there are loads to say about last night.
and yes i did enjoy shooing guys away again last night.
wells, me and my girls only stuck with our(more to hajar's) guy friends.
so other guys wont like move in on us.
anyways, i went with hajar aka JEN.
so hajar now uses her english name, JEN.
so it's 'hi, im jean and she's Jen'.
yup, i use my second name.
Mary Jean's too long.
Mary's too HOLY.
but COOL right!
i noe, like what the hell.
anyways, i met the rest of our girls there.
initial plan was that we go there with Eunice and Zuhui.
then i got hajar and me too late.
they waited for us like soo friggin long.
(to them: sorriieeee).
so they went off to Dxo first after waiting for hours.
wells, i almost didnt make it outa my house lah.
first i had FLU and then i LOST my keys.
till now i cant find it!
so later after posting, im cleaning up my room.
like hopefully i even manage to find those precious keys.
mum will give another blast at me again if i dont.
okay getting on with last night.
on the way there i realised that i have NO form of IDENTIFICATION!
cos i lost my ezlink!
and it slipped my mind to bring my ic.
so yeahs i got the others worried that i cant enter.
but deep down i know i can!
dunno how also.
but i guess not having an ID wont stop me from going.
anyways, we went to DXO with Jen's guy friends and their girlfriend.
her name's Katy.
hope i spelt it correctly.
then at DXO we kinda split cos we joined with our girls.
crys, sher,eunice and zuhui.
there were 6 of us.
wells, like i said i know i can enter without an ID.
hell, the bouncer looked soo fierce but i thought it's fine.
so i ask to speak to him and explain my situation.
rather than gaining entry 'illegally' when im of a LEGAL age!
that is sucha shame you know.
i spoke the truth and i guess that's why i GOT in.
wells, think of it.
if i lose my ezlink, and im a foreign student,
what other form of ID can i show??
but anyways, the night was fine.
gosh i think im turning lesbian on the dance floor.
haha dont worry im STRAIGHT!
the most irritating part that we girls cant avoid is when the guys move in on us.
i mean we cant help that.
plus it was friggin crowded anyways.
but we just danced with each other and all.
in a while they got tired of dancing us up.
some were just fine dancing around us.
we're fine with it.
as long as they dont come too close.
become unwanted grinders.
wells with crystal, it's good too.
cos her bf's guys can block us from unwanted guys.
i had the mood till like 3am.
after which i really cant take the heat anymore.
i just have to rest.
and so i just chilled with jen on the sofa.
the rest of my girls got split.
eunice, zuhui,sher were together.
crystal left early cos she wasnt that well and her bf was ard.
jen and i hanged with the initial ppl we came with to the club.
they were ok.
Katy hung with jen and i.
so yeahs.
we just danced and danced with one another.
plus katy is attached.
so that makes us more determined to dance with ourselves only.
but after a while jen and her danced with the guys.
as in our guy friends.
i was resting by the stage at that time.
when the whole thing ended we split from the 'guys-and-a-girl' group.
i'll call it Haziq's group.
and then we found our initial girls!
but minus crys.
later we went to some coffeeshop at BOAT QUAY.
this time with another group.
but eunice and zuhui was with us.
later sher took a cab back home.
the 4 of us wanted an early breakfast.
so we went with another group.
it was daryl's group.
raymond led the way but only got us round and round to Boat Quay.
no choice lor.
but thanks to err another guy, forgot the name.
he offered me his jacket.
it was frigging cold due to the rain!
wells, the guys in the group gave their umbrellas and jackets to us girls.
(thanx dudes)
wells, on the way home.
i smsed sweetie and was surprise that sweetie was still awake.
(idiot you sweetie. if you're reading this!)
tell me which ite will even have that in their course list.
but anyways, to those who made it in sec 5, CONGRATS.
i heard the N results are out.
i cant wait for my turn to collect my Os result.
the dread.
the anxiety.
the fear.
but i still hope i'd get to the school and course of my choice.
i need at most 14 pts!
hope i can lah.
if not.
wells, as i was saying on the way home.
i almost slipped and fell, banged my head on the mrt door.
and then again on the mrt window.
really man.
i can really be frigging clumsy.
and jen just have to laugh and laugh.
i pretended not to know her when her laughter got worst.
idiot you.
jen and i hit the bed by 7.30am.
tonight i maybe joining my girls eunice and zuhui.
and yeah more friends Amanda and Jia Lin.
they be joining tonight.
jen and i are like contemplating to go but yeahs.
most probably we hitting Bumbles tonight.
or Attica.
not sure yet.
i have work at 6pm!
till 11pm.
maybe i getting off from work early.
IF jen and i are joining.
i will have to delay the pics.
it's all with zuhui.
she and eunice arent home.
they booked a hotel to crash at.
so yeahs.
so sorriieee you guys.
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