Friday, August 24, 2012
I turn 24
I can't post pictures at the moment, because I want to keep them all till my birthday celebrations has ended. My celebration started from 19 Aug 2012. It has been fun and really full of love from all angles.
I am touched, and very appreciative of all the wonderful blessings and wishes that my family, close friends, colleagues and many long time friends has given me. It's a blessing to be able to celebrate my 24th with my grandpa as he is here in town, from July all through September.
But on 22nd Aug onwards, food after food after food is going into my system. Philisia took me out for Japanese Buffet which surprisingly went good :) We went to Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant at Orchard Central :)
On my birthday itself yesterday for lunch, my friends Dapheni and Jeremy came to celebrate me. Jeremy didn't want to tell me where the place was! And such a nice guy he is, fetched me from my building as it was raining and became my umbrella man all the way up the hill to the restaurant! (Oh, and back down to my office again). Eventually found out it's the 7107 Flavors of the Philippines :)
Dapheni dearie came and we were off ordering what's good on the menu. I must say it's a very costly pinoy food, but really good! It's up at Neil Road, and was from the Marina Square area. A lot of pinoys and locals come by to eat. And I'm such a lousy pinoy I didn't even know such a place existed!
So the party continues tomorrow at one of my favourite spot - 57 Chevy's!
With all my usual groups of friends joining tomorrow (from my long time friends to workmates to church mates), I invited them as long as they are just there to have fun and to celebrate me! It will be rocking good night! Hope this goes fun, I have hardly celebrated my birthday since Grandma passed away, so I'll make it good this year!
Majority are workmates actually. Let's hope I don't get drunk, I don't want my colleagues or AJ (from church) or whoever for that matter, to take disgusting pictures of me and tag in Facebook, especially NOT IN FACEBOOK.
Anyway at the moment tonight, I'm headed back home after some small agenda on the way. Then I'm going to rest! Then tomorrow morn, I'm going..... SHOPPING!
The whole afternoon, I aim to spend time with grandpa, the siblings and mimi, my cat before I head off to join Breeze and Debbie for KTV (maybe) before the party at Chevy's!
I'm happy once again, I'm spending my birthday with my dear good friend, Laura. She and I have travelled through all sorts of life phases, and now as we mature and are more inclined towards the faith, I'm glad to have her around again tomorrow. <3 p="p">
Let me end this post with poster Laura shared earlier today.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Holy Trinity Helps Phil Flood Victims
I am honoured to have had the opportunity to run another donation drive for my fellow countrymen's current tragedy. The recent weeks have been horrible for them, and I thank God that the Holy Trinity parish priest have given such wonderful support for the people of Philippines and allowed the donation drive to go on with his blessings.
It's sad to hear of the parishioners who have been stricken with this tragedy. I am always thankful that our place in Philippines is very far from this natural disasters. My family in Philippines is safe and sound.
Here are some of the photo collages I have done to sum up the donation drive event:
In total we collected 140+ bin bags and thanks to LBC Express for the free delivery shipping to the Philippines :)
It's sad to hear of the parishioners who have been stricken with this tragedy. I am always thankful that our place in Philippines is very far from this natural disasters. My family in Philippines is safe and sound.
Here are some of the photo collages I have done to sum up the donation drive event:
In total we collected 140+ bin bags and thanks to LBC Express for the free delivery shipping to the Philippines :)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Total Recall with LiveLaughLove & more!
Source: Wikipedia (
Watched Total Recall earlier with the LLL group and some wild card addition, Mario and auntie Rennie's friend, Auntie Serene. Laura's siblings, the two Jonathans' also came to join us. So in present from LLL, there's only me, Laura, Gloria and Auntie Rennie, with Kisho and Francis absent!
The movie was really good. The rating 3.5 / 5 does not do it justice! I was on my toes, attentive and interested in how everything went, even though most of the plot has been revealed through the trailer that I have seen.
Set in futuristic United Federation of Britain, where everything in this set of the world was complicated, from the transportation system, to the way of life and many more futuristic suggestion this movie contains. I couldn't imagine how it'd be like should Earth fall into great depression, global chemical or nuclear wars and devastate the world as we know it now. Bouncing back, we are then separated to two different powers struggling to dominate the colony, or whatever that's left of Earth.
Read more of the plot here
The entire futuristic vision of this movie amazes me, and I really feel that the characters are very well played by Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel.
I give this movie 4.5 / 5 stars.
After the movie, Karl & Keith left for home and shortly after upon reaching Wendy's, Mario left, not wanting to be the thorn amongst the roses. So it was Laura, Gloria, Aunties Rennie and Serene, and I catching up at Wendy's as we talked a lot about everything - life, future, religion, solar flare, angels, Bible and more.
We were there for more than 2hrs, and when it was time to go, we headed on still chatting about life and religion - Laura, Auntie Rennie and I. It was a really good conversation, such exchanges of thoughts, opinions, knowledge, beliefs and hopes.
Reached home and spent some time with Lolo watching replays of the Pinoy tele-series that we missed today. Besides, I didn't want to leave Lolo alone, who didn't feel sleepy yet.
Now, he's tucked in and I at this last few words bid adieu.
I'm off to bed for another long day tomorrow for cell, joining IGNITE! after such a long time.
Deacon Joseph will be giving a talk on Detachment from the World. Something that I am rather interested in hearing.
After cell, mass and then I hope to join for prayers of the rosary at Laura's Aunt's place as the Holy Family Shrine that makes rounds in Tampines homes, is currently placed there.
I want to end my day with a short quote:
"I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
I am in search of the truth.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Meteor Shower for my Bday!
It's going to be spectacular. I really do want to see shooting stars. Oh how I wish, and fantasise how he can be the one I admire the night sky with.
Ha.. but as soon as I think it, I need to erase him from my mind.
It's not forbidden, but I don't want to hope for nothing. I need to be practical. I need to shrug off how I feel for him. Slowly, I'm winning. But kinda falter today as I itched to want to see him.
Oh, shooting star.
*Starlight, star bright. First (shooting) star I see tonight... Wish I may, wish I might, grant me that wish, I wish tonight*
Internal conflict now~
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Thursday, August 9, 2012
What Matters the Most
There are about so many things that matter in my life.
Family, Church work, Career, Friends, Social Activities, Financial stability and many more.
I realize somehow that there isn't suppose to be anything bigger than my relationship with God. That amidst everything that is important in my life, my God should take the first place.
But being human, I falter, and I fall harder most times in my road to holiness.
A Carmelite nun told me before not to live like a nun outside the monastery. I fear losing touch with God and only after finally thinking things over that I will never lose touch with him if I always make the choice to renew my relationship with God.
Despite my iniquities and failures to follow Christ, I believe that God still loves and is faithful to me. He has something that I can never ever find in any lover, in any suitor, any date that I have had.
A handful of my friends asked if I ever really thought about being a nun. I said of course, then there's a but. I guess I don't see myself worthy, perhaps I find that I am not at a level of holiness that I can fully accept such a life that is demanded as a religious.
Also, deep down, I know I want to feel loved. Physical love.
Most times, I feel that the unconditional love that I search is most evidently only found with God. And I am honoured to have felt it, and to even felt the preview of eternal love with the Divine One. But, in prayers, I admit to Him that I want to have someone with me. Someone who accepts and loves me for me, and who better can give that but someone whom He sends.
However, for now, I know I am not ready yet.
And so I hover around, fluttering by like a butterfly till I finally find somewhere to land.
Family, Church work, Career, Friends, Social Activities, Financial stability and many more.
I realize somehow that there isn't suppose to be anything bigger than my relationship with God. That amidst everything that is important in my life, my God should take the first place.
But being human, I falter, and I fall harder most times in my road to holiness.
A Carmelite nun told me before not to live like a nun outside the monastery. I fear losing touch with God and only after finally thinking things over that I will never lose touch with him if I always make the choice to renew my relationship with God.
Despite my iniquities and failures to follow Christ, I believe that God still loves and is faithful to me. He has something that I can never ever find in any lover, in any suitor, any date that I have had.
A handful of my friends asked if I ever really thought about being a nun. I said of course, then there's a but. I guess I don't see myself worthy, perhaps I find that I am not at a level of holiness that I can fully accept such a life that is demanded as a religious.
Also, deep down, I know I want to feel loved. Physical love.
Most times, I feel that the unconditional love that I search is most evidently only found with God. And I am honoured to have felt it, and to even felt the preview of eternal love with the Divine One. But, in prayers, I admit to Him that I want to have someone with me. Someone who accepts and loves me for me, and who better can give that but someone whom He sends.
However, for now, I know I am not ready yet.
And so I hover around, fluttering by like a butterfly till I finally find somewhere to land.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
WHAT? 4 POST FOR 2012?!
I am horrible! I cannot believe that I've only done 4 posts so far this year.
And it's already past half of the year.
Summary Highlight:
My birthday is coming! Weee~
I'm not planning for a formal celebration actually, but I'm excited :)
Ana just turned 13, and she had a small birthday party because my mum decided to still hold her birthday on a weekday, so most of her friends have left by the time I came from work.
Lolo and Tita Barbara came to Singapore to visit, staying till September!
Got to know one of my ex, Shenath is now a husband to his fiance. Happy to know that he's on his way to building his own family!
I left Innocom! And moved on to iHub Media, Singapore's leading Social Media firm!
It's a good move and a quick one too.
Cousins started schooling, and they've gotten awesome results for their first semesters.
Ana has gotten two academic awards for English and History! And she's handling secondary school life good. No sign of adolescence's madness going on... yet!
Went for Conversion Experience Retreat (CER) as one of the batch 30 members. It's a wonderful experience and I am truly blessed to have attended. I have learned so much more about the faith, and I have done a deathbed confession that I never knew I could do without the dying the next moment.
I decided it was time to leave Innocom, not knowing where I will go and what's my plan, I tendered in my resignation.
Went to the zoo with the bridal grp of Ninik and Eldrid :)
I am horrible! I cannot believe that I've only done 4 posts so far this year.
And it's already past half of the year.
Summary Highlight:
My birthday is coming! Weee~
I'm not planning for a formal celebration actually, but I'm excited :)

Lolo and Tita Barbara came to Singapore to visit, staying till September!
Got to know one of my ex, Shenath is now a husband to his fiance. Happy to know that he's on his way to building his own family!
I left Innocom! And moved on to iHub Media, Singapore's leading Social Media firm!
It's a good move and a quick one too.
Cousins started schooling, and they've gotten awesome results for their first semesters.
Ana has gotten two academic awards for English and History! And she's handling secondary school life good. No sign of adolescence's madness going on... yet!
Went for Conversion Experience Retreat (CER) as one of the batch 30 members. It's a wonderful experience and I am truly blessed to have attended. I have learned so much more about the faith, and I have done a deathbed confession that I never knew I could do without the dying the next moment.
I decided it was time to leave Innocom, not knowing where I will go and what's my plan, I tendered in my resignation.
Went to the zoo with the bridal grp of Ninik and Eldrid :)
Papa's birthday.
And then a wonderful news! Daryl, a good ol' ex, became a dad! Happy for him on his way of wanting a family :)
Mum's birthday.
Done for the highlights :)
Hope to post a bit more, the coming days!
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