I have been trying to live with limitations of being constantly connected to people. There are definitely benefits in not having a hand-held communication device to rely on to be connected with others. I realize it's a form of addiction that goes by unnoticed and unrealized.
At its best having a mobile phone give me the ability to stay connected with people readily and constantly. I am also connected via social networks and email on-the-go. But then there is a definite and drastic deformity it can do to my growth, in my opinion. It's no longer something anyone can do moderately, at least how I saw it. Day in day out as I head to work or to play, I see so many people glued onto their mobile.
I saw myself in them and I dislike it. Many days since I saw that, since I awaken, my attachment to my phone got loose, and I no longer saw the constant need to rely on it. And at the recent events, I am able to live out that desire to be detached to that mobility that is both blessing and cursed at the same time.
I am however still contactable through emails and Facebook. But since i'm not on it constantly and on-the-go, I feel that digital communication in that manner is much more contained. I feel that this is enough for me, for now. When I need to contact someone, I will definitely find a way. So for now, I am good to go without being constantly attached to something on-the-go.
It's such a shame how much I paid for the price of mobility. and only now at this recent days did I wake up. Yet, with the opportunity of shame comes the ability to learn, to grow, and to live.
I'm not the only one who feels the same way. There are hundreds of sites that debates about the impact of mobile phones on the youths today. As it is, a lot of us who are realizing this completely feel that for the benefit of being constantly connected to the rest of world while on-the-go, there will be definite price to pay. We have replaced a lot of beautiful culture of doing things, in ways of communication. Inevittably, effects on language is emminent, as well as negative impacts on health and mentality.
I am not saying that I will go altogether without a mobile phone. But there will be a completely different approach to how I am to use it, and how much I will be using it.
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