(with this entry, i now owe my readers 3 outing pictures)
So i slept at 8+ am and ive been up since 1130 am.
I couldn't even get a decent whole 8 hours to sleep even though i spent the night clubbing.
Just as i have said in my past entry, i let loose on the dance floor.
Pls don't dive into sudden madness of an assumption, i have my bf with me to let loose to =)
Spent most of the night dancing with him, and he had pulled back from me just to watch me dance, saying that he like watching me dance!
flattering.... flattered... ((:
Well, the night went like this;
Headed with shenath to tampines mrt station to meet with laura first.
then the three of us train down to raffles place and i had a burger at mcdonalds @ BQ
we waited for everyone to turn up - darshaka, dilan, lyn and j(eremy)
so when the group has been formed, we went to The Crown, only to find that it wasn't as happening as we were expecting.
so there were some decisions to be made on where to go and what should we do.
final solution? at around 1015pm, the ladies (hannah joined in later) separated from the guys and went to desire.
the dudes went to get a jim beam bottle and coke, to drink by the waterfront at UOB.
so it was desire(club) that got me all fucked up.
i vomited like shit with just teeny weeny sips of whiskey coke. *barfs*
and yes, i dirtied the toilet at desire with my disgusting vomit.
this only mean one thing, i will take another 4-5 months to get back into boozing.
and yet, i still think that i might stop boozing all the way.
despite the fact that i wasn't even high on alcohol, i actually still enjoyed myself.
back to story;
later on in desire, when the three girls (lyn, laura, hannah) were out for a fag, the two indian girls whom i have asked to help take our pictures, asked me to dance with them.
it was really nice, despite how boring the music is, cos i got to get the dj to change the song =D
met up with the guys awhile later when laura was already on the tip (of) sy.
hannah separated from us cos she was going to meet her friends.
so to the waterfront we camwhored, all 7 of us.
with the girls pretending to be charlie's angels and the guys took their turn to be charlie.
then the creepy thing was that, whenever i got lyn to take my pic at a certain area, there will be those white smoke that covered me.
so after finishing off the JB, we headed down to The Crown.
No cover charge for males too, it was good.
and im sure it makes up for the lack of crowd and the inavailability of free flow whiskey
which laura really couldn't agree with becos she hates vodka.
but after awhile we made do of what's there.
we had our own crowd building up.
and the next thing outa nothing, i was dancing with this lesbian.
(as a matter of fact, she looked disappointed that i have a bf, lol)
but she was nice...
all of us were really going at it, even the guys were dancing retardedly.
and dilan amazed me with funny dance movements.
later on in the night, laura's friends joined us.
well, the drinks are so called 'sponsored' by us ladies becos we get free flow of all types of vodkas till 3am.
so from 12 - 3, we've gotten the servers to keep sending us vodkas mango, pear, raspberry, orange...
then finally we stuck to vodkas mango, pear and raspberry.
so everytime the bartender sees my signal, he knows what we want and where to send it.
as the night prolonged, so what the intoxication of alcohol among my friends and bf.
i on the other hand, didn't bother to drink anymore after getting an awful taste of vodka pear.
it's all after the one week hangover. it sucks!
so we stayed at the club till 530 or so.
made quite a few 'hi-bye' social acquiantance, one of which irritates the hell out of us.
later on dilan almost got himself to a bit of a trouble.
good thing bf was there to hold him down.
the crown's owner had asked me to get dilan out of the club before he creates havoc, cos they cannot afford to have trouble in a new established club, the crown.
cos they are still building up reputation.
later on, i had to get laura with us, of which she refused due to wanting to stay with didi, this mat who got himself all drunk and hated by the groups.
boo hoo!
im sure laura will hear about it soon when i call her in later...
wondering if she remembers she actually dislike malay guys... hmmm
then upon heading out, bf and i passed by the club owner, who said he'll want to see us next week.
so i asked him if every wednesday's male cover charge will still not be charged, he said, "just look for me and you all don't need to worry about cover charges" =)
yey, sounds like bumble beez all over again when faizal let my girls through and the bouncers will keep an eye on us just in case there are idiots who dare come by.
miss that.
but let's see how the crown will be in months to come.
i hope that we could hit the club again soon...
i realized that i really love dancing sober.
more of that will come.
pictures for this entry will come asap.
as well as the other pictures i have missed out on putting up.
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