2. PRE June/ July 2011 - 30 Jun - 3 July 2011 batch

Children from the children corner for the 4 day event. My brother and sister are there too! :)

Zak and his new friend :)

My weekend this week has been a busy one and yet it was fulfilling. For the whole 4 days I was supporting the PRE in the powerhouse, praying at each sessions. I completed 6 full session, 3 partial session, 1 session I missed out cos I watched Transformers with Ignite!
Honestly, the constant prayers has been very enriching. I get a feel of what I will be doing in my years to come if I enter the convent or joined a form of sisterhood. For now, I'm discerning still :)
Haha let's see. It's not easy you know, but it was worth it looking at how successful the PRE has been and the people are really very awesome participants.
Next sat will be another PRE event I need to run, this time as chairperson. I will need tons of prayers as it is my first time holding a spiritual event!
So anyway, the AEC event was good, it was a good one and of course there are pointers to learn and take note of. I wish my AEC sales team best of luck in achieving their quota this quarter. This event is a definitive boost that they need for their sales achievement.
For now I got to go. Updates further in a bit. Good day!
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
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