My beloved, my dear brother.

This is love in it's purest form. The best unconditional love I've ever felt is this daily event when I'm not expected to give anything, yet I give him my love.
Because thru this unconditional love, I show my love to Him. Him who created me to be who I am from birth. Him who never and will never and shall never let me go.
Him who believes my love and faithfulness.
This is the week of change. Everything I ask He gives and He is ever faithful and ever sure of His love for me.
Seek first the Kingdom of God and all will be given unto you. So therefore seek His love above all things and people of this earth. Never exchange the norms of this life and trade the values of your morality for temporary happiness.
Love one another as He has loved you. Despite the difficulty in life, He delivers me that even a scratch I don't get, that wounds I've incurred didn't turn to scars but has healed.
So love Him first above all. For only then you'll know your worth and what He has reserved for you.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
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