It was and have been a challenging week for me. Today, was far challenging than the other days before. It's due too the reason of handling three marketing job functions at a time where I switched between sales, marketing and events coordination within 8 hours of work.
I am feeling the burn. And I am indeed discerning if I should let go of the sales function.
It's not yet time for me to give up I know, but for some reason, whatever I choose to do, it's not what you call giving up. It's making way for rest, better prospects and continuous growth.
I don't want to be tired while at church, and I don't want to be taken advantage of with little pay. Perhaps, I've yet to see the response of the sales function on me. One thing I found out is that I do well in selling our services - trainings specifically. So perhaps, I should stay at that but then again, let us see what God says.
Have a great day ahead!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
What a Day!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The End of YISS
YISS is the Life in the Spirit Seminar for the Youth, held by St. Mary's of the Angels at Bukit Batok for 8 weeks. It has become a norm travelling from the East to the West for this commitment to learn and be transformed in Christ.
Today was the last week of the YISS, and it talks about the transformation to Christ. What exactly does that mean? No, it doesn't mean that we are made to God, be God and to command as God. The eight-week experience created new ways for us to affirm one another that we are going through the same type of battle in our daily life as a young adult. We employ the chrisms that we possessed and use it. Not to gain power or be prideful, but to be a living testimony of the power of God.
It creates for us the beneficial platform to be certain that there are people like us who loves God and in complete humility, we seek to create for Him glory from the works of our hands rather than to create it for our own use of fame, popularity or ego.
There have been many friends made, fostered connection and renewal of commitment with one another. I got to experience love from the brothers and sisters in Christ who, just like me, seek to fulfil God's love through the relationships we foster with each other. I begin to know in-depth people whom I thought I'd never get to do so. I also get feelings that allows me to discern the need for companionship, countability partners and of course, perhaps, friendships that last to the very end.
In the YISS at St. Mary of the Angels church, I thorough enjoyed the exposure of the Blessed Sacrament, the divine body of Christ at the Adoration placed in the Church. I couldn't stop asking why can't Holy Trinity have an adoration, even though I already know the answer.
(What is an adoration room? It is a place of worship, meditation, and acknowledgement of God's presence. Perhaps it is the room where in layman's term, you "make known your love" to God in the form of adoring the exposed Blessed Sacrament.)
Tomorrow we are having another activity as a youth community - the Tridentine Mass or a traditional mass that uses Latin and each prayers are sung.
I bet it's the unwillingness to bid adieu to the connection made with the Emmaus who organized the YISS. Hehe so be it, I guess :)
Honestly, I can't wait to attend and be a part of the congregation being it a day of Corpus Christi. It's another special day for us Catholics.
Much love to you readers. Mwahs!
Today was the last week of the YISS, and it talks about the transformation to Christ. What exactly does that mean? No, it doesn't mean that we are made to God, be God and to command as God. The eight-week experience created new ways for us to affirm one another that we are going through the same type of battle in our daily life as a young adult. We employ the chrisms that we possessed and use it. Not to gain power or be prideful, but to be a living testimony of the power of God.
It creates for us the beneficial platform to be certain that there are people like us who loves God and in complete humility, we seek to create for Him glory from the works of our hands rather than to create it for our own use of fame, popularity or ego.
There have been many friends made, fostered connection and renewal of commitment with one another. I got to experience love from the brothers and sisters in Christ who, just like me, seek to fulfil God's love through the relationships we foster with each other. I begin to know in-depth people whom I thought I'd never get to do so. I also get feelings that allows me to discern the need for companionship, countability partners and of course, perhaps, friendships that last to the very end.
In the YISS at St. Mary of the Angels church, I thorough enjoyed the exposure of the Blessed Sacrament, the divine body of Christ at the Adoration placed in the Church. I couldn't stop asking why can't Holy Trinity have an adoration, even though I already know the answer.
(What is an adoration room? It is a place of worship, meditation, and acknowledgement of God's presence. Perhaps it is the room where in layman's term, you "make known your love" to God in the form of adoring the exposed Blessed Sacrament.)
Tomorrow we are having another activity as a youth community - the Tridentine Mass or a traditional mass that uses Latin and each prayers are sung.
I bet it's the unwillingness to bid adieu to the connection made with the Emmaus who organized the YISS. Hehe so be it, I guess :)
Honestly, I can't wait to attend and be a part of the congregation being it a day of Corpus Christi. It's another special day for us Catholics.
Much love to you readers. Mwahs!
learn from this
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
God wants you just as you are
We are all sinners.
No one perfect, no one flawless.
No one is good but God.
Not even Jesus, God in Flesh, proclaimed of His goodness because as human, He is limited.
Nevertheless, Jesus Christ did His best to reside as a mere human, yet of course, able to perform miracles and show His divinity. But with complete reliance on The Father.
I was reading the bible earlier and I found a writing by St. Paul to the people of Corinth, 1 Corinthians 7:20
"Each of you should remain as you were when you accepted God's call."
God calls whoever, whenever and whichever state of your life you are in.
Jesus Christ accepts you just as you are, be in fellowship with Him just as how He has called you.
Many of us think that God will not accept us when we have put so much filth in our heart, mind, body and soul. However, we should always remember not to belittle the 'living water' that has enough power and strength to clean us. That we don't need to change ourselves on our own, but by the grace of God we are changed, and the things we use to not be able to say no to, we are able to do so in the name of Jesus.
"In the name of Jesus, we got the victory."
Remember that brothers and sisters.
We are victorious when we call upon Him. As He calls upon you then, fear not. Don't think you're inadequate, young, too old, too incorrigible, circumcised or uncircumcised, it matters not.
For when He calls you, He already paved the way for you. Be glad and rejoice.
The only catch? Be open to the works of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you to your calling. Have a good night.
No one perfect, no one flawless.
No one is good but God.
Not even Jesus, God in Flesh, proclaimed of His goodness because as human, He is limited.
Nevertheless, Jesus Christ did His best to reside as a mere human, yet of course, able to perform miracles and show His divinity. But with complete reliance on The Father.
I was reading the bible earlier and I found a writing by St. Paul to the people of Corinth, 1 Corinthians 7:20
"Each of you should remain as you were when you accepted God's call."
God calls whoever, whenever and whichever state of your life you are in.
Jesus Christ accepts you just as you are, be in fellowship with Him just as how He has called you.
Many of us think that God will not accept us when we have put so much filth in our heart, mind, body and soul. However, we should always remember not to belittle the 'living water' that has enough power and strength to clean us. That we don't need to change ourselves on our own, but by the grace of God we are changed, and the things we use to not be able to say no to, we are able to do so in the name of Jesus.
"In the name of Jesus, we got the victory."
Remember that brothers and sisters.
We are victorious when we call upon Him. As He calls upon you then, fear not. Don't think you're inadequate, young, too old, too incorrigible, circumcised or uncircumcised, it matters not.
For when He calls you, He already paved the way for you. Be glad and rejoice.
The only catch? Be open to the works of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you to your calling. Have a good night.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Transformation in Christ
There have been many changes in my life which I give complete credit to Christ. No matter how different, how difficult and how little by little the changes is made obvious to many, I know that the Lord has been preparing me for years, for this. And I'm utterly grateful, that despite everything that has occurred in my life, I stay in His midst. Despite all my iniquities, I am welcomed, blessed and given the grace to be made worthy to serve Him.
So far, the learning points of my life still make up the wounds that are seemingly still fresh. That no matter how much I try to assure myself how strong I am, I falter at near proximity of sin.
I fall at near proximity of recounting and recalling the things I've done, and the things that I've failed to do in the past. For my grandmother, for the rest of my family, for my relationships, and friendships. I do my best to secure a place of serenity by keeping busy.
But it's when I enter the Holy Day that I recount all my failures in trying to establish good relationships. I learn from my past to ensure I don't put down my armour, that I don't trade my views, my faith, my family for anyone. Yes, suffer but be happy and gracious to take on suffering, just as Christ did.
We humans are not God, neither can we even try our best to be. For no matter how good we are, we are never even going to be close to Him until we realize that love is what will keep Our Father who art in Heaven assured that we are worthy to be His Children.
Christ came to summarize the 10 Commandments to 2 set of powerful (and very difficult) commandment to sum up the latter:
To love one another doesn't just proceed from superficial actions, words, deeds. For God sees what's in the heart. Even though we say good words to our brothers and sisters, we sin too when we don't love them from our hearts. Sure, there are difficult people we encounter, however the judging is done by Christ, and not us.
I lead the view, "Bless those who blesses you, and pray for those who curses you". It's a difficult and bitter medicine to take in. If there is one thing I don't think I can ever remove from me, it's the need to complain, whether or not I mean it by heart. Most of the time, I just need to share my complaints to someone, to make someone understand why I'm feeling like this, and to make sense why exactly do I feel as such.
The love of Christ is exercise the more I accept insults, curses, blames and criticism, graciously. However, being a normal human being, it's VERY VERY VERY difficult. Only through His Grace are we able to reflect the lives of the Saints, we Catholics honour and hopes to live by. But the moment He lets you be showered with Fortitude, you will be taken aback. Yes, you will instinctively react according to your human nature, however it's His Grace that will enable you to fight against your own human nature.
It takes a lot for me to call unto Him straight before going for the KILL.
Nevertheless, whatever happens, it's not the perfection we have that glorifies Him. It's the constant tries and number of ways and means we try to get up from our fall. For we are made in sin and so in sin do we live by. But in Christ, we denounce sin. And as we denounce sin every moment of our time, we acknowledge that we are weak on our own, yet always and forever strong in Christ.
Continue to get up after each fall. Keep away from where you feel you will sin. Always choose Him above all else and you will realize that whatever and wherever He leads you, it's the right path... the ONLY path to real happiness.
Have a wonderful time ahead! God Bless!
So far, the learning points of my life still make up the wounds that are seemingly still fresh. That no matter how much I try to assure myself how strong I am, I falter at near proximity of sin.
I fall at near proximity of recounting and recalling the things I've done, and the things that I've failed to do in the past. For my grandmother, for the rest of my family, for my relationships, and friendships. I do my best to secure a place of serenity by keeping busy.
But it's when I enter the Holy Day that I recount all my failures in trying to establish good relationships. I learn from my past to ensure I don't put down my armour, that I don't trade my views, my faith, my family for anyone. Yes, suffer but be happy and gracious to take on suffering, just as Christ did.
We humans are not God, neither can we even try our best to be. For no matter how good we are, we are never even going to be close to Him until we realize that love is what will keep Our Father who art in Heaven assured that we are worthy to be His Children.
Christ came to summarize the 10 Commandments to 2 set of powerful (and very difficult) commandment to sum up the latter:
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
To love one another doesn't just proceed from superficial actions, words, deeds. For God sees what's in the heart. Even though we say good words to our brothers and sisters, we sin too when we don't love them from our hearts. Sure, there are difficult people we encounter, however the judging is done by Christ, and not us.
I lead the view, "Bless those who blesses you, and pray for those who curses you". It's a difficult and bitter medicine to take in. If there is one thing I don't think I can ever remove from me, it's the need to complain, whether or not I mean it by heart. Most of the time, I just need to share my complaints to someone, to make someone understand why I'm feeling like this, and to make sense why exactly do I feel as such.
The love of Christ is exercise the more I accept insults, curses, blames and criticism, graciously. However, being a normal human being, it's VERY VERY VERY difficult. Only through His Grace are we able to reflect the lives of the Saints, we Catholics honour and hopes to live by. But the moment He lets you be showered with Fortitude, you will be taken aback. Yes, you will instinctively react according to your human nature, however it's His Grace that will enable you to fight against your own human nature.
It takes a lot for me to call unto Him straight before going for the KILL.
Nevertheless, whatever happens, it's not the perfection we have that glorifies Him. It's the constant tries and number of ways and means we try to get up from our fall. For we are made in sin and so in sin do we live by. But in Christ, we denounce sin. And as we denounce sin every moment of our time, we acknowledge that we are weak on our own, yet always and forever strong in Christ.
Continue to get up after each fall. Keep away from where you feel you will sin. Always choose Him above all else and you will realize that whatever and wherever He leads you, it's the right path... the ONLY path to real happiness.
Have a wonderful time ahead! God Bless!
learn from this
Sunday, June 5, 2011
New Purchases!
Yesterday evening I got my cheque, went to the bank and cash it out. The pay raise that ought to be enjoying had to be deducted due to lateness.. Yet again.
{I never understood that late fee policy. I mean I always finish work on time, and I do OT to make sure that I finished it}
Nevertheless, I know it's time to make an investment :)
I got myself a new laptop, and bought some pans for mum. Haha
{Initially she thought that I bought her toilet scrubs to clean our toilets! LOL}

Altogether, I got myself a decent i5 processor, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk space, 1GB NVIDIA graphic card, MS Office Home n Student for 3users, and Norton Anti Virus one year retail license :-)
{Oh yes, hurry down now to your nearest IT vendor and buy a 3-user MS Office Home n Student for only $199 and get a $20 cash back from Microsoft.
Oh please remember that MS Home n Student only has Words, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.}
So far, my new laptop is at minimal usage. I've not signed up for a wireless network. I will be doing so, soon once I make up my mind which provider should I settle with.
{Starhub lost. Not going to sign up from them. Most prob going to do so with Singtel or M1}
Anw I got to go for now =)
{I never understood that late fee policy. I mean I always finish work on time, and I do OT to make sure that I finished it}
Nevertheless, I know it's time to make an investment :)
I got myself a new laptop, and bought some pans for mum. Haha
{Initially she thought that I bought her toilet scrubs to clean our toilets! LOL}

Altogether, I got myself a decent i5 processor, 4GB RAM, 500GB disk space, 1GB NVIDIA graphic card, MS Office Home n Student for 3users, and Norton Anti Virus one year retail license :-)
{Oh yes, hurry down now to your nearest IT vendor and buy a 3-user MS Office Home n Student for only $199 and get a $20 cash back from Microsoft.
Oh please remember that MS Home n Student only has Words, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.}
So far, my new laptop is at minimal usage. I've not signed up for a wireless network. I will be doing so, soon once I make up my mind which provider should I settle with.
{Starhub lost. Not going to sign up from them. Most prob going to do so with Singtel or M1}
Anw I got to go for now =)
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