she likes the fact that nothing is happening
she likes the fact that nothing is up and destroying her peace,
despite the boredom, she lay low and she kept to herself...
deep in thoughts about her life and her ultimate new love;
fresh new little things called love and affection,
like new sweets from the candy man
she likes the fact that everything seems a fantasy yet it is very much real...
deep down she know everything is real when it comes to him and her
she secretly longs for his presence and his warmth
in the cold cold day she wanted him around
but alas it has to delay, to yet another day...
she is patience because she knows her love is waiting for her
she made some words of love in her head
yet nothing seems to come out when they talk
she keeps to herself afraid to say things that seems to much...
now she fears that she's too deep in
she loves him and he loves her
that is what matters and that is what is suppose to be
reciprocal love and affection feels so wholesome and she likes it... very much
and she knows she'll be good and stay true to this new thing called love
& no this is not a poem
& i love you shenath thomas dias
thank you for showing me how loving really is...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
she likes... love and affection
Saturday, November 17, 2007
i was cursing an swearing just awhile ago and now im finally in BLOGGER!
i think i typed in my google account address and the final correct password and it rejected me.
then i have to refresh the url and all those and finally, with a last growl, im in and typing away.
photobucket bulk upload is a wonder.
of course with proper connection speed, otherwise, it will just kick the bucket.
i've uploaded 77 of the overdue pictures that u blogders will be seeing =)
but before that happens, i would like to just 'briefly' share with you the major news last night.
and my mum has finally met
but im sad to tell u im not uploading all 77 pics... sorry
^me and jo camwhoring
^isnt this nice? this is not photoshop-ed.
^ =)
^jo and jean
^reflect us
^we are in the red ball
^on the way to school... late for test... cabbing. =)
^still in the cab.. camwhoring
^jo looks too indon... lol
^jan crying cos he didnt have time to do his hair... retardo
^introducing HALO-HALO - filipino dessert

^at art gallery

^ CHRISTMAS angels =)

tuesday ended quite great =)
shenaht and i finally started being more great with each other...
we realise that what matters was not the external stuff that can come up.
on tuesday, i realise also that despite ur best guy fren and ur boyfriend not being on any good terms, it doesnt mean that your relationship with either one should go down the drain...
and im glad jan understands... and im also glad that shenath let me keep my friendship with jan.
^wednesday - after school, slacking with bf at agora (school)
^Thursday - IT helpdesk NICE VERSE 2
^Town with jaja and hid

^crazy sister 1
^crazy sister 2
^camwhore me
^love them both
^FRIDAY- town - the TREE =) the night shenath and mum met
^the sister

^the brother
^wonder who this is...

the end.. of pictures =)
p.s. im going to quit fnb line soon...
starting out at retail line.. =) botique...!
PATTERNS here i come
i think i typed in my google account address and the final correct password and it rejected me.
then i have to refresh the url and all those and finally, with a last growl, im in and typing away.
photobucket bulk upload is a wonder.
of course with proper connection speed, otherwise, it will just kick the bucket.
i've uploaded 77 of the overdue pictures that u blogders will be seeing =)
but before that happens, i would like to just 'briefly' share with you the major news last night.
and my mum has finally met
the outcome? it was alright, mum has said some remarks and some nice ones too =)
phew... it was very intense for him... and of course for me.
my goodness.
shenath and nurul finally saw my baby brother.. hehe
then i have to seem like a mother in public! ahhhhh! major.. cos mum went to the ladies and i was to take care of isaac!
and then me, shenath and the baby took pics.. and it felt soo weird. LOL
and nurul u better not upload that okay.. okay maybe i will... =)
okay, so far this week, i have met my sisters and of course spent time with jan and jo...
MY GOSH... u never guess how much itched me and shenath went through early this week and im glad it was over and now we are more crazy than ever =)
it just gets better after every fight...
people who are in a rship.. there is two advice i want to you consider taking.
first of all, always remember that fights, misunderstandings and quarrels are a part of our lives.
so here it is...
1. talk about your problems when ur both cooled down
2. always exclude external problems/parties and always focus on the two of you ONLY
3. make out after that... LOL
okay it's suppose to be 2 then it comes up to three. lol
okay enough of this... pictures!!
uploading has been delayed =)phew... it was very intense for him... and of course for me.
my goodness.
shenath and nurul finally saw my baby brother.. hehe
then i have to seem like a mother in public! ahhhhh! major.. cos mum went to the ladies and i was to take care of isaac!
and then me, shenath and the baby took pics.. and it felt soo weird. LOL
and nurul u better not upload that okay.. okay maybe i will... =)
okay, so far this week, i have met my sisters and of course spent time with jan and jo...
MY GOSH... u never guess how much itched me and shenath went through early this week and im glad it was over and now we are more crazy than ever =)
it just gets better after every fight...
people who are in a rship.. there is two advice i want to you consider taking.
first of all, always remember that fights, misunderstandings and quarrels are a part of our lives.
so here it is...
1. talk about your problems when ur both cooled down
2. always exclude external problems/parties and always focus on the two of you ONLY
3. make out after that... LOL
okay it's suppose to be 2 then it comes up to three. lol
okay enough of this... pictures!!
^me and jo camwhoring

tuesday ended quite great =)
shenaht and i finally started being more great with each other...
we realise that what matters was not the external stuff that can come up.
on tuesday, i realise also that despite ur best guy fren and ur boyfriend not being on any good terms, it doesnt mean that your relationship with either one should go down the drain...
and im glad jan understands... and im also glad that shenath let me keep my friendship with jan.
^wednesday - after school, slacking with bf at agora (school)

the end.. of pictures =)
p.s. im going to quit fnb line soon...
starting out at retail line.. =) botique...!
PATTERNS here i come
not enough,
wanna L-O-L
i owe you blogders big time.
will upload very soon.
with pictures! =)
and main story, SHENATH MET THE MUM! lol
at least a preview of him being around my mum. xmas and new year, he'd be spending with me
and family noe, so might as well get use to it. LOL
ok gtg. muahs!!!
will upload very soon.
with pictures! =)
and main story, SHENATH MET THE MUM! lol
at least a preview of him being around my mum. xmas and new year, he'd be spending with me
and family noe, so might as well get use to it. LOL
ok gtg. muahs!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
in due reason of my anni with shenath, i delayed this post that you are currently reading..
and in this post too shall contain my day with shenath just now just an hr past since the 9th...
our first quarter somewhat-celebration =)
so last on the 8th i went to meet jan rick to take the camera and then apparently he insisted i eat with him at Mr Teh Tarik shop at i-dont-which-part-of-tampines
best guy friend ever... =)

we walked like after such a long time and then reached the place
there i saw my cousing Bir...

and of course my 2hot cafe colleagues, plus surprisingly my secondary school friend - who said it looks as if i gained 20 Kg since last year. can u imagine that! -.- haiz
okay i didnt gain 20 kg fyi.. at least not 20. lol but i did gain lah obvious. lol
anyway, there jan got us nasi pattaya seafood and then indian rojak!

later on on the way back, we totally encountered something somewhat freaky /:
nvm about that at least we are okay. i dont want to think about it too now..
so after meeting jan, had to say some excuse to shenath so that i can do the baking properly without having to keep replying to his smses.
yes, i made shenath some cake =)
and the pictures below are the things that i did for him for our first quarter =)
1. Filipino dessert cake =)

food symbolizes nurturing - in this case our early relationship still needs to be nurtured
2. Poem in a selfmade card

the poem symbolizes words of love - in this case to nurture this relationship proper words and of course the right words should be said between the couples e.g. more talking and getting to know
3. Stitching
*supposedly it was to look like this. then i lost count so had to fix it.
so instead of this cupid holding the heart...
i was lucky enough to at least know how to do wordings. lol

the stitching symbolizes the efforts - in this case to nurture the rship one needs to place in efforts for things to work out cos with words and knowing the other half is not enough to nurture the relationship, effort is greatly needed
so then i combined the stitching and the poem together.

to nurture the relationship with verbal communication and putting in effort at the early stage is what i have pieced together after some looking up on the net and some stuff i read.
and so...
this is the reason why i did all these for him.
to those who are starting out... maybe u can get some ideas for your anni or anni-monthlies(:
^he's enthralled by the starwars archade game. lol
^then he was taking...
^ my PICTURE! =) and i... am taking his.. lol
^then he wanted to take a proper one of me... there! cheese! (=
^this one was taken when we were on the way to get my phone -.- when he was complaining he was sleepy.
^he just had to look away at the wrong timing. this cud have been a nice pic

lol okay. i think these are all the pic i have...
i enjoyed myself on my first quarter.
now we look forward to the next quarter but first.. we shall see how another month will be going on =)
okay. it's late... im tired... good night!
and in this post too shall contain my day with shenath just now just an hr past since the 9th...
our first quarter somewhat-celebration =)
so last on the 8th i went to meet jan rick to take the camera and then apparently he insisted i eat with him at Mr Teh Tarik shop at i-dont-which-part-of-tampines
we walked like after such a long time and then reached the place
there i saw my cousing Bir...
and of course my 2hot cafe colleagues, plus surprisingly my secondary school friend - who said it looks as if i gained 20 Kg since last year. can u imagine that! -.- haiz
okay i didnt gain 20 kg fyi.. at least not 20. lol but i did gain lah obvious. lol
anyway, there jan got us nasi pattaya seafood and then indian rojak!
later on on the way back, we totally encountered something somewhat freaky /:
nvm about that at least we are okay. i dont want to think about it too now..
so after meeting jan, had to say some excuse to shenath so that i can do the baking properly without having to keep replying to his smses.
yes, i made shenath some cake =)
and the pictures below are the things that i did for him for our first quarter =)
1. Filipino dessert cake =)

food symbolizes nurturing - in this case our early relationship still needs to be nurtured
2. Poem in a selfmade card

the poem symbolizes words of love - in this case to nurture this relationship proper words and of course the right words should be said between the couples e.g. more talking and getting to know
3. Stitching
*supposedly it was to look like this. then i lost count so had to fix it.
so instead of this cupid holding the heart...

the stitching symbolizes the efforts - in this case to nurture the rship one needs to place in efforts for things to work out cos with words and knowing the other half is not enough to nurture the relationship, effort is greatly needed
so then i combined the stitching and the poem together.

to nurture the relationship with verbal communication and putting in effort at the early stage is what i have pieced together after some looking up on the net and some stuff i read.
and so...
this is the reason why i did all these for him.
to those who are starting out... maybe u can get some ideas for your anni or anni-monthlies(:
different people see things differently, and this is how i usually show gratitude at least once every 3 months but of course not forgetting the day every month no matter how short it may be.
because every day together counts. what more months? and so later come years if it is so meant to be =)

because every day together counts. what more months? and so later come years if it is so meant to be =)

today. we spent the day at his place eating up the cake i made.
he hasn't really tasted the Filipino dessert before... and this time i added cheese on it
he likes cheesy tastes. lol lucky it was a success...
and no he didn't run to the toilet afterwards ok!
anyway, he got for me a bracelet and a pair of precious-stones earring - i dont know how he knows i like em
but that really is sweet of him =)
[he explained the properties of these stones and i guess it might be Chiastolite or something]
then i suspect onyx is also in the bracelet. lol i dont know... i guess... but whatever, i loike it!
but these two are quite heavy for their supposed weight in my mind. haha
*thanks darling!!
then in the afternoon, we had lunch then headed to tampines to get the ticket from GV to watch
we spent the evening till the early night laughing madly in the cinema
and of course exchanging kisses here and there. lol
the movie damn fun really.. go and watch it people. you'll laugh like crazy! haha
so after getting the ticket we had two hours to spend, so we headed to an M1 dealer to get my new phone!
lol this phone, no matter how supposedly hit the market with 10 billions sale alongside SGH D500, is still quite an OLD phone.
the phone itself is chic and despite its color resolution not meeting what i wanted, i am happy at at least i am happy with something i spent on. =)
usually id end up regretting. i hope i wont regret lah =)
and of course i got new M1 line. so come ask for my no asap k =)
and im still looking for the third call buddy. so if ur an m1 user and we even talk at all, let me know =)
first time using m1. i really hope i dont blow it! uggh i would so kill myself then... -.-
then after spending for a new pair of contact lenses, i am BROKE -.-
at least semi-broke. no more extra cash... boo hoo!
well anyway... pictures!!!
he hasn't really tasted the Filipino dessert before... and this time i added cheese on it
he likes cheesy tastes. lol lucky it was a success...
and no he didn't run to the toilet afterwards ok!
anyway, he got for me a bracelet and a pair of precious-stones earring - i dont know how he knows i like em
but that really is sweet of him =)
then i suspect onyx is also in the bracelet. lol i dont know... i guess... but whatever, i loike it!
but these two are quite heavy for their supposed weight in my mind. haha
*thanks darling!!
then in the afternoon, we had lunch then headed to tampines to get the ticket from GV to watch
we spent the evening till the early night laughing madly in the cinema
and of course exchanging kisses here and there. lol
the movie damn fun really.. go and watch it people. you'll laugh like crazy! haha
so after getting the ticket we had two hours to spend, so we headed to an M1 dealer to get my new phone!
the phone itself is chic and despite its color resolution not meeting what i wanted, i am happy at at least i am happy with something i spent on. =)
usually id end up regretting. i hope i wont regret lah =)
and of course i got new M1 line. so come ask for my no asap k =)
and im still looking for the third call buddy. so if ur an m1 user and we even talk at all, let me know =)
first time using m1. i really hope i dont blow it! uggh i would so kill myself then... -.-
then after spending for a new pair of contact lenses, i am BROKE -.-
at least semi-broke. no more extra cash... boo hoo!
well anyway... pictures!!!
^he's enthralled by the starwars archade game. lol

lol okay. i think these are all the pic i have...
i enjoyed myself on my first quarter.
now we look forward to the next quarter but first.. we shall see how another month will be going on =)
okay. it's late... im tired... good night!
jean loves shenath
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