It has been quite a while since i actually liked something from, that i need not edit much.
Of course, before this, i was actually stuck to two different types of skin, and thank goodness i found this.
It's hard to find a simple but nice one.
Well, it's 1.57am.
Not asleep yet, due to this blogskin changes, facebook, and nevertheless, a sudden outburst of yet another, FIGHT.
Sometimes mundanity is quite better than the sudden fluctuation in the day's event.
But then again, a part of me begs to differ.
There's this itch in me that go against this sudden notion of a mundane type of life.
Oh hell, i will rather have the ups and downs of life, than get stuck still in the day-in-day-out activities.
But then again, i guess i say this out of tiredness.
Anyway, i haven't blogged lately over here really, and this has a good reason really.
I am currently building my portfolio, my aspirational line of work, that creates endless possibility in the creative industry.
I am rather enthusiastic about this endevours, and needless to say, i am hoping to put my best into this, and who knows it might get big and eventually become a form of establishment of my career.
I always love the idea of being my own boss, but i know that requires A LOT.
A lot of sweat and labor, which i am prepared really.
So please wish me all the best for my aspirations, as best as i can wish you all of yours.
All of us has aspirations, and i would like to share this motivational quote;
If you follow your passion, success will follow you.
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