Also, there are quite a lot of pictures that i have to upload and get my hands on to.
In this post, i hope to actually put the HIGHLIGHTS pictures - from March 7 until quite recently :)
Well, so far, March has been full of fun smiles and of course, the irritating shortcomings of life...
Nevertheless, i am really grateful that i have overcome such events and has looked at the brighter sides of things.
This year, i really realize how to count blessings that i have rather than look for more things in life that is quite out of grasps.
But of course, i never dare stop hoping and dreaming for the perceived better standards of a luxurious life.. hehe
And i never tire of thing of schemes on how to better my lifestyle - financially and personally.
However, somethings need pursue but there are things that are meant to be let alone and ignored to be left to nature.
I guess i have learned so far that i have good things around me - family, boyfriend, job, education, clients - all that helps me to realize my potential.
Of course, not all the time it's good weather, i guess the rain can really help to feed a dry land... and sometimes the hardship make you realize who are there for you and who you can count on.
More often than not, it is in GOD and/or faith that you can seek salvation from, and it is in you to make the choice to take the hands extended towards you.
I'm not all saint and angelic per se but i am working on being a good and changed person.
Starting from my individualism to the exterior part of how i want others to see me.
I wouldn't dare erase how others saw me before... and how people see me now.
Nevertheless, i couldn't really care less because people see what they want to see, so the best advice i can tell myself is to just be true to what i believe and always be responsible to whatever my actions.
Okay, i think i should shut up now. Too much deep emotional words going on..
Here are the pictures/videos:
March 7, 2009
Snehath and Javon's Combined Bday Celebration - 30th and 1st Birthday respectively :)
Snehath is btw Shenath's older British-born-SriLankan&Britain-citizen-Singapore-resident-BROTHER. Confusing right? Well imagine how much he goes through whenever he travels. LOL
Cute Javon chasing after balloons

and then he got tired...
Ana came along too - hell she had fun. haha
had fun with these kids.
and here's US
March 11, 2009
Went with mum and zak for lunch and a bit of bonding.
Twas when Shenath and i were having glitches here and there. Haha and pls ignore the date printed on the pics. haha it's wrong.
my dear bro...
Here's me and him.
Here's mum and him.
Then the same night, i went for ladies' night with Laura and Ana (short for Farhana)
Laura shuts eyes! haha
a better pic..
GF since bumble bees was still hot :) haha
Then i went home in the last bus. was damn pissed actually, smoked the way to the bus stop. and i didn't feel much of the cigg impact cos of my irritation. but then again, everything went good after that... shenath and i fixed things at the multi purpose hall that midnight :) its just another passing rain.
March 12, 2009
Then went out with Darshy..
Went to IT show and Burberry sales at Suntec.
Then headed to Sakura for lunch.
Me and Darshy
His virgin taste of Tum Yum Soup. haha
CANDID fixed of Shenath
then we went to Masquerade to check out costumes. for what? Halloween this year. LOL still long right? its' Darshy's idea.
minnie darshy
this is a very nice exterior decor!
We settled to relax at The Coffee Nations in Bali Lane
Shenath had his first Hoegarden. next aim is Honeydew beer
I had Simply Chocolate and Kiwi Strawberry snapple
Darshy had avocado ice cream
Bf like this pic... Hmmm
i like this pic. so childly
then on Friday the 13th, March 2009
went out with the Queens. yee finally.
but it's minus hajar... she's out of the country.. in wuhan, china.
love my honeys
esp the SHORT ONE. hahahahahahha
the ladder in BDQ
one thing never change - we'll always be vain camwhores who likes toilet picture taking.
thanks to Korean or Jap lady tourist.
thanks to the Cathedral's gates.
This place houses the best furniture arts ever....
finally me.
on the same day.. after work.. shenath brought along manesh, his friend who was in transit from australia to sri lanka
new friends
dunno which date this was
okay finally live and loaded pics coming up next time i log in.
the cafe is closing!!! ciaos
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