I can't wait, but patience is a virtue.
The website should be coming soon, I just need to book 'The Webmaster' to aid me in the site. I hardly have the time proper to set up my own site, plus it's been awhile (since I did my own site).
I can edit and alter a site dramatically given my time now but not create it from nothing.
It will be beautiful. I'm excited! Ahhh!
Ok well diverting from the madness, I am pretty mad myself too. I'm dying missing my siblings, but I'm getting the rest and good time alone I need that my family is away to Malaysia till Tuesday.
So at least I've time to formulate ideas and be exciting about something.
Work starts again tomorrow but I bet it'll feel like a Friday so oh well. At least in done with corporate item designs that Management has been chasing me for.
My life is beautiful, I can't really complain. And I thank God for it, how He freed me from the things that I thought was essential part of life and love.
I feel free and free enough to not be tied down to anything. I can demand what I need and want without having the worry to be judged and be shunned away due to lack of understanding.
Ok I'm rambling, I'm sleepy and I need to go now.
{I miss you, honey. I hope to see you soon}

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
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