Sometimes people come to our life and plant an idea there, but that doesn't mean that the person who plant that idea is the one who will be the help God intends for us, to nurture till the plant is full grown, ready to bear fruits.
God uses these 'farmers' to plant that idea for us to prepare ourselves for something that is forthcoming.
I think for me, it's marriage.
Just months back, I said that I will not walk down the aisle and that I will not settle anymore without being completely sure. I never took the idea of marriage seriously, nor actually think that it's something God will want me to think about.
A friend of mine who actually made a proposal for some reason made me open my mind to possibilities of marriage, and now I have reconciled with my fear of love. I'm actually excited to love again!
But of course, like I said it's not necessarily that person who plant the idea in your head the one to be helping you nurture it till the plant is full grown.
So lately, I'm reading and knowing more about love derived from GOD's teaching and ways. I want Him to be the central of my relationship. Of course, it's not easy, so it's good to have a spiritual travel buddy to journey with.
A girlfriend, Gem, actually passed me a Relationship Guide material she got from her church's relationship seminar she attended, and I feel that it's a good start of a guide.
I will share the relationship process in my next post.
For now I will end my post with an advise from a girlfriend, Clara, which I feel that is something I hope God allows me to have, I hope to re-phrase as closely as I can to her spiritual understanding:
"A man and a woman sharing a mutual human love cannot give each other unconditional and sacrificial love, because naturally, humans are selfish. Only with GOD's presence in their life together does human love get perfected. They need God to form that strong bond couples need to share an everlasting love, only GOD's love is everlasting"

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