There are quite a few things that i do want to say.
First of is about my confession.
I can feel myself falling more in love with Shenath. I don't know if it's even possible to love him more cos i know i love him so much already.
Then again, if there is love beyond infinite love i guess this is almost it.
However, i do fear it. Deeply i fear falling in too deep.
Why? Because he's a guy and he's just human...
and i too am a human who fears being hurt.
However, i guess i must learn to not be afraid of love and to always be open to adversaries of life.
I am learning, but i must say that my acute way of thinking makes it hard to let live.
Also, my negativity and (recent) past experience makes it hard for me to stop doubting my lover.
I know Shenath loves me. Oh so much but im wary...
and deep down i hope i can reciprocate his love.
Prior to this context, i want to share with you a verse from a song by Natasha Beddingfield.
Anyone who can touch you
Can hurt you or heal you
Anyone who can reach you
Can love you or leave you
-I bruise easily-
Anyway, secondly - i have exchanged my spoilt mp3!!

If i haven't said so, i purchased a mini mp3 last Friday!
I got it at Sim Lim square. And it only cost $45 bucks....
The first one was crazy i tell you. I was tempted to just throw it away.
The buttons are nuts! it's like a breed of ipod nano and a censor keypad.
So like if ever you touch it - no matter how gentle - it skips next or it pauses or it dont work at all.
Well good that i can excahange it within 7 days of purchase.
Lets hope this new one will last okay for long.
Thirdly, school is starting!
i cant wait to get my new laptop.
Dad hire purchase from courts cos i know he's afraid that i'll try to sell it off - again.
which i ALMOST did to this current laptop that i'm sharing with the household.
so he places me in a bond.
but it's actually much cheaper if he just pay a lump sum. oh well, it's his money...
and i'm still pissed thinking about that shop at Kembangan Plaza.
whom i called more than three times asking how much would he take in acer aspire 5584.
he said he'd take it in at $1500 and in the end when i reached there, the person who spoke to me wasn't even there.
WORST OF ALL - the boss would only take it in at $500!!
folks paid close to $2000 and i havent used this for a year, and that ass only want it at $500.
so stupid. no word of honor and they put a bad name to BUSINESS.
Fourthly, im feeling excited that school's going to start.
and yet im quite dreading it. cos it's back to reality and to the hectic part of our diploma course.
there wont be much problem with time management. i just hope i wont get myself sick.
im quite prone to it... boo hoo!
this is the end of the entry!

good nights!
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