

Friday, February 16, 2007

i feel squirmy

i met Jet on the night of Valentine's Day...
but like i said before, i just want a semi-friendly day/night out.
i went to vivo, then i met him after his work.
he got out late as there were loads of customers.
it's Valentine's Day after all.

as i walk past couples, i saw loads of the ladies carrying boquets of flowers.
the last time i received a boquet from a guy was on my birthday last year, from Azman.
so sweet lah... haha. accompanied by the flowers was this HUGE tasmanian devil stuff toy.
then my 14th Feb 2006 memory came to surface.
i almost laughed out i must admit. then those bittersweet memories of daryl came by no doubt. but then after spending time with Jet, i must admit that he has the ability to make me take my mind off these things, without even knowing that he really does.
but i did tell him parts of my ex flames here and there.
Jet is really a great friend. yes, a friend. and i dont want to lose a friend like him. never ever...

wells, we got down at simei and then took a cab, first dropping him at his place and then eventually to mine. we talked about some things that we have noticed that our colleagues has been noticing. and then my aunt and uncle. i do in a way make us low profile as possible but then i really dont know how things get out there.....
haha. even then the driver asked about my relationship with him. OMG.
haha. the driver asked me how to exit from his housing estate, then i told him i really have no idea. he was like asking.."how come you dunno, never send you sayang home before ar?" hahaha. wth. lol. then he asked me if he's my bf and all. then i like duh i said NO. haha. then on and on we chatted...

well, last night i went out with Jet again. there was a miscommunication at work.
i thought that i was working yesterday and all. but it was not so. then i worked for an hour or so, then Jet got out of work at 7pm and so did my other colleague, Vicky. good thing vicky went out with us cos i really dont need it to be obvious that i get out of work with Jet.
then vicky starts to ask me about who am i liking at work or who's my admirer...
like goodness... really lah... lucky she bought the story that we are just very very good friends. hmms.
(it is true what... right?)
anyways, when Vicky went off at 8pm, we went to eat...
after eating we went to some beauty store. lol.
then i recomended him facial creams. haha. he was complaining about his dark circle.
hahaha. then he bought some face and neck cream and then he got me the facial wash i wanted to buy. haha. (thankz bebeh)
then just now in the morning, he smsed me saying that his face felt so soft..
HE LIKES IT.... wahahaha. omg. =)) ssooo cute lah.. haha.
wahh and im so jealous lah. he change his phone! confirm must see later..
ok then i gtg get ready for work...

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