We reached Harbourfront center around 4.30pm only to start boarding at around 6pm. We dispersed into our respective cabins with our designated cabin mates.

I was assigned with Gem & Janice, my two other Pinoy buddies in Innocom.
Despite wanting to rest for even just a little while, we had to get ready for our group dinner at Bella Vista. The stated dress code was 'Elegant Casual'. And so we dressed accordingly after our much needed shower and make ups, headed out late only to be further delayed by being late.
We were not able to locate the right part of deck 6 of the ship that is where Bella Vista is located. After asking and being directed to the area, we walked into the restaurant, only to get head turns and some ''wow'' and ''so dressed up'' comments.
They were hardly dressed closed to 'Elegant Casual'.
Nevertheless, we sat at the next available 4-seaters and made ourselves comfortable. The restaurant's waiters were not at all attentive nor even bothered to make us feel acknowledged that we are there ready to be served.
However, after a moment of asking and calling for them, they provided our allocated meal.

These were our dishes - steamed chicken, stir-fried kangkong, prawns, Thai-sauce fish, and sweet pork, accompanied by meat soup and Chinese tea.
The food was not bad. The fish was awesome in the thai sauce, if that is what is the sauce. It tasted as such. I pretty much enjoyed the Chinese tea. It's a real treat.
After exchanging silent "his" and "hellos" from the others, we received group gathering at our table, consisting of Anthony, Bryan, Rudy and Cantona.
They 'blessed' our food by eating off them complaining that they weren't filled and later left for the decks for a smoke. Cantona stayed with us till we finish our meal.
We joined them again at the deck D for the emergency drill.

The crew showed us where to gather and how to use our life jacket in case of emergency. The drill lasted for no more than 10mins. Then we were free to do our own things. The free and easy part of the cruise started.
Initial group was Anthony, Bryan, Shenal, Cantona, Gem, Janice, and I. Later as we headed to the Piazza, we were all joined by Grace, Ganesh, Basanta, and we saw the others.

Lost count of who came and went with us. But I know that after walking around for a bit, I disintegrated myself from the group and went solo to Bellini for a glass of wine. I got myself a $39 (add 15% Cust service charge for every transactions ok) coupon that gives me 6 drink tabs that I plan to last the 2 nights. I also saw the best present for mum. It's a nice bag, I will purchase it tomorrow and add it in the next post 'Day 2 in Superstar Virgo'.
Later on, I walked around and ended up at the top deck, in hopes to bump into them. After walking around and exploring on my own for some time, I was reunited with Gem and Janice, who were taking photos with Janice's DSLR. After which, we explored the casino areas in hope to find the guys.
Cantona called me to let them know where they are. But darn it I'm going to be charged $10 jus for that 2mins call! So we headed up deck to be back with the group. We found them, sat with them - Anthony, Bryan, Rudy, Shenal, Cantona, Basanta - and then later I floated onto the other group - Judy, Lenny, Derrick, Ck, Andrew (red-faced due to beer), Joot and beau, Fabian, and Richard - they were drinking on and on, with Andrew already tipsy. It was a good laugh with them. Then I floated back with the earlier group.
We had a round of Truths and Dare minus the dare, and uncovered crazy things from these colleagues. Good laugh!
After a bit, we went to check out a party at the Piazza, which was not a party at all, more like games night, so we headed up to the Mediterranean Buffet food hall. Along the way, Arvind, Ganesh, Moorthy and Krishnan went with us (minus Anthony and Bryan) and all through supper.
Gem and Cantona respectively called it a day and they retired on their respective cabins, so it was only Janice, Shenal, Basanta, Arvind, Ganesh, Moorthy, Krishnan and I was left.
Headed to casino as Basanta wanted to try his luck, but since Janice couldn't come in due to her DSLR, we left Basanta and Shenal there, and headed to top deck.
Then that's where we all learned dance from each other. We took shots and being the photography enthusiast, I was their photographer!
Richard came to join us and danced with Moorthy to some Hindi song. It was another good laugh (:
We hung out for a bit joining the other group at KTV lounge, just to say hi and we went to Starlight lounge to listen to the liveband but just as we wanted to order drinks, the singer bid goodnight with their last songs so I cancelled my order and without much left to do, we all called it a good night and headed to our respective cabins.
Tomorrow is a brand new day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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