these are some pictures to see (:
all thanks to the 38th Bday cake
these happened ---->
oh yeah this is my aunt Nova, hopefully she'll be staying with us permanently.
she's real nice (:
and of course the main attraction of the table--->
And the video?? :D

moving on ----- >
school's going end soon, tomorrow actually.
and therefore, i am indeed in need of a job!
thus created quite a phase of anxiety for me from the days of late.
on tuesday i called up a number that i had taken from Straits Time recruit section under part time positions.
it's a part time shop assistant job and talking with the employer, amy, i found out that it's a FLOWER shop!!!!! OMG
since like forever i've always wanted to try out a job in a flower shop!!
i know flowers are so cliche and somehow they eventually just whither and die, thus creating negative thoughts of it being just a waste of money.
HOWEVER i always know that flowers soothes the spirit and just being around them can actually liven you up.
that without proper care and too much exposure to heat, a flower can whither and die faster than their life span can extend.
this is almost the same case with us humans, metaphorically of course.
we need to be loved and be catered to and handled well, because our life span can get shorten by bad factors.
so anyway, i met her for an interview at far east shopping center, Qis Petals.
and being with amy for an hour or so, i learned that;
1. flowers are meant to be cut slanted so as the surface area of their stem can suck in more water
2. flowers' leaves are meant to be kept dried and not be wet cos it speeds up decay process
3. flowers cannot take too much heat so they need to avoid hot spots of the house
4. there are roses in india and they dont usually have big blooms
5. water for the flowers are meant to be changed after three days and that we must always avoid drowning our flowers
and more to come. i just hope i get hired!
i am on trial work next friday and saturday. & ling dun worry, i end at 3pm on saturday and im around cash studio :)
amy told me she needs people that are long term rather than temporary part timers.
that the minimum duration she wanted was 6months.
the problem with me is that i can only stay for 2 and a half months.
however, she said she'll work something out and she needs to test the other part timers before me who are interested in the job too.
amy is really nice. i hope she's nice enough to hire me too :D
you can view her work at under gallery.
the following pictures are my favorite flower arrangements by her --- >
aren't they lovely? like they come out of those flower studios and yet it's actually from a living, physically-around-me person! hahaha
anyway besides roses i actually love marguerite daisies. so love
and of course the normal daisies are fine (:
last topic for this entry.
I DREAMT OBAMA WAS IN DANGER (he's not like dead or anything, just in danger)
OMG i'm going nuts.
Obama is the most historical president ever and i am glad that he turned president on the year i turn 21. I just hope that he'll be safe and obviously my prayers goes to him, as all the others who have very high hopes for him.
he has over and again conveyed the message that life is never easy that we need to always be true to ourselves and do the right thing to persevere and thread on no matter how tough the trials may be.
he conveyed it clearly and has inspired many people from all over the world and if there are other non-earthly beings listening to him, is sure that he has thoroughly spoken from his heart.
that the world can change to be a better place.
and that is the place in life all needs to be.
GOD help him.
so now, there are some controversial event that happened pertaining his swearing in. that there was a screw up - obama vs roberts.
people are pointing fingers as who to be blamed for the oath to get screwed up, but then again, i think it's just another historical event seemed to have leeched itself onto obama.
but no matter what, he has held himself well and composed and ended the oath proper.
chief justice roberts ended up just making obama looked bad, however, many are not caring much about it because obama's 18min 37sec speech totally blew all away!
Inaguaration Speech Part 1
Inaguaration Speech Part 2
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