I appreciate the time you all take to read my posts, no matter how boring.
Would like to share with you a verse that grows in me:

"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, he shall be cast outside as the branch and wither; and they shall gather them up and cast them into fire, and they shall burn" -John 15:5-6
Last year, I felt the difference of relying on myself and having a powerful God, so divine, to intervene in my life.
Many times before last year I know I've experience the difference, but last year was truly my awakening.
I'm a strong willed girl who even to a fault doesn't allow moments of happiness pass. So I don't let myself get bogged down by negativity. I'm stubbornly able to lead the way to what I want. I expect a lot but I also expected to not receive (it's always at the back of my head).
To the point, I'm strong.
No matter how difficult, I just needed a little push of inspiration to get me going. But I could feel my elasticity almost going to give way to breakage.
And just as it was going to, He called me to walk with Him.
From March to May, my home life took a huge crash as financial disagreements rose. From May onwards, my almost 3year relationship ended. July came, and August came and the events felt as if someone ripped off your still fresh scab,
dig at it and poured in a bottle of alcohol in the open wound.
My beloved grandma passed away.
But when she left me here on earth, she gave me the best inheritance any daughter or grandchild could ask for - love, faith and hope - God.
And I'm happy. For all the things God has given me and made me to become.
I will give him the glory He rightfully deserves.
~ Posted by MJ thru BlogPress by iPhone
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