Giving quotation and selling IT product solutions might not really give me the same feeling as selling clothes. I know that i'm good in selling. But i prefer selling products that has fixed specifications, and not having to come up with your own con words to appeal the merchandise to customers.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think all retail clothes line companies are deemed liars and con artistes but i'm just saying as a former sales associate for clothes and accessories before, I hate feeling that part of my requirements was to con customers to buying clothes even though hands down, the item looks horrendous on them!
I have to see what it's like when selling IT products though. Besides, the job specifies that you don't look for customers - they look for you and you need to know the specifications of ALL of the products the company sells and its specifications.
And like Accounts Executive, the job requires maintenance of corporate relationships and follow through till post purchase period.
I haven't been hired completely but comparing the two companies I've gone for so far, who are both IT companies, I find myself rather stuck which to choose and what is the deciding factor between the two (or whoever that comes along).
There's also another one (company who called me for interview) that's been postpone, and I don't think that it'll be any time soon due to the CNY period - another thing I need to anticipate.
So far, the positions I've been offered are;
1. Marketing Coordinator
2. Channel Telesales Executive
Both of which will make use of my graphics designing. Same workin hours but very different pay and type of job scope.
Let's hope that I can secure a job before 21st Feb 2010. Why?
Will tell you all in future posts! For now, enjoy my after-interview camwhore selection :)

~ posted through BlogPress through my iPhone
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