

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chinese New Year disadvantage

I'm sure I'm not the only one who find CNY period rather inconvenient. What with the ghost towns and dark alleys closed shophouses make due to this holiday closure.

For some, like me, it can cause impatience and frozen actions.

I have gone for two interviews so far and due to Chinese new year I haven't heard much from either one.
I know the interview went well and for the first company I went for, she has informed me that the office will be closed for a week due to Chinese New Year, and therefore I can't pretty much know when they will schedule the signing of appointment letter.

For the second company, they require my manuscript from RP to state that I am eligble for graduation. And due to Chinese New Year, I have to wait for school to respond and then only can I pretty much know that I've secured an appointment letter.

Shenath says I will get both ad land myself in dilemma! (Well better than not landing on anything right?)

I like the first company's job scope and relatively, I think the environment is much better. The second company offers higher pay and better incentives but I don't really find the job scope appealing. It's bearable though.


Jobs jobs jobs. It's all that forms my head sometimes. I can't wait for the 21st though. It's fast approaching and I can smell it! I know I've been saying it over and again, and not elaborating.

Soon I will:)

For now, good day. It's another evening shift for me and Shenath till Thursday.


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