

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Nizar Qabbani to BF

Was feeling all poetic but i couldn't come up with anything so i just decided to look up some Shakespeare love sonnets or poems.

Some are too tragic and some are just not what i want to relate to, altho i must say, Rome and Juliet's balcony verses never fail to mersmerize me.

Then, i wandered off to this other poet called Nizar Qabbani.
What captivated me was his poems that seem rather eccentric, but then again, i ended liking this certain poem called, "When i love you"

Here is the poem;

When i love you by Nizar Qabbani

When I love you
A new language springs up,
New cities, new countries discovered.
The hours breathe like puppies,
Wheat grows between the pages of books,
Birds fly from your eyes with tiding of honey,
Caravans ride from your breasts carrying Indian herbs,
The mangoes fall all around, the forests catch fire
And Nubian drums beat.
When I love you your breasts shake off their shame,
Turn into lightning and thunder, a sword, a sandy storm.

When I love you the Arab cities leap up and demonstrate
Against the ages of repression
And the ages
Of revenge against the laws of the tribe.
And I, when I love you,
March against ugliness,
Against the kings of salt,
Against the institutionalization of the desert.
And I shall continue to love you until the world flood arrives;
I shall continue to love you untill the world flood arrives

Baby darling, do take care okay...
i love you, remember that you can tell me anything.
hope you'll be fine soon =)

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