

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tiredness is a disease

Everyone goes through a phase where they're tired of something.

They're tired of their life, job, friendship, relationship... Even tired of themselves.

People get tired due to various reasons. It's important to know where the source of our tiredness, and it comes from doing too much.

We have different degrees of strength and vitality. While others may be doing millions of things at one go, some of us may not be doing so much (in plain sight) but we still feel tired nonetheless.

Finding out the source of tiredness is the key to finding out how we can rejuvenate ourselves, and ever ready for the many tasks that lies ahead.

Whatever the cause of your tiredness, it's always important to acknowledge it. Don't live in denial. It may be that you're overworking, not sleeping at the right time, and perhaps not eating the right food.

You have to figure out the source.

Once you've figured out the reasons for your tiredness. You need to act right away on how you can turn it around, to recuperate and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Also, you have to identify which areas of your life that's contributing greatly to your tiredness.

It's not just one aspect of your life, it's every aspects.

Tiredness can be in the form physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When you are tired physically, all the other platforms of yourself is also affected. When you're emotionally tired, it shows in your mental, physical and spiritual self as well. It's inescapable.

Once you're tired in one aspect, you're going to be tired in all aspect. It's just a matter of time.

Why is it that you must identify the source and act on resolutions fast?

Because tiredness is a disease.

It spreads.

And when you're tired, you display it across all areas of your life - family, work, relationships, and even in your prayer life.

You are prone to negativity.
It's true. When you're tired, you're more likely to react to the smallest remark in a more nasty manner than you would have when you're not tired.

You cannot communicate effectively.
Because you're tired, your level of trying to express yourself, and to speak your mind is less effective, your mind just can't process the right way to do so. You're going to be a walking time bomb.

As a result, your relationships are not working out.
It's inevitable. Wallowed in negativity and unable to communicate effective, you can be sure that your relationships will go down south. It will not be as fulfilling as you wish it to be.

It's not that your partner, friend, family members are doing anything wrong, or doing everything wrong. You just wont have the capacity to accept them for who they are. You don't have enough space in your heart or mind to analyse the situation and what the person is trying to tell you when you're tired.

You will fall sick
No brainer here. Your immune system will fail you. You will feel lethargic, and you want to just lie down where you are and never budge.

Personal Testimony
Some time ago, I fell into a phase of tiredness due to my "overworking nature". I am not satisfied when one line item is not completed in the day. I want to finish it, preparing that tomorrow there will be new tasks and I'd better get rid of these ones at hand.

Slowly and surely, I started feeling unproductive. I became more dissatisfied. Red alerts sound when my friends and loved ones are telling me 'you're a workaholic' or 'you're working too much'. In my head I felt these people don't understand that completing these work I'm responsible for is very important to me. I stopped seeing people on regular basis, and my usual respond to invites were 'I'm busy' or 'I'm too tired, I am staying in to rest'.

Not long afterwards, I fell sick more often. Headache bands and constant colds came, and I got sick of being sick.

I felt as if I was in my teenage years where my vital level was so bad that I'm always having flu. At those times, it's due to over partying, and too much physical activities then.

The 3 years I put in place for myself to improve my immune system seemed to be going south...again.

There was an instance where someone I hold dear in my heart told me that I shouldn't work too much, that though work is important it's much important that I take care of myself.

My mum too started sitting me down to tell me that I must find the time for myself to rest, that it's not good for me. Then my best friends too, who have always been there to tell me off when I'm doing something not good.

Eventually, I came to terms with the fact that if these people who cares for me are telling me these, then there must be truth in it. All those around me were singing the same song that it's so hard for me to ignore.

But it's not after something that happened, which made me realized that all my hard work has gone under appreciated (according to my high expectations), that I pushed myself to work smart instead.

Working smart is still working hard, but with limits.

It was a humbling experience, and I'm going on with the resolved that I will take care of myself first and not pour all out to one thing.

I have many other things going on in my life that I have failed to pay closer attention to.

Heck, it's been awhile since I been on a date, and I never really bothered to go on any because I'm so engrossed with myself.

At the moment of course, i'm on the journey on finding the right balance, and to understand how much I've changed in the past few years; what's good to continue, and what's better to change.

Now, I'm thinking, sleeping, eating better than the previous months. If I can do it, so can you.

If there's anything more I can impart, it's that you must always remember you are not alone

When you feel tiredness creeping in, welcome feedback about how you think your loved in is 'losing you' to yourself. Talk to them. Listen to your loved ones and peers. What song are they singing together?

Are you doing too much or are you tired because your just being a sloth? Those who care about you will tell you just what you need, and not what you want to hear.

During my times of tiredness, I always hold on to this Bible verse;

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - Matthew 11: 28 - 30

HE's always there for you.

God bless!