There are A LOT that has gone on and is going on, around, about, and everywhere with me.
Well, not to sound rather major BIG, what i meant is that so far, i realize that i have really been more focused on some things that is working out as a freelance activity, or an enduring passion. Also, as i reached a point of maturity, but of course, upon reach that stage, i must say i still have a lot to learn and more rice to eat, to be able to say that i'm all that ((:
With age comes new perspectives, new hopes and also with that comes new fears.
As i learn to love more, enjoy more and live my life to what my aspirations may be, i guess i will have to learn to take a break and sit down, to evaluate the present to create a certain outlook towards my future.
The future is always hazy and so i must say that the present is a definite motivator, a gauge really, and the past is what educates and comforts.
Eventually, it takes a form of digestion on our part pertaining reality of what can really be and what can't.
Sometimes, fear takes over and instead of trying out our passion, we tend to back away as we feel that if we fail, that passion is just wasted, thus we feel that we will lose the passion eventually with enough failure.
But i beg to differ because passion is never-ending, and it shouldn't be. It is what fuels your heart to go on and beat stronger everyday of your life. With passion comes the thirst for knowledge, and as the day pass by, knowledge becomes wisdom.
But how much knowledge can one really possess? How much knowledge are we really prepared to take?
And how much of that knowledge ripen and turn to real wisdom?
I am learning to empty my cup of knowledge wherever i go and should go, so as i can learn more and more than i can presently.
It's not very easy to come to terms with emptying our cup of knowledge because we need to show everyone that we are very knowledgeable, and we have content to show we are people of high caliber and standards.
That is very human for us to do and if we don't, it makes us Saints, which in this era, is very hardly.
But trying alone, is what can differentiate you from others. So if you want to be different, try it.
The real challenge of knowledge is to really learn from scratch.
To really breathe in and take in whatever that is given onto us despite knowing that we do things in a particular manner and are already comfortable with it.
However, being individuals who have learnt, seen and absorbed enough knowledge, we must realize that throughout the entire globe, knowledge is everywhere, in every nook and cranny of this world we can find knowledge, but most are really hard to accept.
The bigger knowledge or what i call, the phenomenal idea, are the most hardest to grasp.
It takes a real person who have accepted many different kinds of knowledge to accept phenomenal ideas. I think that the secret to learning greater knowledge is when we stopped at acceptance and do not let them infiltrate our nature and mutate us to something that becomes horrid and eventually... MAD.
Sometimes, when i see lunatics, it never fail to make me think this:
That these people are one of the most potently knowledgeable people around, but eventually they let it get to them or they are not strong enough to resist the temptation of having those knowledge infiltrate them and ruin their entire brain system.
Call me idealistic but i don't think any scientist can say i am thoroughly wrong, because in this world, mind is power.
But i guess why lunatics become what they are is due to a common reason: people who turn mad easily are those who have weaker personality and are easily infiltrated in the mind.
Alright, i have written too much of my thoughts, and i know that i should shut up now.
Since i am talking about perspectives, knowledge and evaluating the present, maybe you people who are in need to have a decent alone time away from everything but yourself of course, why not try going to pulau ubin?
I went there and it did help release the city stress and as u breathe in fresher air, your mind becomes healthier(:
Take a look! Have fun with the entire album.