Anw, from last post, Shenath and i managed to do whatever we have to do on time.
Did Java UT and then we were off to clarke quay.
From there we headed down to Bugis, initially to get myself the pink heels that i was eyeing at Bugis Street, but since it wasn't there anymore, got myself a pair of 'jeweled' gold flip flops.
Then since i wasn't satisfied with not getting the pink heels that i so wanted,
i had to look for another item of lust -.-
EARRINGS - got 8 for $10 (SUPER CHEAP)
Bf chose 8 earrings for me. The way it went was so hilarious and cute at the same time :D
It was as if he was choosing for himself.
I constantly left him by himself to roam around the area for other options.
So cute when i saw him picking those earrings and asking the vendors opinion.
Sometimes taking the earring and putting it on against my lobes.
I don't know what i find cute and hilarious in that, but it tickles me -.-
Anyway, so we had dinner at this malay hawker opposite Bugis Junction.
The vendors there are sooooo weird.
They looked at me so weirdly, like as if they wanted to eat me up or something.
Twas nice. After dinner headed to the National Library.
Was suppose to do RJ there but then when we reached the study lounge we were told to go cos it's already closing.
So proceeded to Hans cafe instead.
Bought Chocolate Nuts(Ice cream) and earl gray - for sharing with Bf.
Then he said i was wasting money... blah blah blah -.- In the end, we still went back happy.
I thought we'll have another row for that. guess not...
Worked on Saturday and Sunday.
Twas tiring! The day went by so slow.
Sunday(today) was supposed to meet Shenath's mum but there was a major alteration in plan.
So phew.... my meeting with her was delayed.
Actually, i don't really know why i'm even feeling scared to meet her.
I shouldn't be -.- but i guess Shenath has become an important part of me that it scares me if his mum disapprove...
Anyway, lets see how things go.
I just feel that it's cause his mum is traditional and conservative.
Makes me feel that if i ain't conservative enough, she'll take him away from me. LOL
This is madness. yeah i know, shut up jean!
For another thing, family minus me, are going to Segamat :D
Go figure...
I'm getting sleepy.
Anyway, pictures as follows are what i have collected so far yeah.
View em with patience :D
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