seems like there is nothing to say today.
i did part my chores
1.banking stuff
2.bill payments
3.medical canceled for trip to ICA
then again, it wasnt done and so was my bag shopping.
it was another unsuccessful attempt to retail therapy.
i was not moved at all by adidas, zinc or whatever.
it just didnt feel good like the way it should.
anyway, it doesnt matter.
i'll just do it tmr or even later.
in mind i have imprint this rattan bag that comes in hot pink and hot purple.
with flowers and ribbons attached to its handle.
v feminine and it comes in many different designs and sizes.
also, it cost v v little =))
cost opportunity = budget = thrift = cheapskate = whatever
maybe i will just get another item. i hope there is that annual discount whatever.
i swear im becoming more singaporean - discount hunting is so not me.
okay well, i am half certain of getting that.
i am confident that roz will get me the bag of my dreams when he's back from his trip.
i have of course detailed out what i wanted and in which color.
arent i a great gift recipient? =))
okay. i found out something abt mum's acc.. i was shocked at what i found out.
her passbook says it all. gotta ask her about it like v v v soon.
im v sleepy.
i have to wake up early tomorrow again.
ica business again.
oh bf's ex girlfriend is neat picking on me.
telling him this and that.
sisters, are you ready? we might have a girl fight.
hahaha nah, cant be bothered.
plus, i got the man to handle it. thanks for defending me darling. loves..
yours truly.
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