And my wonderful man, I will lift up to Him in prayer.
I think that maybe, most probably, we can really work out. Let's see how things go after earlier <3
The message I got the other day, "The only way to keep love is to give it space and care to grow". I believe it tells about my relationship with him.
I've no intention of grasping actually. Never. I'd like to have him have his own choice to have me, love me and care for me.
Were worlds apart, our backgrounds but I don't know why it feels as if I find him familiar, his warmth, his everything...
It's as if I've met him before, or I've had the chance to know him.
I always believe things happen for a reason, that God doesn't lead people into your life just for fun. He has a reason to put people in our lives for our benefits. And when they're done, they go and allow us to grow.
So I'm letting it go, completely in hope of resting in the will of God to tell us why of all people, our paths met, and how does our relationship benefits us.
So little time, so much thoughts.
It's late, I have to go.
Goodnight ;)

~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
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