her :)
I'm going to be around when she needs me because her life shouldn't be empty of a person that actually understands her, knows her for herself, doesn't agree to her all the time and one who ensures that she sees two part in any aspects of her life.
It goes the same to my best friend and sisters; they know who they are ;)
And of course it goes the same for my sister, my mother's daughter.

The best way I can at least try, or we can try as sisters to our younger sister is to be ourselves.
To show the right thing, the way things go in life as we have seen, and most important of all, to ensure that they see us as a role model not just for our school achievements, good habits, strengths and goodness, but we must emphasize spirituality.
It's not easy with my sister, but I know I have a huge influence on her.
With much love, I wish to lead my 'sheeps' to the right path.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Beloved Grandma ( A letter as if from an Insane grand-daughter ;))
Dear Lola,

Today you would have celebrated your 72nd Birthday with us but I guess the Lord wanted you to have a grander celebration up there :)
Usually, you will hear from me calling you from Singapore but I guess I've to 'screen' louder while singing you the birthday song.
I miss you greatly. You should visit me in my dreams soon, because I miss you. As we both agreed when you were here, don't appear to me bluntly because I'm afraid to see ghost, you should know.
Thank you for being with me last night at the prayer meeting, I swear your smell never changed. You smell great as always :)
I love you and I can't wait to see you again soon.
Much love,
Your beloved apo :)

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone

Today you would have celebrated your 72nd Birthday with us but I guess the Lord wanted you to have a grander celebration up there :)
Usually, you will hear from me calling you from Singapore but I guess I've to 'screen' louder while singing you the birthday song.
I miss you greatly. You should visit me in my dreams soon, because I miss you. As we both agreed when you were here, don't appear to me bluntly because I'm afraid to see ghost, you should know.
Thank you for being with me last night at the prayer meeting, I swear your smell never changed. You smell great as always :)
I love you and I can't wait to see you again soon.
Much love,
Your beloved apo :)

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Unconditional Love
Isaac - God's Laughter.
My beloved, my dear brother.

This is love in it's purest form. The best unconditional love I've ever felt is this daily event when I'm not expected to give anything, yet I give him my love.
Because thru this unconditional love, I show my love to Him. Him who created me to be who I am from birth. Him who never and will never and shall never let me go.
Him who believes my love and faithfulness.
This is the week of change. Everything I ask He gives and He is ever faithful and ever sure of His love for me.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and all will be given unto you. So therefore seek His love above all things and people of this earth. Never exchange the norms of this life and trade the values of your morality for temporary happiness.
Love one another as He has loved you. Despite the difficulty in life, He delivers me that even a scratch I don't get, that wounds I've incurred didn't turn to scars but has healed.
So love Him first above all. For only then you'll know your worth and what He has reserved for you.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
My beloved, my dear brother.

This is love in it's purest form. The best unconditional love I've ever felt is this daily event when I'm not expected to give anything, yet I give him my love.
Because thru this unconditional love, I show my love to Him. Him who created me to be who I am from birth. Him who never and will never and shall never let me go.
Him who believes my love and faithfulness.
This is the week of change. Everything I ask He gives and He is ever faithful and ever sure of His love for me.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and all will be given unto you. So therefore seek His love above all things and people of this earth. Never exchange the norms of this life and trade the values of your morality for temporary happiness.
Love one another as He has loved you. Despite the difficulty in life, He delivers me that even a scratch I don't get, that wounds I've incurred didn't turn to scars but has healed.
So love Him first above all. For only then you'll know your worth and what He has reserved for you.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Breaking the right way
There's never the right time, way nor motivation to end a relationship. Period.
Whether or not it's the right way, time, motivation, but a break is eminent when both couple won't and can't compromise mutually. Yes, there's major attraction, euphoria of love and desire, but building bonds to marriage consists more than that. Compromise becomes the key role into creating a solid base of foundation in a serious relationship. Of course, that's not all there is.
Compromise extends to more meaning than just its surface.
Also, it's curious to think that there might not be anything to break in the first place if a couple has not enough commonalities nor base foundation on each other, because a relationship doesn't really mean label, it's the connection or the bond that binds the couple to be in a relationship. It's the public acknowledgement of that 'label' by the couple that grants them to be an official item in the eyes of family, friends, and others. So without the bond in the first place, logically speaking there's no relationship shared between the couple that ties either one to each other strong enough for either one to feel bad if either one sees other people.
Verbal break up in this context just becomes what people do the 'it's over' lines followed by explanations, as form of formalization.
{Ok I hope you're not lost}
I'm trying to explain that I am on the verge of not continuing the relationship with my boyfriend. And it took me this long to realize that no marriage proposal, thoughts or aim mutually discussed will ever be more important that His Voice in my heart telling me to let this one pass.
For divine reasons, I'm in the final stage of discernment with regards to my current beau. Despite how wonderful, how awesome, how solid and stable he is and has on my future, I guess I'm going to have to let this fall through.
I have the courage to do this despite my inclination to him because this time I know I'm breaking up with him the right way.
As I end this, I want to share one of my favorite quotes from the bible I so loved since young;
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Whether or not it's the right way, time, motivation, but a break is eminent when both couple won't and can't compromise mutually. Yes, there's major attraction, euphoria of love and desire, but building bonds to marriage consists more than that. Compromise becomes the key role into creating a solid base of foundation in a serious relationship. Of course, that's not all there is.
Compromise extends to more meaning than just its surface.
Also, it's curious to think that there might not be anything to break in the first place if a couple has not enough commonalities nor base foundation on each other, because a relationship doesn't really mean label, it's the connection or the bond that binds the couple to be in a relationship. It's the public acknowledgement of that 'label' by the couple that grants them to be an official item in the eyes of family, friends, and others. So without the bond in the first place, logically speaking there's no relationship shared between the couple that ties either one to each other strong enough for either one to feel bad if either one sees other people.
Verbal break up in this context just becomes what people do the 'it's over' lines followed by explanations, as form of formalization.
{Ok I hope you're not lost}
I'm trying to explain that I am on the verge of not continuing the relationship with my boyfriend. And it took me this long to realize that no marriage proposal, thoughts or aim mutually discussed will ever be more important that His Voice in my heart telling me to let this one pass.
For divine reasons, I'm in the final stage of discernment with regards to my current beau. Despite how wonderful, how awesome, how solid and stable he is and has on my future, I guess I'm going to have to let this fall through.
I have the courage to do this despite my inclination to him because this time I know I'm breaking up with him the right way.
As I end this, I want to share one of my favorite quotes from the bible I so loved since young;
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Woman of God
Plans for a writing portal is starting soon, and I'm ecstatic! It's going to be a marvelous theme and I've got perfect writers on alert when it kickstarts.
I can't wait, but patience is a virtue.
The website should be coming soon, I just need to book 'The Webmaster' to aid me in the site. I hardly have the time proper to set up my own site, plus it's been awhile (since I did my own site).
I can edit and alter a site dramatically given my time now but not create it from nothing.
It will be beautiful. I'm excited! Ahhh!
Ok well diverting from the madness, I am pretty mad myself too. I'm dying missing my siblings, but I'm getting the rest and good time alone I need that my family is away to Malaysia till Tuesday.
So at least I've time to formulate ideas and be exciting about something.
Work starts again tomorrow but I bet it'll feel like a Friday so oh well. At least in done with corporate item designs that Management has been chasing me for.
My life is beautiful, I can't really complain. And I thank God for it, how He freed me from the things that I thought was essential part of life and love.
I feel free and free enough to not be tied down to anything. I can demand what I need and want without having the worry to be judged and be shunned away due to lack of understanding.
Ok I'm rambling, I'm sleepy and I need to go now.
{I miss you, honey. I hope to see you soon}

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
I can't wait, but patience is a virtue.
The website should be coming soon, I just need to book 'The Webmaster' to aid me in the site. I hardly have the time proper to set up my own site, plus it's been awhile (since I did my own site).
I can edit and alter a site dramatically given my time now but not create it from nothing.
It will be beautiful. I'm excited! Ahhh!
Ok well diverting from the madness, I am pretty mad myself too. I'm dying missing my siblings, but I'm getting the rest and good time alone I need that my family is away to Malaysia till Tuesday.
So at least I've time to formulate ideas and be exciting about something.
Work starts again tomorrow but I bet it'll feel like a Friday so oh well. At least in done with corporate item designs that Management has been chasing me for.
My life is beautiful, I can't really complain. And I thank God for it, how He freed me from the things that I thought was essential part of life and love.
I feel free and free enough to not be tied down to anything. I can demand what I need and want without having the worry to be judged and be shunned away due to lack of understanding.
Ok I'm rambling, I'm sleepy and I need to go now.
{I miss you, honey. I hope to see you soon}

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Friday, May 6, 2011
This happened last weekend while I was home baby sitting. Btw this is my dearest and beloved brother. Oh how I love him.

So the ice cream man rang the bell downstairs as he hope to ignite craving of the children and adults alike for his wares.
Knowing my siblings will want to have ice cream that night I ready myself that they will request. True enough Zak did saying, "I want ice cream" and when asked to define the flavor he wants, we (Ana and I) bursts out laughing...
Zak: I want NIPPLE
*Laughs madly* Zak looked at us in wonder. So I continued in hopes to get his pronunciation right.
Me: Zak, say RIPPLES
*Continues till he got fed up of repeating*
Cute kid :)) But a messy eater *.*

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone

So the ice cream man rang the bell downstairs as he hope to ignite craving of the children and adults alike for his wares.
Knowing my siblings will want to have ice cream that night I ready myself that they will request. True enough Zak did saying, "I want ice cream" and when asked to define the flavor he wants, we (Ana and I) bursts out laughing...
Zak: I want NIPPLE
*Laughs madly* Zak looked at us in wonder. So I continued in hopes to get his pronunciation right.
Me: Zak, say RIPPLES
*Continues till he got fed up of repeating*
Cute kid :)) But a messy eater *.*

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Grandmother dear
There's someone I truly missed
One I hold in my heart so dear
It hurts still when I think about it
That she has gone far away
I wish I could have been there
Said goodbye to all things for her
But I never did
And so now it's due too late
I never thought she'd leave so soon
I thought she'd be with grandpa to walk me down the aisle
Yet as I see it will only be grandpa
For she has gone only to watch me from up above
When I see little children holding hands of their grandmum
I reminisce about her
I wish I could turn back time
But I sure know I can't
The only thing left to do is continue to love her
And through that love I will do her proud
Apart from the Lord, she's the source of my motivation
She's the only mother's love I could truly adore
Happy Birthday & Mother's Month Mrs Elvira Hovita Bautista.
Forever I love you, and I wait only to see you once again.
Because of you and the Lord, I don't fear death. I can take it anytime just to see you once again. But alas, I've work here left to do.

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
One I hold in my heart so dear
It hurts still when I think about it
That she has gone far away
I wish I could have been there
Said goodbye to all things for her
But I never did
And so now it's due too late
I never thought she'd leave so soon
I thought she'd be with grandpa to walk me down the aisle
Yet as I see it will only be grandpa
For she has gone only to watch me from up above
When I see little children holding hands of their grandmum
I reminisce about her
I wish I could turn back time
But I sure know I can't
The only thing left to do is continue to love her
And through that love I will do her proud
Apart from the Lord, she's the source of my motivation
She's the only mother's love I could truly adore
Happy Birthday & Mother's Month Mrs Elvira Hovita Bautista.
Forever I love you, and I wait only to see you once again.
Because of you and the Lord, I don't fear death. I can take it anytime just to see you once again. But alas, I've work here left to do.

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I love you
I miss saying this to a man and actually mean it.
Nope, my boyfriend haven't won these words from me. It's not easy for me to say it if I don't feel it. I mean I do love him, and people, but there's a huge difference in how people say it.
Some people fake it so well they believe they're in love. And others fake they're not in love, till they themselves put huge blockage in how their relationship could have blossom.
Just like Bones' Dr Brennan & Agent Booth, or even NCIS's Ziva & Tony.
Lol ok I sooo love these characters. Romance could never be so intense compared to them.
Ok diverting back to 'I Love You'.
There were times that maybe my definition of love differs greatly from my boyfriend. That's when trouble comes.
Two people in a relationship can be bipolar different. But if their definition and perspective to love matches, well, to heck with the world.
Soulmates? Hmm maybe. But there's a part of me that still believes what I always believe that soulmates do exist, it's not fairy tale, but it will take everything of the couple - sorrows, love, heartaches, bond etc, dig up wounds and cover it up with salt, in order for soulmates to really find each other. Not easy.
Even I gives up easily. So what then?
I don't know, for now, the Lord sustains me.
I love Him alone, till comes the time that He takes my hand and led me to my prince.
For humans can never love unconditionally, only through the love of God will love be possible. Therefore, a man and a woman's common love should and only be God. (Amen)

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Nope, my boyfriend haven't won these words from me. It's not easy for me to say it if I don't feel it. I mean I do love him, and people, but there's a huge difference in how people say it.
Some people fake it so well they believe they're in love. And others fake they're not in love, till they themselves put huge blockage in how their relationship could have blossom.
Just like Bones' Dr Brennan & Agent Booth, or even NCIS's Ziva & Tony.
Lol ok I sooo love these characters. Romance could never be so intense compared to them.
Ok diverting back to 'I Love You'.
There were times that maybe my definition of love differs greatly from my boyfriend. That's when trouble comes.
Two people in a relationship can be bipolar different. But if their definition and perspective to love matches, well, to heck with the world.
Soulmates? Hmm maybe. But there's a part of me that still believes what I always believe that soulmates do exist, it's not fairy tale, but it will take everything of the couple - sorrows, love, heartaches, bond etc, dig up wounds and cover it up with salt, in order for soulmates to really find each other. Not easy.
Even I gives up easily. So what then?
I don't know, for now, the Lord sustains me.
I love Him alone, till comes the time that He takes my hand and led me to my prince.
For humans can never love unconditionally, only through the love of God will love be possible. Therefore, a man and a woman's common love should and only be God. (Amen)

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Beginner's Luck or Flare
It sometimes hard to measure which is the case for me in the current task I'm set. So far I've received $200 worth incentive in cash for deals that I've sealed. And tomorrow is a new day as I look forward to another deal to close.
I then realize somehow that more is to come. Today I've already experienced a minor glitch regarding delivery of hardware goods and service under maintenance contracts.
There's two difficult persons that I'm really hoping I can understand and keep my respect for that creates obstacles. But that's the challenge! Now I see it. My life doing sales in the company should not be all smooth and candy floss. It must have spice in the form of 'spicy' people that makes me intimidated or possess the characters I question.
They are good people no doubt because they don't add on to the two blacklisted people in the company. Sometimes, I try my best to be neutral, despite hearing things, I try to keep an open mind.
Cautious yes, but not with angst anymore. Thank Goodness, they found me not their match do step on. My work standards is still awesome, thank God for blessing me an awesome mind and management skill. Despite being tough on my colleague, I know I make amends proper and they don't view my toughness on them personally. Which makes them more awesome colleagues.
Praise God. I'm never able to stop praising Him. There's so much lately that He's done for me. Deals after deals after deals I close so easily.
I've hit my 4x(of my monthly salary) quota, hitting onto 5x. And Now it's barely the end of the week but I've only another thousand or so to reach my 4x quota. I'm amazed.
This is God's way of affirming me that I made a good choice. (Amen)
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
I then realize somehow that more is to come. Today I've already experienced a minor glitch regarding delivery of hardware goods and service under maintenance contracts.
There's two difficult persons that I'm really hoping I can understand and keep my respect for that creates obstacles. But that's the challenge! Now I see it. My life doing sales in the company should not be all smooth and candy floss. It must have spice in the form of 'spicy' people that makes me intimidated or possess the characters I question.
They are good people no doubt because they don't add on to the two blacklisted people in the company. Sometimes, I try my best to be neutral, despite hearing things, I try to keep an open mind.
Cautious yes, but not with angst anymore. Thank Goodness, they found me not their match do step on. My work standards is still awesome, thank God for blessing me an awesome mind and management skill. Despite being tough on my colleague, I know I make amends proper and they don't view my toughness on them personally. Which makes them more awesome colleagues.
Praise God. I'm never able to stop praising Him. There's so much lately that He's done for me. Deals after deals after deals I close so easily.
I've hit my 4x(of my monthly salary) quota, hitting onto 5x. And Now it's barely the end of the week but I've only another thousand or so to reach my 4x quota. I'm amazed.
This is God's way of affirming me that I made a good choice. (Amen)
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Monday, May 2, 2011
St Francis' prayer
This Franciscan prayer was prayed by Mother Theresa of Calcutta as according to the prayer said by St. Francis:
Make us worthy Lord to serve our fellow men throughout the world,
who live and die in poverty and hunger.
Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread
and by our understanding love give peace and joy.
Lord, make me a channel of thy peace.
That where there is hatred I may bring love,
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness,
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony,
That where there is error I may bring truth,
That where there is doubt I may bring faith,
That where there is despair I may bring hope,
That where there are shadows I may bring light,
That where there is sadness I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort that to be comforted,
To understand than to be understood,
To love than to be loved.
For it is by forgetting self that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven,
it is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Make us worthy Lord to serve our fellow men throughout the world,
who live and die in poverty and hunger.
Give them through our hands, this day, their daily bread
and by our understanding love give peace and joy.
Lord, make me a channel of thy peace.
That where there is hatred I may bring love,
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness,
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony,
That where there is error I may bring truth,
That where there is doubt I may bring faith,
That where there is despair I may bring hope,
That where there are shadows I may bring light,
That where there is sadness I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort that to be comforted,
To understand than to be understood,
To love than to be loved.
For it is by forgetting self that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven,
it is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
First time since uncountable weeks!
Finally met Bestie!

We've been weaving in and out of shoe shops. I kind of lost my mojo for shoes at the moment. It's all beautiful but my eyes are for other things at the moment - like bags and tops!
My eyes are not only on bibles if you must know. Hehe
Being a girl, i still have my vanity notions. But of course, it ain't so bad as before :)
I'm seating at Charles and Keith, Tampines, writing this not at all interested with whatever shoes there are on shelf. Maybe I just don't feel well.
I need to rest more. Been overworking. I need a holiday soon. Hopefully boyfriend is still a one after standing him up last Thursday and not talking to him for days.
Being knowing him to be the leading man, it should be fine between us. In all context, I'm not really bothered - if it works out it works out but I need the holiday soon!
And I can't wait till Phuket in June... A pre-holiday Holiday must be done soon. Too bad Bestie can't come.
Oh well. Ciaos for now!
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone

We've been weaving in and out of shoe shops. I kind of lost my mojo for shoes at the moment. It's all beautiful but my eyes are for other things at the moment - like bags and tops!
My eyes are not only on bibles if you must know. Hehe
Being a girl, i still have my vanity notions. But of course, it ain't so bad as before :)
I'm seating at Charles and Keith, Tampines, writing this not at all interested with whatever shoes there are on shelf. Maybe I just don't feel well.
I need to rest more. Been overworking. I need a holiday soon. Hopefully boyfriend is still a one after standing him up last Thursday and not talking to him for days.
Being knowing him to be the leading man, it should be fine between us. In all context, I'm not really bothered - if it works out it works out but I need the holiday soon!
And I can't wait till Phuket in June... A pre-holiday Holiday must be done soon. Too bad Bestie can't come.
Oh well. Ciaos for now!
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
Work and Church
1. Work
It's been so far one of the major focus I've in my recent months and days. The dedication I been pouring out has seen tremendous approval, compliments and thumbs up from the management. My colleagues, mainly the sales team, sees my pushes not as threats and indication of pride but I know that they try their best to accept my instructions and what I need of them.
I'm not 'qualified' to be authoritative, yet I move freely with management's blessings, to initiate and to ensure the job they asks me to carry out is met. I can never be more thankful at the cooperation of my colleagues.
Recently, I've taken up a new challenge from late March, and I'm put to probation for a month till last Friday, 29th April, on my performance.
I've hit my quota (4x of my salary) Yes I took up sales - Training sales to be precise. And just two days back, I took a independent move to sell hardware and services.
I must be going mad, I thought to myself, off to do sales while I am in charge of marketing for Autodesk, Adobe, other various parters' products, and not to omit, I am fully in charge now of ALL marketing events (except principal's event). Yes, even Microsoft which was initially run well in an iron fist by my asst manager. She has now moved on to another part of work for the company.
As of I am still in charge of marketing collaterals, sales and marketing return of investment measurements, handling the follow ups of customer satisfaction survey, creation of new leads and now because I'm doing training sales, I'm getting webbed in the planning of the company's training centre.
All these I'm able to do, and manage to finish up my day with a smile, I believe is because I have given the works of my hand in His honor.
2. Church
Most times, one will find me in church most days in the week. And I thank God that I can manage to give time amidst my work demands. As of I am serving in the Charismatic Prayer grp (CPC) that meets every Tuesday at the chapel, Parish Renewal Experience (PRE) committee that have ensure that Thursdays are made for it's meeting, round ups and such, IGNITE Youth Grp that meets every Saturday, Intercession for Community by the CPC on Sundays after mass.
Most times I commit on weekdays but find it hard to commit on weekends except for at least twice a month, because mum works part time now. So I've to babysit. It's beautiful to be in His midst and serving Him through being a steward to His people.
I thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. And for the many more to be received. (Amen)
Have a goodnight, thank you for reading.
God bless.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
It's been so far one of the major focus I've in my recent months and days. The dedication I been pouring out has seen tremendous approval, compliments and thumbs up from the management. My colleagues, mainly the sales team, sees my pushes not as threats and indication of pride but I know that they try their best to accept my instructions and what I need of them.
I'm not 'qualified' to be authoritative, yet I move freely with management's blessings, to initiate and to ensure the job they asks me to carry out is met. I can never be more thankful at the cooperation of my colleagues.
Recently, I've taken up a new challenge from late March, and I'm put to probation for a month till last Friday, 29th April, on my performance.
I've hit my quota (4x of my salary) Yes I took up sales - Training sales to be precise. And just two days back, I took a independent move to sell hardware and services.
I must be going mad, I thought to myself, off to do sales while I am in charge of marketing for Autodesk, Adobe, other various parters' products, and not to omit, I am fully in charge now of ALL marketing events (except principal's event). Yes, even Microsoft which was initially run well in an iron fist by my asst manager. She has now moved on to another part of work for the company.
As of I am still in charge of marketing collaterals, sales and marketing return of investment measurements, handling the follow ups of customer satisfaction survey, creation of new leads and now because I'm doing training sales, I'm getting webbed in the planning of the company's training centre.
All these I'm able to do, and manage to finish up my day with a smile, I believe is because I have given the works of my hand in His honor.
2. Church
Most times, one will find me in church most days in the week. And I thank God that I can manage to give time amidst my work demands. As of I am serving in the Charismatic Prayer grp (CPC) that meets every Tuesday at the chapel, Parish Renewal Experience (PRE) committee that have ensure that Thursdays are made for it's meeting, round ups and such, IGNITE Youth Grp that meets every Saturday, Intercession for Community by the CPC on Sundays after mass.
Most times I commit on weekdays but find it hard to commit on weekends except for at least twice a month, because mum works part time now. So I've to babysit. It's beautiful to be in His midst and serving Him through being a steward to His people.
I thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. And for the many more to be received. (Amen)
Have a goodnight, thank you for reading.
God bless.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
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